Barack Obama Will Screw Our Wounded Troops

The American Legion is not happy with the community organizer in chief because he has a plan to make soldiers pay for service related injuries though their private insurance. You read that right, the so called leader of the troops wants to try to save 540 million dollars by screwing over the troops.

American Legion Commander David K. Rehbein had a meeting with Obama to discuss this but it looks like his words fell on deaf ears because the plan looks like a go.

“It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,” said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. “He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it.”

The Commander, clearly angered as he emerged from the session said, “This reimbursement plan would be inconsistent with the mandate ‘ to care for him who shall have borne the battle’ given that the United States government sent members of the armed forces into harm’s way, and not private insurance companies. I say again that The American Legion does not and will not support any plan that seeks to bill a veteran for treatment of a service connected disability at the very agency that was created to treat the unique need of America’s veterans!” Yahoo News [emphasis mine]

I am not sure that pointing out the moral implications would ever have any effect because this guy is amoral. Look at the people he hung around with. He is a left wing dirt bag who does not care about the military. People commented that he was such a wonderful guy when I went after him for what I thought were slights. It is just imagined, they said. Well this is not anyone’s imagination and there is NO WAY anyone can say he cares for the troops. He does not care that the US is obligated to pay for these wounds and he does not care how this might hurt them.

Private insurance could get easily maxed out with one serious injury and the rest of the family would not get care and insurance rates could increase. No matter how you slice it this is a bad plan.

I know there are some veterans out there who voted for this guy. Are you happy now? This is how the jackass will treat you. Keep in mind that while you are putting your butt on the line and will have to pay for your care HE gets his care at Bethesda Navy Hospital. He gets the VIP treatment and he does not put his butt in any danger. Hell, he has a car that is better armored than some of our military vehicles.

Now that I got my dander up I can say that I do not think this will fly. Employers have an obligation to pay for the care of employees who are injured on the job and this would definitely be job related. Of course, the government can change the rules.

I told you folks who are in the military, get out while you can. For those thinking about going in, find something else. The country might be worth fighting for but why put your butt on the line for leaders who do not care about you? Let them send their children into the service. Let that coward in the White House strap on the gear and go into battle.

Maybe a million or so vets surrounding the White House or the Capitol would get their attention.

This should be dead on arrival. If Eric Shinseki allows this to happen he should be ashamed to call himself a soldier. It will call into question his care for soldiers.

In any event, this does not surprise me. Obama would rather spend 900 million dollars rebuilding Gaza, or a couple hundred million building Palestinian training camps than he would on the soldiers who serve THIS country.

My liberal friends remind me that the earmarks are a small portion of the bills presented. I wonder if that small percentage would cover the 540 million Obama is looking for. I am sure that we could find the money in the wasteful spending that has occurred in the last 2 months.

It is a matter of priority and Obama does not feel military members take priority. He would rather spend money paying for abortions overseas than take care of the troops.

All well and good but do the troops a favor. Stay home and don’t visit them in the combat zone. They have enough work fighting the enemy from other countries. They don’t need to be worried about the enemy from within.

Big Dog

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19 Responses to “Barack Obama Will Screw Our Wounded Troops”

  1. Adam says:

    I think this video does a good job of showing the liberal side of this issue. It’s pretty clear that Obama will as it says in the video “be hit from all sides on this issue.” As well he should.

    IAVA Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff feels pretty confident that Obama will listen to the voices of dissent on this issue and trash this entire idea because really it’s a no-win situation for Obama and he will get no support whatsoever on it. I guess we’ll wait and see.

  2. FairestWitness says:

    I knew Obama had no respect for our military or their sacrifices. Denying the health care owed to wounded & afflicted veterans has got to be devastating to soldiers’ morale. That’s the real agenda here. Our all-volunteer military is under attack by the new Commander-In-Chief. What have the voters of this country done to us? It’s hard to comprehend this. We have a President who has no regard or respect for America, Americans or our way of life. He despises us. And a majority of American voters put this traitor in the White House. Talk about disillusionment. I am beyond despondent.

    • Bunny Colvin says:


      “We have a President who has no regard or respect for America, Americans or our way of life. He despises us.”

