Barack Obama Sees The Light

Barack Obama met with a number of veteran’s organizations today and discussed his plan to have their service related disabilities paid for by private insurance. He listened to what they had to say and no doubt he realized that it would be political suicide to do this so he has decided to scrap the plan, at least for now.

A lot of people attacked this early and for good reason. Obama has shown that the way he gets things done is to steamroll the opposition. He bombards us until he gets his way. By the time any opposition can be mounted he has already achieved his goal. It was important to get out in front of him on this issue to ensure he never got any support. Remember, he has a database of 10 million that he can tap into for support.

In any respect, I am happy that he saw the light and did the right thing. I have no doubt in my mlitary mind that his was a political decision but I’ll take it anyway.

There are some who are saying they are finally in agreement with him on an issue. I agree with him on this as well but I also recognize that this should have NEVER been an issue.

We are ending up applauding him for not doing the wrong thing instead of doing the right thing to begin with.

To those who shouted this down, thank you.


Big Dog

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Barack Obama Will Screw Our Wounded Troops

The American Legion is not happy with the community organizer in chief because he has a plan to make soldiers pay for service related injuries though their private insurance. You read that right, the so called leader of the troops wants to try to save 540 million dollars by screwing over the troops.

American Legion Commander David K. Rehbein had a meeting with Obama to discuss this but it looks like his words fell on deaf ears because the plan looks like a go.

“It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,” said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. “He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it.”

The Commander, clearly angered as he emerged from the session said, “This reimbursement plan would be inconsistent with the mandate ‘ to care for him who shall have borne the battle’ given that the United States government sent members of the armed forces into harm’s way, and not private insurance companies. I say again that The American Legion does not and will not support any plan that seeks to bill a veteran for treatment of a service connected disability at the very agency that was created to treat the unique need of America’s veterans!” Yahoo News [emphasis mine]

I am not sure that pointing out the moral implications would ever have any effect because this guy is amoral. Look at the people he hung around with. He is a left wing dirt bag who does not care about the military. People commented that he was such a wonderful guy when I went after him for what I thought were slights. It is just imagined, they said. Well this is not anyone’s imagination and there is NO WAY anyone can say he cares for the troops. He does not care that the US is obligated to pay for these wounds and he does not care how this might hurt them.

Private insurance could get easily maxed out with one serious injury and the rest of the family would not get care and insurance rates could increase. No matter how you slice it this is a bad plan.

I know there are some veterans out there who voted for this guy. Are you happy now? This is how the jackass will treat you. Keep in mind that while you are putting your butt on the line and will have to pay for your care HE gets his care at Bethesda Navy Hospital. He gets the VIP treatment and he does not put his butt in any danger. Hell, he has a car that is better armored than some of our military vehicles.

Now that I got my dander up I can say that I do not think this will fly. Employers have an obligation to pay for the care of employees who are injured on the job and this would definitely be job related. Of course, the government can change the rules.

I told you folks who are in the military, get out while you can. For those thinking about going in, find something else. The country might be worth fighting for but why put your butt on the line for leaders who do not care about you? Let them send their children into the service. Let that coward in the White House strap on the gear and go into battle.

Maybe a million or so vets surrounding the White House or the Capitol would get their attention.

This should be dead on arrival. If Eric Shinseki allows this to happen he should be ashamed to call himself a soldier. It will call into question his care for soldiers.

In any event, this does not surprise me. Obama would rather spend 900 million dollars rebuilding Gaza, or a couple hundred million building Palestinian training camps than he would on the soldiers who serve THIS country.

My liberal friends remind me that the earmarks are a small portion of the bills presented. I wonder if that small percentage would cover the 540 million Obama is looking for. I am sure that we could find the money in the wasteful spending that has occurred in the last 2 months.

It is a matter of priority and Obama does not feel military members take priority. He would rather spend money paying for abortions overseas than take care of the troops.

All well and good but do the troops a favor. Stay home and don’t visit them in the combat zone. They have enough work fighting the enemy from other countries. They don’t need to be worried about the enemy from within.

Big Dog

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