King Hussein Speaks At Camp Lejeune

The Evil One visited Camp Lejeune to deliver a speech to Marines discussing how he intends to end the war in Iraq. He also told them what a wonderful job they had done while failing to mention that the US had achieved victory which should surprise no one since Democrats have always said that we lost the war. They have continually ignored our successes and they have clearly communicated that none of George Bush’s initiatives, such as the surge, would work. Barack Obama and “Nobody messes with Joe” Biden opposed the surge and said it would not work. Both refuse to acknowledge that it worked or to give Bush credit for the success. In Obama’s speech I never heard the word victory.

The Marines were well behaved and gave him a warm reception because they respect the office the man holds. It does not appear from the faces in the crowd that they were too happy with the man or his plans. These brave young men and women are well aware of what Obama and Biden have said about the war. They are aware of the Democrats and their assertions that we had lost the war. These Marines were respectful but they did not look too happy. They know a poser when they see one but to introduce the blind to the differences, here is a video depicting how King Hussein and his VK (Vice King) opposed the surge and how they reacted to President Bush:

My friend Wild Thing has a great post with pictures to show the differences between the way Bush as Commander in Chief was received and how Obama as Community Organizer in Chief was received. It is obvious that the men and women who put their lives on the line know who supports them and who does not.

You see, the Marines heard Obama, his lips were moving but the words coming out did not register well. I am sure they had the same trouble with one particular part as I did:

Next month will mark the sixth anniversary of the war in Iraq. By any measure, this has already been a long war. For the men and women of America’s armed forces – and for your families – this war has been one of the most extraordinary chapters of service in the history of our nation. You have endured tour after tour after tour of duty. You have known the dangers of combat and the lonely distance of loved ones. You have fought against tyranny and disorder. You have bled for your best friends and for unknown Iraqis. And you have borne an enormous burden for your fellow citizens, while extending a precious opportunity to the people of Iraq. Under tough circumstances, the men and women of the United States military have served with honor, and succeeded beyond any expectation. [emphasis mine] Clips and Comment

No King Hussein, they have not succeeded beyond any expectation. They have succeeded beyond what you and your Vice King as well as you party expected because you ALL expected them to lose and your party declared them losers. Those of us who actually support the military know they have done exactly what we expected them to do and that is win. We know what victory is and the fact that you failed to mention it is quite telling about you. I bet you knew that word when you were running for office. The men and women performed exactly as we on the right, their true supporters, expected because we expected victory all along and that is what they have given us.

You posers on the left have no clue and the military is something that you all despise. Did King Hussein really increase defense spending or did the inclusion of war items, which have been off budget, give the appearance of an increase? Democrats are calling for drastic cuts and the only ones who want increased spending are those in the pockets of defense contractors. Couple this with the NON TRANSPARENT non disclosure memo the DOD folks had to sign agreeing not to disclose budget items and we can see there is something amiss.

The military is not important to the left and they often try to find ways to rid us of as much of it as possible. Barney Fwank, the Congressional dancing queen, continually recommends cuts to military spending (a Constitutional expense) so that we can have more social programs (not a Constitutional expense).

Obama and his minions believe our military has achieved more than was expected because they only expect victory when they run for office. At all other times the left wants to surrender to our enemies.

The men and women in our military know this and this is why 80% or so support Republicans.

Those Marines were respectful but they know it takes more than a community organizer to actually win a war.

Big Dog

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