More From The Unlawful Regime

It is no secret that Barack Obama has little regard for the Constitution. He thinks it puts up to many barriers to redistributive change (taking from one to give to another). He believes that there should not only be a level playing field (everyone has the same chance) but that outcomes should be equal. This is one of the things Socialists like and they particularly like the part where they live like kings while the rest of the population lives in poverty.

So there is little regard for the Constitution, no surprise there. Democrats do not like the thing because it makes it harder for them to run roughshod over us.

Eric Holder, the lawless Attorney General, made a speech today discussing voting rights. He was with the head of the NAACP in South Carolina where the US has blocked voter laws. Yes, the US has blocked ID laws because Democrats think it will discriminate against voters (OK, they think Democrat voters or they would not care). They might have a point, illegals are voting in our elections. This is the Democrat voting base so yes, laws would discriminate against them but not in a bad way. They are not allowed to vote.

This is what laws are for and this is one of the reasons states are getting tougher. They are doing it because the system is broken and is wide open for fraud despite what the morons in DC say. The regime knows that it is in deep stuff and that it needs every vote it can get, legal or otherwise, in order to win. Voter laws that improve the integrity of the system are a barrier that the regime does not like. Then again, integrity is not a strong point of these people (and by these people I mean Democrats).

To Democrats the Constitution is a document of convenience. If it suits their purpose they will use it and if it does not they will ignore it.

Eric Holder does not even know the thing. He filed suit in a federal court to block Arizona’s immigration law but the Constitution clearly states that the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction when any state is a party.

Article III, Sec. 2, clause 2 says:

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction…

From an article in Canada Free Press. Bold as appears in the article.

This regime is lawless and will do whatever it can get away with in order to push its agenda of making America a Socialist nation. Many Americans are too blind or too deluded to see this but those who lived under an oppressive government can see what is going on. Russian immigrants are not thrilled with Democrats and are flocking to the GOP.

The states need to push back against the tyranny of the federal government. States need to enact whatever voting laws they desire and take the feds to court if they interfere. Arizona needs to continue with its immigration laws and ignore the court that decided against the state because that court and its judge had no Constitutional authority to act.

It is time for the states to take control and to put the federal government and the Obama regime in their place.

The Examiner

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Fast And Furious Shredding Of The Constitution

Progressives are sneaky weasels who smile at you while stabbing you in the back. They will stop at nothing to impose their idea of Socialist Utopia on people and that includes ignoring or shredding the Constitution. These people look at our rule of law as an impediment to them attaining their goal of complete domination over the populace.

Progressives come in all shapes and sizes and that means there are Republican as well as Democrat progressives. One only needs to look at the bills being pushed through Congress right now, bills that will designate the US as part of the battlefield and deny Americans their Constitutional protections, to see that both parties are working toward complete domination.

The Fast and Furious gun running scheme that was sanctioned by the Obama regime and had support from the White House through the Justice Department to the ATF is a classic example of how progressives work to remove our rights.

Fast and Furious was a scheme in which the ATF asked gun dealers to allow illegal purchases to be made so the guns could be tracked to drug cartels in Mexico. The gun dealers were not happy about this and continually asked for reassurance that they would not get in trouble and that the guns would not make it south of the border.

The dealers were assured that the government had things under control. We now know this is untrue as the ATF lost track of a large number of guns, two of which were found at the scene of the murder of a border patrol agent.

The Obama regime has denied involvement and documents obtained by CBS show that the regime was interested in using the illegal purchases (purchases that were allowed ONLY at the request of the regime) to enforce more stringent gun control measures.

That’s right. The Obama regime asked gun dealers to allow illegal purchases to go through AND THEN tried to use those purchases as a reason we need tougher reporting rules, tougher gun laws. If the ATF had not asked the gun dealers to allow the illegal purchases they would not have happened.

Create a crisis, address the crisis and then trample on our rights while shredding the Constitution.

Fast and Furious was a criminal act authorized by the Obama regime that was ostensibly to track guns to drug cartels but in reality was designed to create a situation where the regime could impose more gun control.

Who knows what would have happened if the criminals in the regime had not been caught?

Eric Holder needs to go. Obama needs to go. The head of the ATF needs to go. In fact, anyone involved in this at the management level needs to go.

They all need to go to jail…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Judicial Activism Strikes Part Of Arizona Law

Parts of the Arizona law that only enforced federal immigration laws were struck down by an activist judge who fails to understand that state laws which are identical to or do not change federal law, are perfectly legal. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, obviously bowing to behind the scenes pressure from the Obama regime, ruled that police officers cannot be required to check immigration status. What she has basically said is that police officers are not allowed to do their jobs.

Suppose these police officers told the federal government that they would no longer go after bank robbers because bank robbery is a federal crime and it might impact the federal laws. Would that make sense?

What Judge Bolton said today is that the rule of law does not matter and that states do not have control over their own territory. She basically told people it is OK to break federal law and then cause havoc in states and she told the states they have no right to protect themselves against federal impotence.

Governor Brewer plans to appeal the ruling but she should just put the law into place anyway and say screw the ruling. Isn’t this what Obama did with the drilling moratorium in the Gulf? He decided that he would ignore the court. Brewer should just tell her officers that they are not REQUIRED to ask immigration status but are free to do so if they wish. Then it would be a different issue and they can press on.

Immigration groups were jumping with joy at the ruling because now illegals will not be held accountable for the lawbreaking they are doing. They have been given free reign by a judge who made a moronic decision.

