Mexican Murderer’s Fate Obscured by Bush

An interesting twist has developed in the death penalty fast lane known as Texas. The former Governor of Texas, George Bush, is trying to block the execution of a Mexican who was sentenced to death for raping and brutally murdering two girls. This is the same Bush who had an express lane to the executioner and who presided over a lot of executions. Not that I think there is anything wrong with a fast lane to ole Sparky. I believe that waiting 20 or 25 years to execute a murderer is way too long so I applaud the Texas method.

What I am amazed at is that George Bush would try to halt the execution of a Mexican killer. Can someone tell me what it is the Mexicans have over George Bush. Do they have pictures of him in a brothel, or smoking crack? He constantly looks out for their interests at the expense of Amercian interests. One only needs to remember the Amnesty fiasco he tried to shove down our throats to know where his allegiance is. Now he is trying to stop the execution of a murderer.

First of all, this is a state matter and the federal folks need to back off. Secondly, the US needs to tell Mexico to take an aeronautical intercourse at a revolving pastry. Mexico has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the murderer and 50 other Mexicans on death row. Why is it the Mexican government gets involved with its citizens who come here and murder but wants nothing to do with them otherwise? So long as Mexico can send these leeches up here to suck the lifeblood out of our economy they are happy. As soon as they commit a crime and are sentenced, the Mexicans want to file a lawsuit. It is amazing that the same people who use our laws to their advantage want to ignore our laws when they get punished.

I have a few ideas that will help out. First of all, instead of voting on the condemnation of Rush Limbaugh, the Congress can vote to condemn Mexico. Then, we can answer Mexico’s lawsuit by filing one of our own for all the money that their citizens have syphoned out of our economy by breaking the law. We can sue them for the money plus interest. That should keep them picking fruit for a very long time to pay the bill.

Another thing we can do is take the Mexicans who have been convicted of murder and execute them. If there is a doubt about evidence in any case they can let that go through appeal but for the ones where there is irrefutable evidence, I say line the bastards up and shoot them. It is not cruel and unusual punishment, they will have died of lead poisoning.

I am getting a little tired of the Mexicans and their candy assed government and its attitude that somehow America owes them something. They should be happy we did not wipe them out and take their country after the Alamo. They should also be happy we are not air dropping Mexican ILLEGALS from airplanes back whence they came.

As for the Mexican consulate and the government officials of Mexico, if one of these girls were my daughter and you helped the murderer, I would hunt you down, chain you to my bumper, and drag you until there was not enough left to fill a taco shell.

I am surprised the people of Texas have not told their former governor to mind his own damned business and then executed these murderers.


Big Dog