We Need A Flu To Close The Border?

I have been wondering what the open borders crowd is saying now that swine flu is affecting a few folks and it seems to be heavily concentrated in Mexico. You see, all the ILLEGALS who walk across our border could be sick with about any disease and no one would know. They did not have to prove they were healthy to get here, they just walked in. There were cases of TB being brought in and now there is a good possibility that any ILLEGAL showing up in the US will be carrying the swine flu and that it will be transmitted to Americans.

I am not saying that we should be all worried about the flu, not yet anyway, but this is a clear example of how ILLEGAL immigration can harm us.

We have been calling for the border to be closed for a long time. Ted Kennedy pushed for amnesty two times in the past and each time he promised that ILLEGAL immigration would stop and we would not need another amnesty. He was part of the crowd that tried to pass amnesty last year

Now, a Democrat from New York is calling for the border between Mexico and the US to be closed during the flu outbreak.

Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) said the border should be closed until the threat is resolved.

“The public needs to be aware of the serious threat of swine flu, and we need to close our borders to Mexico immediately and completely until this is resolved,” Massa said in a statement.

“I am making this announcement because I see this as a serious threat to the health of the American public and I do not believe this issue is receiving the attention it needs to have in the news,” Massa said. The Hill

He is only half right. We need to close the border but we do not need to reopen it except at designated crossings where border patrol agents are stationed. We need to shut down the border NOW and we need to keep it shut down because swine flu is not the only thing ILLEGALS can bring into this country. They can bring in TB, AIDS, hepatitis, and any number of pathogens that can do us harm.

And yes, I know these diseases exist without the ILLEGALS but ILLEGALS live in the shadows which means they are less likely to be treated. This means more diseases being spread.

It should not take a flu outbreak to get our government to do its job and secure our borders.

Big Dog

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Treasury Selection Fails To Pay Taxes

The man Barack Obama selected to head Treasury failed to pay about $34,000 in taxes. Timothy Geithner was selected to run the Treasury and he is unable to do what he will expect the rest of us to do. I guess he got his training from Charlie Rangel.

What is it about Democrats that makes them want to tax the hell out of us but not to want to pay their own taxes?

Barack Obama must be slightly embarrassed by this little event given his multi-page vetting form that should have picked this up right away. But incoming White House spokesman Robert Gibbs explained it all away:

“He’s dedicated his career to our country and served with honor, intelligence and distinction,” incoming White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. “That service should not be tarnished by honest mistakes, which, upon learning of them, he quickly addressed.” My Way News

You see, this is a lie. He paid the taxes a few days before his nomination was announced but that was not “upon learning of them” as indicated. Geithner was informed by the IRS that he owed money in 2006 which was two years ago. Additionally, he failed to pay his taxes on more than one occasion. The truth is that he went for years owing taxes to the government.

If he has such blatant disregard for the law as a citizen how will he act when he is in charge of Treasury?

Geithner also employed an illegal, or as the spokesman calls her, a person without documents.

Geithner also didn’t realize a housekeeper he paid in 2004 and 2005 did not have current employment documentation as an immigrant for the final three months she worked for him, the transition official said.

Boy, the Obama team really missed two big issues with this guy. I hope they pay a bit more attention when they are running the country.

Wall Street Journal

Big Dog

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Another Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants

Federal agents raided eight Casa Fiesta restaurants in Ohio and arrested workers who were brought here illegally to work. The feds nabbed cooks, dishwashers, and waitresses who were brought here in violation of the law. Fifty-eight illegals were arrested and will probably be deported. Of course, advocates for the law breakers reacted to the raids:

… part of larger workplace enforcement strategy that infuriates immigrant advocates, who say it brings down the hammer on hapless workers.

“These people are not criminals,” said David Leopold, a Cleveland immigration lawyer. “The worst thing you can say about them is they came here to feed their families.” The Plain Dealer

From what planet is this moron where people who break the law are NOT criminals. They are here illegally which means they broke the law which in turn means they are criminals. The fact that they only want to feed their families makes no difference whatsoever. Regardless of the motive, these people are law breakers. If a guy robs a liquor store so he will have money to feed his family he is still going to go to jail for the crime. The fact that he only wanted to feed his family is of no consequence.

The only thing I find a problem with in all this is that they did not say whether the employers would be fined. Any employer who willingly hires illegals should be fined a huge sum of money per illegal. This will provide a great incentive for them not to break the law and if they hire too many the fines can put them out of business. A suitable punishment for employers who exploit illegals and abuse our system.

We need the feds to step up these raids and start shipping the illegals out by the truckloads. We also need to fine the employers and use the money to start building the wall on our southern border.

Big Dog

Alien from Roswell Deported

Though Roswell is known for the aliens that people believe are held there by the government, it is actually home to other aliens that school officials are trying to keep the government from getting rid of. An 18 year old pregnant ILLEGAL immigrant was deported after she failed to provide proper identification. She was given a ticket for driving without a license and was given a few days to present some identification. She did not and was reported to Immigration Services. She was deported to Mexico because she was here ILLEGALLY.

There are people up in arms about this and of course there are children afraid. They are afraid because they are ILLEGAL and know they are breaking the law. It is pretty plain and simple and should not need to be explained. This woman was 18 years old and that makes her an adult. There is no need to get a parent involved because she is an adult. She is also pregnant so I am sure she has been making some of her own decisions. Those complaining talk about violation of human rights, blah, blah. Her human rights were not violated because she was treated humanely. As for civil rights, well she has none here. A civil right is one granted by virtue of citizenship:

: the nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially : the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress Webster

She is not a citizen so she has no civil rights and the Constitution does not apply to her. She was treated fairly under the law. I believe the people are upset because if she does not get back here she will not have her jackpot baby on US soil. Until Congress clarifies the law to apply as the writers of the 14th Amendment intended, her kid would be a citizen if born here (jackpot, we are in and can rob American taxpayers blind). I have written about the 14th before and what it means but a footnote in a different ruling by the SCOTUS has been misinterpreted to give citizenship to any kid that pops out of someone who is not a citizen (or subject to the jurisdiction thereof). The unfortunate thing is the teachers in this school are probably unaware of this and they are teaching the next generation.

The tragedy in all this is not that some ILLEGAL was deported or that her jackpot kid might not be born here or even that kids are afraid. The real crime is that the Student Resource Officer (and officer in the Roswell Police Department), Charlie Corn, has been relieved of his duties and the school board decided to remove all RSOs from the schools.

Isn’t this great? The lesson, boys and girls, is that is you do not like the law remove the people who enforce it. Just change the rules so that the laws do not apply to you and your ILLEGAL activity. I wonder if they would have removed the officer if he arrested a drug dealer. I also wonder who will shoulder the blame if an incident happens (Columbine ring a bell) and there are no officers in the schools.

This is a shame and it shows how far liberal twits will go to appease law breakers. What they should be concerned with is teaching these kids right from wrong. It is hard to do that when the bureaucrats ignore the rules in order to allow law breakers to continue breaking the law.

I am personally tired of hearing people cry every time some ILLEGAL gets deported. I am also tired of this mentality that they are owed something or are entitled to taxpayer funded services. They are law breakers and they should be treated accordingly. I think ICE should conduct immigration raids at all the schools a few times a month. That should get rid of them pretty quickly.

We need more officers like Corn and fewer bureaucrats like those on the Roswell school board.

A nation will not remain sovereign so long as it leaves its borders open and allows unfettered access to people who do not belong here. Surely there are crops to pick in Mexico.

Roswell Daily Record

Big Dog

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