The Blog Squad

The propaganda machine in the Obama administration is in full swing. We have propaganda art courtesy of the NEA in collaboration with the Obama White House and now there are reports that there is a team of bloggers at the Department of Justice and their job is to troll around the web and anonymously comment on stories that are unfavorable to the DOJ and/or Obama.

The Department of Justice has hired a team of partisan Democrat campaign bloggers to work at the Department. The Muffled Oar has learned this decision was treated with a great deal of skepticism both inside the career ranks at the Department but also among some Obama loyalists who expressed concern that such a decision would lend itself to the growing appearance that the Holder Justice Department is more political than the Bush Justice Department was ever accused of being. Tracy Russo is one such blogger from the campaign of John Edwards. The unit is housed in the Office of Public Affairs. Not only is the Department of Justice Blog Squad going to reach out to nontraditional media like TPM Muckraker or the Muffled Oar, but they are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments at conservative leaning blogs such as the Free Republic. The Muffled Oar

So the most transparent administration in the history of the modern world has anonymous bloggers trolling around to comment on articles critical of Obama and his friends at the DOJ? It seems to me that if this were a transparent process the bloggers would have to use their real names and indicate that they work for the DOJ. Instead, they hide behind fake names and make comments that give the appearance of being from some regular Joe who supports Obama and his DOJ cronies.

This is a criminal act, but just as importantly, it reeks of the old Soviet or Nazi propaganda machines (though in a modern venue). They are out pumping information about the administration in a truly phony fashion and passing it off as genuine. It is dishonest and when combined with the NEA propaganda art truly illustrates how Communistic this administration really is.

Propaganda for Dear Leader by his secret propaganda wing of government.

And Pelosi called the tea parties astro turf…


Big Dog

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Selective Memo Release Is Political In Nature

Despite the assertions of Attorney General Eric Holder that the Administration will not selectively release “torture” memos for political reasons it appears as if that is exactly what was done. Barack Obama released the memos that laid out the legal opinion of advanced interrogation techniques. The left is going nuts claiming they show that the US tortured terrorists and there is belief that the attorneys who gave the legal opinion could be investigated for doing their jobs. The memos were released to start the witch hunt. Democrats are already salivating over the chance to go after the people from the Bush Administration who were involved in this.

The reality is that the memos show the Bush Administration went to great lengths to ensure that the law was followed. The legal opinion is clearly well researched and is rendered in accordance with the laws Congress passed. The kicker is that many Democrats including Nancy Pelosi were briefed and knew about all this and they did not raise objections. Word is that Pelosi wanted the CIA to do more. She is denying this but the evidence is mounting against her denials.

In my opinion the only harm that will come from the release is that our enemies will know what our techniques are and what they are designed to do. This makes it easier for them to train to resist them. As for the legal part, the memos show compliance.

Former VP Dick Cheney said the rest of the memos that show the success of the program should be released. Obama pooh poohed that idea and Holder says he does not know where the memos are. He said other agencies probably have them.

Ask Obama where they are. I am sure he can find them since he found the ones he selectively released. If he is truly transparent and if they will not release memos selectively for political purposes then the balance of the memos should be released to give the public the full picture of what the legal opinion was, when and how the techniques were used and what the results were.

Obama’s national intelligence director, Dennis Blair, sent a memo around the intelligence community that stated:

“From 2002 through 2006 when the use of these techniques ended,” Blair wrote, “the leadership of the CIA repeatedly reported their activities both to Executive Branch policymakers and to members of Congress, and received permission to continue to use the techniques.” NewsMax

Congress continually approved it but now wants blood.

The unfortunate reality is that the Administration is selectively releasing these to try and do harm to Bush and to lay the groundwork for prosecutions. They are playing political games with our national security.

The Obama definition of transparency, something he promised, is that he will release what, and only what, he wants you to see. Case in point, his birth certificate. No transparency there. His lawyers are sending threatening letters to those suing to have it released. Why do you suppose that is?

If he wanted to prove he was transparent that would have been the first document released. Funny, his birth certificate is guarded better than the Top Secret memos on interrogation techniques which he had no problem releasing to the public.

This is not change you can believe in.

The Wall Street Journal says this will haunt Obama.

Big Dog

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Race Based State Of The Union, Where Is AG Holder?

The Attorney General of the US, Eric Holder, said that we needed to stop being cowards and discuss race with each other. He thinks that part of the problem is that while we work with people of other races we all tend to go home and spend our time with folks who are the same as we are. His assumption is that our down time does not include people of other races.

Perhaps there would not be these racial divides of which he speaks if he would help to end some of the practices that give preference to minorities. Perhaps if he could help put an end to things like the Congressional Black Caucus (and Congressional Hispanic Caucus), the UNCF, NAACP, Black History Month, Black Pride Day and any number of other items that are divisive, things might be as he wants.

The icing on the cake is the “State of the Black Nation.” It is an event that has been going on for about 10 years and Obama recently gave an address there. The question is, are we not ONE Nation under God? Why is there a Black Nation that we need a state of?

At the event Obama told the audience that the economic problems will be harder on blacks. Obama told those in attendance; “tough times for America often mean tougher times for African-Americans.” He left out that times are tough for blacks because of their blind devotion to the Democrats and their policies that have held blacks down. The rate of black households without a father is around 70% and black on black crime is extremely high. Blacks attend the public schools run by unions and the teachers in them and the black community has a high drop out rate. The black community is failing its own because the Democrats have put into place programs that keep them down. Yes, many non blacks go to these schools and they have failures as well. Perhpas the biggest indicator of success is a house with TWO parents.

Rush Limbaugh addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday and said this:

Let me tell you who we conservatives are: We love people. [Applause] When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don’t see groups. We don’t see victims. We don’t see people we want to exploit. What we see — what we see is potential. We do not look out across the country and see the average American, the person that makes this country work. We do not see that person with contempt. We don’t think that person doesn’t have what it takes. We believe that person can be the best he or she wants to be if certain things are just removed from their path like onerous taxes, regulations and too much government. [Applause] Rush Limbaugh

I believe this to be true. We do not look at a group of people and see blacks, or Hispanics, or victims of any kind, we see Americans. We see people who can achieve great things if government would step aside and quit telling them they are aggrieved and can only make it with the help of the government. The left will call us racists and say we are a party of old white men but the reality is, the Democrats are the ones who constantly tell groups they can not make it on their own. It is the Democrats who ensure that groups of people are kept downtrodden so that they continue to depend on government to live. Look at how any black who dares to be a conservative is treated.

It is all done in the name of votes.

As for Obama’s claim that tough times for America means tougher times for African Americans, perhaps that is because those tough times include out of control spending and oppressive taxes on the very people who create jobs. Perhaps it is because people with a good education get the best jobs, particularly in a bad economy because employers need the best value for their money. The educational system has failed all students across the board but has hit the black community particularly hard. Obama wants to send nearly 100% of students to college when in reality a large number of them from the black community will not finish high school.

It is time to stop governmental interference and to allow people the freedom to achieve.

There are many problems but one thing is certain. They are not caused by the relationships people have outside of work.

They are caused by the oppressive nature of government.

If Eric Holder wants to demonstrate some of that change we have heard so much about he should concentrate his efforts there.

Big Dog

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