Is It Time For War Crimes Charges?

Since the war on terror started the left has called for war crimes charges to be levied against George W Bush. It never happened, at least not yet, but that did not stop the daily calls for the charges. Barack Obama took control of the government with a promise to immediately ending the war**. Those plans changed somewhat when he realized that an immediate pull out would be disastrous.

Is it now time to call for charges of war crimes against Barack Obama?

President Hamid Karzai is condemning the US for strikes in Afghanistan that allegedly killed 16 civilians.

Karzai said the killing of innocent Afghans during U.S. military operations “is strengthening the terrorists.”


Karzai’s latest criticism follows a Saturday raid in Laghman province that the U.S. says killed 15 armed militants, including a woman with an RPG, but that Afghan officials say killed civilians.

Two women and three children were among the 16 dead civilians, Karzai said in a statement.

The attacks are strengthening the support of terrorists. Isn’t that what the left screamed about with regard to President Bush?

Obama is now in charge of the military and its operations. Are we now going to hear the left scream about civilian casualties and call for war crimes charges to be levied against The One?

Don’t hold your breath.

Obama lied, people died….

**Randy made a good point in the comments. Obama said he would end the war in Iraq, not Afghanistan. The way this is written is unclear and makes it appear as if he said he would end it all. He did not say that and he said he would increase the number of troops in Afghanistan. Sorry for the confusion.

My Way News

Big Dog

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