Maryland Governor Insults His Citizens

Anyone who has lived under the tyranny of Martin O’Malley knows his mere presence is an insult to Maryland citizens but he took things to a new low in an attack on the conservatives in the western part of the state.

O’Malley (or O’Moron as I like to call him) is a big supporter of illegal aliens. He likes them coming here and he is more than happy to ignore the law and violate his oath to get them here. He even calls them new Americans even though they are nothing of the sort.

Oh, and O’Moron wants to be the next president.

The federal government has allowed an invasion to take place on our southern border and is moving diseased people all over the nation. Democrats need to get these new Democrat voters spread out so when some sort of illegally granted amnesty or asylum takes place these folks can help get more Democrats elected.

The Obama regime was looking at an empty Reserve Center in Western Maryland as a site to house these folks. There was talk of putting them in Baltimore but that broke down. Congressman Andy Harris and local politicians in Western Maryland caught wind of the attempt to sneak illegals in and put an end to it.

O’Moron, who first expressed how we could not send these illegals back to certain death told the White House not to send these people to Western Maryland. It is not that O’moron does not want them in the state because he is certainly illegal alien friendly and his squinty little eyes look like dollar signs as he thinks of all the federal money that housing these illegals will bring.

No, he said that Western Maryland is a conservative part of the state and that it would not be an inviting (read safe) place.

While it is true they would not be welcomed there (the conservative part of the state is also law abiding so it would not want law breakers there) it is not a violent part of the state. Conservatives do not go around hurting people for the hell of it but O’Moron had to paint a picture of violent conservatives.

The reality is the people there would protest and make noise about this and call attention to the state and the illegals. This would not look good for O’Moron as he plots his path to the White House. How on Earth can this guy lead if his own people are protesting his actions? No, he wants them moved where they might be more accepted and he can avoid any embarrassment.

If he is worried about their safety then Baltimore is definitely out. In fact, most liberal parts of the state are out because they are dangerous. Remember, all the ghettos and dangerous cities in America are run by Democrats. Maryland is no different.

O’Moron insulted a large number of people living in Western Maryland and painted an unflattering picture of them.

I submit that the illegals who are coming here are dangerous and the people of Western Maryland would not be safe. These illegals are infiltrated with dangerous gang members who are recruiting from among their fellow illegals and many are carrying diseases that can cause a lot of people to get ill.

The people of Western Maryland are the ones who would be at risk not the O’Moron future voters in the illegal alien population.

Martin O’Malley is a liar (check into his bar application) and an anti Constitutional moron who infringes on the rights of the people. He is a violator of his oath and instead of a term in office as president he should get a term in a federal penitentiary.

Twenty-five years to life sounds reasonable.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did We Need A Poll To Know This?

A majority of Americans believe that Obama lies on important issues.

Sixty-one percent of respondents in the poll released Thursday said Obama lies at least some of the time on important issues. An additional 20 percent said he lies every now and then. Washington Examiner

Did we really need a poll to tell us that a majority believes Obama lies? I realize there are low information voters and an entire class of really unintelligent people but even many of them have to know that Obama lies, and not just about the important stuff.

He has been caught in a few major lies very recently (If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period).

He lied about Benghazi and he lied about Fast and Furious.

And nearly everything he said Obamacare would do was a lie.

These are major things and he has been caught lying about all of them. Even the dim witted have to see it.

So do most of us need any poll to tell us what we already know?

I guess it is good to have so Obama, who certainly does not believe it, can see what others think…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Not So Clean Reverend Al Sharpton

Looks like Al Sharpton worked as an informant for the FBI many years ago and he recorded mafia criminals and others law enforcement was interested in. One might think that this was an honorable thing for him to do. After all, he worked to get information on criminals so they could be brought to justice and that work could have ended up costing Sharpton his life. I mean, the guy is a civil rights activist and he wanted to clean up the neighborhoods in the black community so how much more honorable could his motives have been?

Well, it looks like Sharpton had motives that did not involve wanting to clean up black neighborhoods. He was not an informant because he felt some higher calling and wanted to help law enforcement.

No, Al helped out because he was caught doing some illegal things (though it might have been tough to get a conviction) and he was flipped by the FBI. The FBI told Sharpton they would not seek to prosecute him if he worked for them so he did.

His interests were purely in his own interest and he only helped out to stay out of trouble.

How would it look to the community if the Rev was indicted for criminal activity? Hell, Sharpton would not be able to extort money under the guise of civil rights if he was in jail.

The Smoking Gun has an extremely detailed story about Sharpton, his shady dealings and his conversion to FBI informant.

Al has denied most of the stuff in this story or has given a vastly different account but one cannot really believe what he says because he is a liar.

So even though some who are sympathetic to Al might want to give him the benefit of the doubt that idea needs to be resisted.

Yes, resist they MUCH…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bloomberg Is What They Had In Mind

Reporter Jason Mattera approached New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the governor’s conference in DC and asked him if he would disarm his security guards in the spirit of gun control. Bloomberg responded that he would get back to Mattera on that. His five armed guards worked to keep Mattera away from the Mayor and were not too happy about the questions. It seemed the question about why Bloomberg has armed guards when he wants to deny others the right to protect themselves struck a raw nerve.

