Obama Beat the Momma

Hillary Clinton spent quite a bit of energy on the “pimping out” remark made by David Shuster of PMS NBC. She did not spend much effort on the states that had primaries or caucuses yesterday and it showed in the voting that took place. Obama swept the states that voted and he won some of them quite handily bringing his delegate total much closer to hers (though there is not one source that agrees on the exact totals). Perhaps Hillary wrote off the states or maybe she did not have enough money to compete in them. Whatever the reason, she lost them handily.

Hillary is looking forward to the states of Texas and Ohio while trying to keep her eye on DC, Maryland and Virginia. The latest polls show Obama up by 16-18 in MD and VA so Clinton could lose more delegates on Tuesday. DC will more than likely go to Obama given the large black population in that District.

If Obama continues in this fashion Hillary might be surprised in Texas and Ohio. It would appear she needs to spend more time being a candidate. She said she was a mother first and she might end up being a mother watching from home on election night in November if she does not get back in gear.

Each Obama win makes it more difficult for Super Delegates to commit to Clinton in districts won by Obama. If the delegates fail to mirror the wishes of their constituents the convention might be chaotic and many voters might decide to vote against the people who represent them or against their party in the national election.

Howard Dean is hoping that the convention will not be brokered. He might be screaming again before this is all over.

On the Republican side, Mike Huckabee won two states in his effort to thwart John McCain. Huckabee’s strong showing indicates that conservatives are not happy with McCain and that he will have a fight ahead. Though he has a commanding lead, there are plenty of states to go.


Big Dog