Here’s Hussein!

Yes folks, he is beginning to shed his skin as he slithers over to the muslim world to prostrate himself before the Middle East and demonstrate that he will be a muslim puppy for anyone with islamic roots. First stop- Saudi Arabia, where Hussein could begin to emphasize his middle name, and of course, his religious affiliation. One has to believe that he was shaking like a chihuahua with a brain seizure just to be near the Saudi King, the “Protector of Mecca and Medina”, or some such title.

But the real focus on his America is Wrong tour was the speech in Cairo, where he went out of his way to say that things must change (at least on our side), and we are sorry.

Some of Mr. Obama’s language drew appreciative applause from his audience at Cairo University as he delivered a sweeping message that was forceful — and at times scolding — promoting democracy in Egypt, warning Israelis against building new settlements, and acknowledging that the United States had fallen short of its ideals, particularly in the Iraq war.

Of course he was scolding Israel- he is a muslim- he has admitted it now, and this is probably why he won’t go to Israel on this tour- he’s too busy sucking teat at the breast of the muslim world to look up and see reality. Between that, and his incredible conceit, he had them at Allah.

Mr. Obama offered few details for how to solve myriad problems and conflicts around the globe, but he offered up his own biography as a credible connection to his audience. While the message touched upon a litany of challenges, it boiled down to simply this: Barack Hussein Obama was standing at the podium as the American president.

“I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum,” Mr. Obama said, delivering a common greeting signifying peaceful intent.

This guy really doesn’t get it, but then why should he- he has ignored the real world his entire life, why should he start now? But between bin Laden’s taped message, and that of al Zarkawi previously, and then the video of an Al Qaida recruiter speaking of bringing anthrax over the Mexican border, I think that the muslim world isn’t listening to the Closet Muslim, but is still trying to kill us wherever they can.

The video is compelling- it first surfaced in February, but was vetted only recently as being legitimate- if you go to you tube, and type in Abdallah Nafisi/ anthrax, you will have the video you can watch. It is fairly disturbing, and points out one of the reasons that we need to close the border. But Hussein won’t do it, because it might offend someone who might vote for him- he is that crass and calculating.

So when anthrax comes to your town, which seems a certainty, given his loyalty to his muslim roots, you can be sure and thank Hussein Obama, that is if you and your family are still alive.
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King Hussein Speaks At Camp Lejeune

The Evil One visited Camp Lejeune to deliver a speech to Marines discussing how he intends to end the war in Iraq. He also told them what a wonderful job they had done while failing to mention that the US had achieved victory which should surprise no one since Democrats have always said that we lost the war. They have continually ignored our successes and they have clearly communicated that none of George Bush’s initiatives, such as the surge, would work. Barack Obama and “Nobody messes with Joe” Biden opposed the surge and said it would not work. Both refuse to acknowledge that it worked or to give Bush credit for the success. In Obama’s speech I never heard the word victory.

The Marines were well behaved and gave him a warm reception because they respect the office the man holds. It does not appear from the faces in the crowd that they were too happy with the man or his plans. These brave young men and women are well aware of what Obama and Biden have said about the war. They are aware of the Democrats and their assertions that we had lost the war. These Marines were respectful but they did not look too happy. They know a poser when they see one but to introduce the blind to the differences, here is a video depicting how King Hussein and his VK (Vice King) opposed the surge and how they reacted to President Bush:

My friend Wild Thing has a great post with pictures to show the differences between the way Bush as Commander in Chief was received and how Obama as Community Organizer in Chief was received. It is obvious that the men and women who put their lives on the line know who supports them and who does not.

You see, the Marines heard Obama, his lips were moving but the words coming out did not register well. I am sure they had the same trouble with one particular part as I did:

Next month will mark the sixth anniversary of the war in Iraq. By any measure, this has already been a long war. For the men and women of America’s armed forces – and for your families – this war has been one of the most extraordinary chapters of service in the history of our nation. You have endured tour after tour after tour of duty. You have known the dangers of combat and the lonely distance of loved ones. You have fought against tyranny and disorder. You have bled for your best friends and for unknown Iraqis. And you have borne an enormous burden for your fellow citizens, while extending a precious opportunity to the people of Iraq. Under tough circumstances, the men and women of the United States military have served with honor, and succeeded beyond any expectation. [emphasis mine] Clips and Comment

No King Hussein, they have not succeeded beyond any expectation. They have succeeded beyond what you and your Vice King as well as you party expected because you ALL expected them to lose and your party declared them losers. Those of us who actually support the military know they have done exactly what we expected them to do and that is win. We know what victory is and the fact that you failed to mention it is quite telling about you. I bet you knew that word when you were running for office. The men and women performed exactly as we on the right, their true supporters, expected because we expected victory all along and that is what they have given us.