      Why would someone with no regard or respect for America run for President? Why even go to law school? To learn the system of law of a country he disrespects? Why teach constitutional law to some of the brightest young minds in the country he supposedly hates?

      Makes no sense to me. Or do you have some “insider info” about Obama? Can you, like Barbara, see the “Mark of the Beast”? Please give us your testimony.

      • Big Dog says:

        If you read or heard what he said about the Constitution then you would have to question what kind of scholar he actually is.

      • FairestWitness says:

        Think about this for a second; President Obama wants to provide healthcare for every piece of excrement who contributes nothing to our society, in fact are drains on it …. BUT wants to kick wounded soldiers off the healthcare rolls and turn over their care to private insurance. These wounded heroes, who sacrifice everything for us, don’t deserve to be taken care of when they’re wounded in action. Yet illegal aliens, welfare recipients, lazy jerks … these are the folks he thinks deserve FREE healthcare. DOES ANYONE SEE THE IRONY IN THIS?????

        Bunny, do you get my drift?

  3. Wild Thing says:

    Thank you Big Dog for posting about this. I talked to some people at the gym about it today and they had no idea at all that this was happening. I wish the media would talk about this, all this AIG stuff is all they are talking about lately and this is soooooo important to get the word out about what is happening. Obama loathes our military and he shows in every way he can.

    I came by also to wish you a Happy Birthday BD!! Thank you for all you do and for your friendship and blog being a year round birthday gift to all of us.

    • Big Dog says:

      Thank you very much my most beautiful friend. All my best to you and your hubby (I won’t say his name to keep it private).

      We all need to pull together for the vets. They come first.

  4. Barbara says:

    Bunny, Obama is not the anti-christ, but I firmly believe he is the forerunner of him. In my opinion, Obama has been placed in office to bring America to the point that it will be easy for the anti-christ to take over at the right time. If you read scripture, I believe every prophecy has taken place, so we are ready for the Rapture or carrying-away as scripture says. The only positive point that I can see in his attack on the military is now he has a heck of a lot of people who hate him and thus will not get a 2nd term in office. Thank God!

  5. SpideyTerry says:

    This is truly disgusting. This never would’ve happened under McCain – an obvious fact given his history. Where does Obama get off trying to screw veterans – people who have done far more for this country than just give a speech with the aid of a teleprompter? I was never a supporter of his, but I am truly ashamed of him. This goes way beyond mere disagreements about words or policies.

    BTW, I’ve mentioned this to my dad, who voted for Obama, several times. He certainly finds it reprehensible, but he’s noted that he hasn’t seen or read about it in the news. Hmm, wonder why? (Sarcastic question? What sarcastic question?)

    And Obama is not the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ is a fearsome, powerful threat to be reckoned with and taken quite seriously. Obama is just an incompetent pinhead currently benefiting from the color of his skin. (Yeah, I’m sure those last seven words will really rile some up, but it’s the truth. A lot of people voted for him solely so they could later say, “I helped vote in the first black president.”)

  6. Adam says:

    If Obama continues with this plan as some of the VA folks seem to paint it then it will be the first thing he’s done so far that I flat out oppose. I think it’s good to note that it isn’t even out of a discussion phase and the VA folks meeting with him feel confident it won’t make it much further. We don’t know very many details at all yet.

    The logic is not in this subject, frankly. Even if I accept Obama simply hates the troops (which I think is dumb and without strong evidence) why would Obama be stupid enough to be so blatant about it? It’s impossible to reconcile this with the smart, savvy politician that won the White House. Not every piece of Obama’s policies has been popular with the public but this is so far out there that he’d be a total moron to pursue it.

    I say give it more time and see where he’s going with this policy before you post any more long winded rants about how Obama hates the troops. I feel like if you railed against a president for everything he simply considered doing versus what was actually done then no president would stand up to scrutiny. The parties involved are correct to be concerned but at this point I feel like that’s all it is: concern.

    • Angi says:

      Unfortunately, it’s a little more than just “in discussion phase.”

      It’s in the budget.


      and here.

      • Adam says:

        Obama is slated to meet with VA folks again today to talk about this and I hope he sees the light. I don’t think anybody on any side of this argument sees what Obama apparently sees when it comes to increasing third-party collections using veterans private insurance.

