What Makes Congress So Special?

In any given city in America there is gun violence. This is particularly true in cities run by liberals and where there are strict gun laws. Criminals do not obey the law so innocent people are slaughtered regularly. The people living in these cities do not get armed guards and they do not get special treatment at the airport from the TSA.

The shooting of Congresswoman Giffords is still under investigation and already members are looking to make it a federal crime to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening to members of Congress.

What makes them so special?

These pampered people already work in a secure place and they have security details when indicated. The people shot in the real world do not have this protection and they are many more times likely to be shot than any member of Congress.

In true never let a crisis go to waste fashion, Representative Clyburn wants special rules for members of Congress so they do not have to get the same screening at airports that the rest of us do. What does the event in Arizona have to do with the airport?

Taking it one step further, Clyburn wants to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. The trumped up BS that right wing talk radio is responsible for this senseless act is driving Democrats to try to infringe even further on our freedoms.

Members of Congress are no more special than any of the rest of us and they do not deserve special treatment or special laws to keep people from criticizing them all under an umbrella of “perceived” as threatening. Perceived by whom?

The rhetoric is the same from both parties and there does not need to be special rules for the people of Congress. They do not need special treatment at the airport and they do not need a Fairness Doctrine.

The actions of this past weekend were those of a demented person hell bent on killing someone and all the laws in the world could not have prevented this tragedy from occurring.

The tragedy has been exploited by the left for political gain as the same people who told us not to jump to conclusions about Nadal Hasan are jumping to conclusions and they are doing so in order to further their agenda to take away as many of our freedoms as possible.

What happened to Giffords and all the other victims was absolutely horrible but our freedoms should not suffer because of them.

America is better than that no matter what the left thinks.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Don’t retreat, reload…
Big Dog


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