As Bloomberg was whisked away by some of his detail one of the New York police officers who protect him approached Mattera and asked for ID. Mattera provided his press credentials and the officer asked for his driver’s license. Mattera told the officer he did not need that but the officer explained he needed to make sure the name on the press credentials matched the person presenting them. I am not sure if this officer had any authority in DC to make such a request. In any event, Mattera showed his driver’s license and the officer started to write down information until Mattera said something about him doing so.

This was nothing more than an attempt at intimidating Mattera. It was an attempt to make Mattera feel threatened and to let him know they were going to investigate him. Why else would the officer need to write anything down? Do you suppose he would have asked Chris Matthews for ID?

The officer followed Mattera around DC and asked him his date of birth (more intimidation) to which Mattera responded that it was none of his business.

Mattera had it absolutely right. Here is Bloomberg, in our Nation’s Capital, and he is surrounded by at least five armed guards. Why is he any more important than the people of DC or New York? Why is it the taxpayers of New York foot the bill to protect this jerk when he is bound and determined to deny those people the right to protect themselves? He has no problem taking their money and spending it on his own protection (when he is a billionaire to boot) but will not let them have guns to protect themselves. If they don’t need guns then he does not need armed guards, period.

Michael Bloomberg is the kind of politician our Founders had in mind when they protected our right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment. The right preexisted the Constitution and the Amendment does not give us the right, it acknowledges that it existed prior to the Constitution and protects it.

Any politician who tries to disarm American citizens is a traitor and should be treated as such. These are the kinds of people our Founders were wary of because they will usurp the Constitution and then abuse the people. Governments have disarmed people around the world and then murdered lots and lots of them. In fact, governments around the world have murdered more of their own people than any citizens ever have.

[note]When people are armed sometimes mass shootings occur. When they are disarmed genocide occurs.[/note]

I have added Bloomberg to my terror watch list. He joins Barack Obama and Martin O’Malley (among many others) on a list of people who are represent threats to the Constitution.

Mattera showed what happens when the elitist traitors are confronted about their hypocrisy.

Mattera had better watch his back of he might end up Breitbarted.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



The People’s Republik Of Maryland Led By “Adolph” O’Malley

Gun control does not work and even if it did the Second Amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms. In fact, it says that right shall NOT be infringed. The Governor of Maryland is following the lead of the anti American Governor of New York with draconian, and unconstitutional, gun legislation. In fact, it looks like Martin O’Malley is trying to one up Cum-o of NY. I guess he feels he needs to out Socialist the guy because both are mentioned as possible contenders for the presidency (God help us).

Martin O’Malley is anti American, period. He is trying to violate the rights of law abiding citizens with laws that will not do one damn thing to stop violence. Nothing proposed in the bill will stop violence and it will not prevent an incident like the one that happened in Connecticut, period.

But that is not stopping the Governor who is channeling his inner Hitler in order to intimidate people into compliance. Certain firearms, that the state calls assault weapons, (that is a fabricated name to make them sound scary) will be banned. Anyone who owns one prior to the ban can keep it but must register it with the state. Why does the state need firearms registered? So it can confiscate them when the next round of anti gun laws are brought to bear. If some tragedy occurs then the state will say it must now take those firearms and it will know where to go. The law forces compliance by enacting a high fine and minimum REQUIRED jail sentence of 5 years.

Hitler did that when he took over countries. Signs were posted indicating people had 24 hours to turn in all firearms or they would go to jail. Those who turned them in late were shot. Some who were found later were shot or jailed. Hitler’s forces were able to use the records from conquered areas to determine who had the firearms. The same kind of gun registration was tried here prior to America’s entry into WWII and it was shot down. Maryland’s anti American governor is doing the same thing. It is all about controlling people. But, but, that could not happen here. Tell the Japanese Americans from WWII that it could not happen. Tell the Native Americans that government will not disarm you and then murder you.

[note]Do you really think government will not abuse a database or use it in a fashion that is not allowed?[/note]

O’Malley happens to be a small minded pathetic little man with a god complex. He is an elitist who thinks he knows better than the rubes he was elected to lead. He has ignored his oath of office and he has abused the power he was given by the people. He seems to have forgotten that government derives its just power from the consent of those governed. Violating our rights is not a just power.

O’Malley and Obama are two peas in a pod. Obama is reportedly using a new litmus test to determine which officers will stay in the military. If they say they will obey orders to fire on Americans then they can stay. Those who will not will be shown the door.

How long will it be before Martin O’Malley has his National Guard and police forces training to disarm citizens and fire on them to accomplish that task?

I put nothing past this guy. He is a lowlife who claims that we need to save the children while supporting murder in the womb.

It is going to get very ugly around here if agents of the state fire on the people. I guess they will feel like it is alright because any new gun laws here will produce a whole new class of criminals; those who refused to comply.

Martin O’Malley is surrounded by armed police officers, who are paid for by taxpayers, to protect his sorry butt. Why is he any more important than the rest of us? Why are they armed with things the rest of us will be prohibited from owning?

It is always easy for those who are protected by armed guards to tell the rest of us we don’t need guns for protection.

New York is getting more totalitarian


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

