McCain Looks To Regain Maverick Image

It is no secret that I supported John McCain in the last election. McCain was not my first choice nor was he my second or third but the media worked hard to get him the nomination and so we were stuck with him. I backed John McCain because he has some positions with which I agree and Obama has virtually none. However, McCain is not a conservative and I was not happy with him as the choice. The pundits have declared that conservatism is dead and that the last election was a repudiation of conservatism but since no conservative ran, the claims of its early demise are greatly exaggerated.

Make no mistake. I think McCain is a war hero and he endured challenges that most of us could never imagine or tolerate but his time as a POW, while character building and a tribute to him, is not the same issue as his political ideology.

John McCain was a media darling and they wanted him as the Republican choice because he would be tolerable to them if a Democrat did not win. Obama was their messiah and they wanted him but McCain was a good second choice. The media rapidly turned on McCain and that was something he did not like.

Now that the election is in the history books McCain is looking to regain his status in the media and his image as a maverick. John McCain is a “maverick” because he often sides with the left. There is a lot of legislation that has McCain-[Democrat name] in the title. One of them dealing with campaign finance reform bit him in the rear during the election.

McCain chided his colleagues over the desire of some to delay the confirmation of Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State. He told people that the election is over and the citizens have spoken. He said that we want them to work together.

Here is a newsflash for John, we have wanted the members to work together regardless of who won or how it turned out and not just for this election. These people get paid a lot of money and we expect they will work together to come to some kind of consensus as to what is best for the country. Instead, we get childish games based upon who is running for reelection and how positions will be perceived among the electorate. These people jockey for power and insist on putting in place measures they want as opposed to what the country wants.

The Democrats wanted 60 Senators so the could have a filibuster proof majority.

With Democrat-lite McCain, they just might have it.

At least the media will, once again, be happy with him.

Washington Post

Big Dog

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