At least there is a sheriff in Arizona who intends to continue arresting illegals and putting them in tents.

Judge Bolton failed to rule on the merits of the law and legislated from the bench. She did not look at the merits of the law or she would have seen that it mirrors federal law. Perhaps she is unaware that states are sovereign places and have rights.

This is what happens when people who live in gated communities apart from the real world are placed in positions that require life experiences. This is also what happens when judges are worried about being removed from the bench by the White House.

Eric Holder and the Obama regime can all take a long walk off a short pier and keep walking until their hats float. And the good people of Arizona can take matters into their own hands.

Clean up your state by getting rid of the illegal trash and tell the White House to go screw itself. You folks in Arizona should start asking for papers on your own before you do business with anyone. If they do not have them then no jobs, no apartments, no sales, no cars, no nothing. Ask for proof before issuing a driver’s license.

If anyone says you can’t do that because it is against the law just tell them laws don’t apply in this case because it deals with immigration. Bolton and the feds have shown us that they have no regard for the law and that there is no need to actually follow the law.

I guess Arizona can take solace in the fact that at least these illegals did not come from Kenya…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Maybe We Should Just Riot

A transit police officer in California shot and killed a man in 2009 and his trial has just concluded. Officer Johannes Mehserle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. He claims that he had his Tazer out and put it back and drew the wrong weapon. I don’t know if I would buy that but don’t know all that is involved. Suffice it to say that the jury believed it and he has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The biggest problem in all of this is that the officer is white and the victim was black. Instantly there had to be some racial motivation and justice had to be served.

Well it was. In our system of justice the jury decides and this jury found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter and not murder (as the family wanted).

That did not sit well so what did the minority community in Oakland do? The same thing minority communities in California do every time they do not like a verdict, they rioted. The police and every person in town knew this was going to happen. The judge delayed the reading of the verdict to allow people to leave work and go home. Businesses were sending employees home early so they would not get caught in the rioting.

Why do we tolerate this kind of behavior?

The people who did not like the verdict lost all credibility. I do not want to hear how they feel or how upset they are or anything else. The community lost any sympathy I might have had when it decided to act like animals rather than functioning members of society.

And what happens when these folks riot? The US Department of Justice launches its own investigation into the matter. There was a trial and the guy was found guilty so why does the DOJ need to show up? They need to make sure the black community gets attention after the temper tantrum. They did it after the trial of the officers who beat Rodney King which, by the way, resulted in a riot.

Seems to be a pattern here. Throw a tantrum and get what you want. But why should people be allowed to riot and do damage to the property of others?

Did anyone see riots when OJ Simpson was found “not guilty” in what was a blatant example of payback for perceived crimes against blacks in the past? Did the DOJ show up and launch its own investigation into the Simpson murders?

No, we accepted the verdict and moved on with life.

But maybe we need to shift gears. Perhaps we need to start rioting when we do not get what we want. If the courts overturn Arizona’s law maybe we all need to riot, smash windows in Hispanic owned businesses and turn cars over in the streets. We could do this all across the country to get the point across. I would not expect the DOJ to intervene on our behalf as it is more likely it would come after us because it is headed by that racist Eric Holder.

I am not much for the rioting and violent demonstrations but it seems that this is the way to get some attention.

Besides, the liberal progressives in this country blame all violence on the peaceful members of society who conform to the rules. Pelosi still thinks TEA Party rhetoric will lead to violence.

The threats of riots and violence is a method of group intimidation and it is used effectively by minority communities to get what they want or to express dissatisfaction. Black communities riot over court cases where white cops shoot black suspects or when a black guy is convicted of killing a cop because they get attention. They feel oppressed and want attention so they throw tantrums like children.

The same is true in the Hispanic community. Pass a law they do not like, threaten to build a wall, raid workplaces or do anything else that impedes their lawbreaking and they gather in huge groups and protest.

And they get attention when they do this.

Perhaps we should consider their tactics.

I would like to have a “riot” on November 2nd this year where we all storm the polling places and vote everyone out of office. We need to show our strength in a non violent manner.

We can save the violence or when it is needed.

Like when confronted by New Black Panther Party members carrying nightsticks. If you see them this year beat them to death because the racist AG will not prosecute them for breaking the law.

To all you animals in Oakland, shame on you. Maybe an attitude like yours is what caused the shooting in the first place.

SF Gate 1
SF Gate 2

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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ACORN Can Still Be Paid

Congress voted to stop paying taxpayer money to the liberal support group ACORN. This took place after damning videos were released which showed members of that corrupt organization showing a pimp and prostitute how to avoid the law, how to avoid taxes, and how to bring underage girls into the country to use for prostitution.

Attorney General Eric Holder has weighed in on the matter and has ruled that ACORN may still be paid under terms of contracts that existed prior to the Congressional ban.

If Congress voted to cut funding why is it OK to continue to pay them? Are we to believe that the contracts were made with the non-corrupt branch of this organization?

Seems to me that if a defense contractor was found to be breaking the law and Congress voted to cut funding then contracts would not be paid.

It looks like Obama’s AG figured a way to continue paying the corrupt organization our hard earned money. ACORN is a partisan group that supports Democrats and only Democrats. The government gives them our money to do just that.

Big Government has been on this story and has clearly demonstrated that ACORN is a wing of the Democrat party. Documents that ACORN threw away in order to destroy evidence shows that they work to get Democrats elected. It is time to stop giving them any taxpayer money.

And it is time for the Executive Branch to stop usurping the authority of Congress.

Big Government
Big Government

Big Dog

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