Barack The Magic Negro Congers Feigned Indignation

The Democrats are as transparent as Saran Wrap. They are the party of racists, of racial intolerance and of racial inequality and they have no problems making some of the most racist statements ever uttered but when a person on the right makes a statement that can be twisted into racism, they go nuts. There is a controversy over a song parody that is nearly two years old and the reason that it is a problem is because a Republican sent it (on a CD with a number of other parodies) to some friends.

The song, Barack the Magic Negro, is a parody of an article written by a black LA Times reporter which is best described by Larry Elder in his latest Town Hall article:

David Ehrenstein, a writer who happens to be black and liberal, wrote an opinion piece in March 2007 in the Los Angeles Times called “Obama the ‘Magic Negro.'”

He argued that whites, according to sociologists, stereotype blacks as “dangerous.” But whites consider Obama accessible, likeable and “benign.” This, according to Ehrenstein, explains Obama’s “crossover” appeal.

Notice that the article called Obama the Magic Negro (a term that refers to a fictional black character, often viewed as mystical, who arrives to get the white main character out of trouble) and notice that the original piece is denigrating to both whites and blacks. It also demonstrates the racism prevalent on the left.

The parody actually takes aim at the Times article and the racism involved. It mocks the left (not Barack Obama or black people) and pokes fun at Al Sharpton. Any time you can poke fun at Sharpton it is worth the effort.

The left gets its collective panties in a wad over a song that is almost two years old and states that it demonstrates the overt racism in the Republican party, a tag that has been skillfully applied by the left who have been able to make that lie stick.

Fortunately, not everyone takes offense. The National Black Republican Association issued a press release a few days ago in which it takes the Democrats to task over the entire issue. Larry Elder, a black guy, spells it all out in the above linked article.

It will likely make no difference to the die hard left because they see racism every time a Republican breaks wind. Unfortunately, they have been assisted by several Republicans who have had negative things to say about the issue.

This is the America we live in. The left, for eight years now, has been calling George Bush a chimp. They claim he looks like a chimp and variations of the word chimp have been liberally used all this time. A guy in Georgia says that Obama looks like Curious George and has a T Shirt printed up and it is racist. I know people like Adam will say they are different circumstances and that there is a history of racism in this country, blah, blah but the truth is, if you want to be treated like an equal we cannot have two sets of rules. That is the whole issue with affirmative action, but I digress.

I encourage you to read the linked articles from the NBRA and from Larry Elder. It might also be helpful if you read the original LAT article (linked at the NBRA).

And if it makes you liberals feel any better, I don’t think there is anything magic about Obama though I have referred to him as the magic negro in the past. I thought that was what the left wanted him to be called but then I learned it was messiah.

*This post was edited to remove a sentence I decided did not belong

Big Dog

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