You posers on the left have no clue and the military is something that you all despise. Did King Hussein really increase defense spending or did the inclusion of war items, which have been off budget, give the appearance of an increase? Democrats are calling for drastic cuts and the only ones who want increased spending are those in the pockets of defense contractors. Couple this with the NON TRANSPARENT non disclosure memo the DOD folks had to sign agreeing not to disclose budget items and we can see there is something amiss.

The military is not important to the left and they often try to find ways to rid us of as much of it as possible. Barney Fwank, the Congressional dancing queen, continually recommends cuts to military spending (a Constitutional expense) so that we can have more social programs (not a Constitutional expense).

Obama and his minions believe our military has achieved more than was expected because they only expect victory when they run for office. At all other times the left wants to surrender to our enemies.

The men and women in our military know this and this is why 80% or so support Republicans.

Those Marines were respectful but they know it takes more than a community organizer to actually win a war.

Big Dog

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Conscientious Objectors Not Allowed In Health Care

The Obama administration is great at manipulating the media. Of course, that is not an overly difficult task because most of the media are drinking from his Kool Aid dispenser. It is well known that the way to slip stuff in with little media attention is to slip it in on a Friday evening. Fortunately we have the Internet where people look for things and post about them. The latest turd was dropped last night:

Taking another step into the abortion debate, the Obama administration today will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows healthcare workers to deny abortion counseling or other family planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs, according to administration officials.

The rollback of the so-called conscience rule comes just two months after the Bush administration announced it late last year in one of its final policy initiatives. The Anchoress

The administration of The Evil One is doing this under the guise that the Bush initiative is misleading and confusing. They, of course, need to rewrite the thing or get rid of it all together.

This rule allows those health care professionals who are opposed to abortions to refuse to give counseling for them or to provide them. There is nothing wrong with people in the health care arena refusing things that they are opposed to. It is up to the health care professional to inform the patient of this and to indicate that the patient will have to look elsewhere for those services. It might go like this:

Patient: I really don’t want to have a baby and I have given it a lot of thought and I want an abortion. Can you schedule me for that?

Doctor: I’m sorry, I don’t believe in abortions so you will have to find another provider who does them.

What is difficult about that?

Those who oppose this method are worried that the conscience of some people will keep them from doing their jobs. The oft cited example is a pharmacy worker who will not dispense contraceptives, especially the “morning after” pill.

First of all, there are plenty of workers at pharmacies that will dispense the medication. Secondly, there are plenty of pharmacies for people to go to. There will be NO complete denial of services but people might have to go to a different place to do business. Scientologists do not believe in the use of psychotropic medication but I imagine that does not stop them from becoming pharmacists or from working in one. The government has not stepped in to ensure the people who need medication for their mental health are protected.

This is a slippery slope which might end up having the government dictate to health care providers that they have to provide abortion services even if they are opposed to them.

What will happen if health care providers are not allowed to practice within the confines of their beliefs? There will be fewer doctors in fields where abortions are performed. How will this extend? There are a lot of hospitals that are run by religious organizations. Will they be forced to provide abortions (or any other) services to which they are opposed?

King Hussein of America is already known to be in favor of unlimited abortion. He opposed legislation that allowed children born alive after a botched abortion to receive care. Despite what people say, and no matter why, he opposed it. His entire platform on this subject is pro abortion though he skillfully lies about it. There is a “Pro Life Obama” website that was funded by George Soros designed to specifically obfuscate The Evil One’s position on the subject. Gateway Pundit points this out.

This is one piece of a bigger puzzle. First they will tell doctors that they must provide services that they are opposed to. Then they will tax us to death to provide “cheap” health care for everyone to put private insurance providers out of business. After that everyone will be on the government’s health care rolls.

It won’t be long before some bean counter is deciding what treatments are allowed based on age, lifestyle and cost.

The United States of America will become the United Socialist States of America and we will have a “wonderful” system like they do in England.

Socialists do not take over all at once. They slowly chip away at things until one day the population wakes up and realizes it no longer has control of its own destiny.