      • Adam says:

        I think it’s important to note this in the article you cite:

        The Administration included in its 2010 budget proposal an increase in “third-party collections” at VA health care centers. Veterans groups say that the only way the govenment [sic] can realize that projected revenue is to begin charging veterans for service-related injuries.

        This is a budget proposal, not a final budget first of all, second he hasn’t stated how he intends to increase collections, just that the VA can only determine it is through the talk of billing private insurances. I’m not trying to cover for Obama here because I do not support the plan whatsoever, I just still contend that there is very little in the way of fact and a whole lot of speculation driving this conversation.

        • Big Dog says:

          I think it is clear from the AL Commander what they discussed and what Obam wants to do. I found out today that the VA is already charging private insurance and vets have been fighting it for a while. Don’t know if this can be verified because it was a vet on the radio so I don’t know the particulars.

          I think that things need to be headed off early. We have seen how Obama steamrolls when he wants something and if we don’t have noisy opposition early it will be a done deal before we realize it.

  7. Harry says:


  8. Mr Pink Eyes says:

    It looks as though Barack Obama has had a change of heart and is giving up this idea, at least that is what Nancy Pelosi said today. But that doesn’t change what his intentions were. Obama caved to public pressure but if he didn’t feel that pressure he was all too willing to screw over the vets even as he is sending 17,000 of them over to Afghanistan.
    This man exposed himself and the contempt he has for the military.

  9. Sarah says:

    Obama isn’t screwing over our troops, it was a nice attention grabber but definetly not the truth. Billing a soldiers insurance company has been a VA practice for many years, it has nothing to do with our current president. I work for the VA, I know for sure. What is wrong with billing an insurance company anyway? Are you out to protect our nations precious HMO’s?<-(That’s sarcasim in case you didn’t pick up on my tone). The more $ the VA can bring in, the more we can put into providing the quality of care our vetran’s deserve. Reading your article made me feel like smacking you around a bit. Do some research next time.

    • Big Dog says:

      Billing soldiers for non service connected has taken place. It has not always been so to bill private insurance for service related injuries.

      What is the big deal? Suppose you are at work and you are using some office equipment and it malfunctions and injures you. Your injury is work related and your boss is responsible for taking care of it. If you got hurt at work and had to pay insurance premiums and co pays for the injury it would not be right. I can’t believe you even asked that since you claim to work at the VA.

      The VA was established to provide this care paid for by their employer, the government. If soldiers are going to have to use their private insurance then why do we even need the VA system? Maybe you are on to something. We can close down the VA and let our vets go to their own doctors. Think of how much money we will save. You won’t have a job but what is wrong with that?

      And you felt like smacking me around? As if you could. Research? You are not the only person who works at the VA. I have quite a few friends who work there.

  10. Sarah says:

    If I got hurt anywhere, I would go to the Dr and I would have my insurance pay for it (especially when it comes to not wanting to deal w/ worker’s comp). I think everyone wants to hold someone responsible for anything and everything, more than they should.

    My Dad is 100% service connected and found out years ago that the VA billed his private insurance company (through my mothers work). He was upset (and so was I) initially. It may not have been listed as a policy, but it was in practice. I can’t help it but think (hope) that all the money they collect is re-invested into expanding the types and quality of services they provide out vets.

    Constructing a new system for our vets may be the right answer, the one we have has many flaws. Thats part of the reason I still work here (I fight for these guys over here…they fought Service connected vet’s are never billed by the VA for those services nor are they required to have private health insurance. If they happen to have it, the VA bills it. If we were to find out that money brought in was not re-invested to the system, then we’d have a big issue at hand.

    Smacking anyone around was ment to grab your attention, not as an actual threat! It was used – in a lack of better words – to put your panties in a bunch the way mine were when I read the article and the proceeding comments. So there you have it no threats, just sharing information peacefully. So, if you do have friends (working at the VA!), find out if all vets w/ SC injuries and private insurance have had this done or just some of them. Maybe billing my Dads insurance was a fluke (multiple times), I doubt it but maybe. Let me know, I will log on and check for a response in a few days.