Line Cutters Should be Beaten and then Arrested

Very few things infuriate me more than an ignorant schmuck who cuts in a line. I have no problems with polite people who ask like at the airport when they are running late for a flight. I will let people who ask me cut ahead of me in a heartbeat. What I cannot stand are the jackasses who think that they do not have to be bothered with standing in line. This also applies to large groups of people who have one person hold the place while they all screw off. They then show up and jump in front of scores of other people.

I especially cannot stand drivers who stay in a lane that is going to end so that they can pass everyone else who has slowed to a crawl. They wait until the last minute and shoot in or force their way in so they do not have to wait. One particular thing is what happens around Washington DC. On the Capitol Beltway the exit ramps have long approaches so traffic can pull over to exit without slowing the rest of the cars. Usually though, the traffic on the beltway is crawling along and no one is in the exit lane. That is when the people way in the back move to the right and go all the way down as if they are exiting the beltway and then they merge back into the traffic. Whenever I can, I move my vehicle over so I straddle the line and prevent these people from passing. I absolutely refuse to let people who pass everyone in. I will inch up to the guy in front of me just to keep them from getting in.

Why am I mentioning this? A doctor in California has been arrested because he took a tire iron out of his car and went to greet the inconsiderate moron who cut in front of him and everyone else waiting to get gas. The coward who pulled in locked his car up and called the police and they arrested the doctor instead of the real criminal. It is not bad enough that gasoline costs a lot of money and that sometimes the lines to get gas get long but having someone pull in front of you is basically the last straw. The doctor should have offered the driver the chance to get back in line. If he refused the doctor should have smashed up the car and the guy inside. In today’s society, this seems to be the only way to get people with bad behavior to notice.

That jackass would have been oblivious to everyone else had he been left alone. He would have pumped his gas while everyone else was calling him names. I doubt this made much difference but I would hope he thinks twice about cutting in line again. I certainly know how that doctor feels. When I am in slow moving traffic and the aforementioned idiots cut in line I feel like dragging them out of their cars and beating them half to death. I find myself hoping that there is a huge semi in a blind spot when they zoom by. The thought of them going through the windshield while trying to cut the line brings a smile to my face. I am always hoping that a cop is at the end handing out tickets but the only time you see them is when the warm light at Krispy Kreme comes on.

Line cutters are ignorant and their behavior should not be tolerated. I have had quite a bit of fun telling people that they are cutting a line and that they need to go to the end. I love it. They show up to the airport or some other public gathering where folks stand in line an they walk past everyone and kind of shuffle into the line. “Excuse me, the end of the line is back there and you need to get there.”

I am with the doctor on this one. The driver should have been dragged from his car and strapped to the hood. Then they could move it out of the way and into the hot sun. After while his manners would improve and he could be cut loose.

Pain is the fastest teacher. People will avoid a painful situation after only one occurrence. They will however, keep doing whatever they get away with or whatever they are rewarded for.

This guy should have felt some pain.


Big Dog