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” Norman Thomas

Obama and his liberal comrades are working on making this happen.

Big Dog

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Obama’s Middle Name Brings In The Feds

A sheriff mentioned the name Barack Hussein Obama at a rally when he was introducing a speaker. Now the federal government is investigating him for a violation of the Hatch Act. I thought the Hatch Act applies to members of the federal government and not local politicians. Seems the feds have it in their minds that the Hatch Act applies.

Let us assume it does. How on Earth does saying the complete name of the guy constitute a violation of campaigning laws? Hussein is his middle name. We refer to Franklin Delano Roosevelt as FDR which is using his middle initial. We refer to Clinton as William Jefferson Clinton but somehow it is against the law to use Barack Obama’s middle name.

This is an example of your hard earned tax dollars at work. It is also an example of the lunacy that will engulf us if Obama is elected. He already has his Nazis out in Missouri to ensure no one says anything negative about The One.

It is a shame that Barack Hussein Obama has a list of rules that Barack Hussein Obama does not want you to break. Like when Barack Hussein Obama will not let you talk about his ears or when Barack Hussein Obama will not let you say any code words that mean racist things. Barack Hussein Obama and his supporters are carrying things a bit too far. I said Hussein and the Justice Department can take a flying leap.

Barack Hussein Obama and his surrogates are trying to create an environment where people are afraid to speak and where political discourse is discouraged. Well screw him and his supporters as well.

Big Dog

Democrats Did Hussein’s Bidding

There is word today that three Congressional Democrats took a trip to Iraq and it was paid for by Saddam Hussein’s intelligence agency. The trip was arranged by Muthanna Al-Hanooti who acted as an intermediary for the Hussein government. Al-Hanooti was arrested for conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign government, illegally purchasing Iraqi oil (he received oil from Iraq for setting it up) and lying to authorities.

The indictment did not name the Democrats involved but the AP reports the dates coincide with dates of a trip taken by Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan (no longer in Congress) and Mike Thompson of California, all of whom opposed the war.

McDermott and Thompson indicate that the trips were approved by the State Department but that does not mean that the SD knew about the Iraqi connection and it does not exonerate the members who accepted the trip from a non government source. The real question is, did these three know who was really paying for their trip and did they receive anything else for their support of Hussein and his regime? Did they knowingly accept a trip from a hostile government and did that government exercise undue influence on US elected officials? Perhaps they knew nothing about this but it needs to be fully investigated and i mean the kind of investigation a Republican would get if one were involved in such a thing. Investigators need to dig down deep in the weeds to make sure these three did not sell out our government. If these guys knew about this or received any gifts (not necessarily oil) then they need to go to jail.

It is quite possible that they knew nothing and thought it was being paid for by the entity claimed. This points out problems in the way our government does business. No member of our government should be going on trips paid for by anyone other than our government because if the trip is important enough to go on then the government should be paying for it. This would prevent elected officials from giving the appearance of influence peddling. It would also keep members from helping our enemies. Democrats do that enough without working directly for them. The fact that these guys went there on someone else’s money is bad enough but being there and expressing doubts about our government’s position gave aide to our enemy. Our enemy, in effect, paid three Congressmen to go against our government. Sure, these three were entitled to disagree with the Administration’s opinion, but doing so while being paid by the enemy gives the appearance of impropriety and removes any appearance of independent judgement.

The junkets to vacation spots (not that Iraq is one of those) and to other countries that are paid for by lobbyists and other organizations are unethical and call into question the integrity of the officials who go on them. It does not matter what party they belong to they need to stop having anyone except the government pay for their trips. The people footing the bills for such trips are not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, they are doing it in order to get something in return. Each one of the trips is designed to influence elected officials and that is wrong and it is a disservice to the American People. Claiming it was for the children does not excuse the behavior.

People from both parties trumpet reform and they all say to elect them so they can clean the place up. Then when they are elected they pretend to make reform an issue and they pretend to be doing something but in reality they continue to be the bought and paid for prostitutes for anyone willing to pay. The only way to get true reform is to replace every one of them. This year remove all 435 Members of the House and every Senator up for reelection. It is time for new blood.

We have already started in my Congressional District by getting rid of Wayne Gilchrest. My District will have a new member of Congress come November. That is a start but the rest of you have to step up and do your part as well.

If we do not like the job they are doing it is our responsibility to fire them.

Big Dog