The Not So Great Communicator

Barack Obama is supposed to be a great orator and communicator though anyone with a brain can see that when he does not have a teleprompter and a script he sounds like a stuttering fool. Obama blamed the beating his party took in the last election on his inability to communicate how good his agenda was and how good what they did was for the average schmo on the street. Yep, you folks are too dense to see what is good for you.

Truth be told, Obama spoke about his health care reform more than 50 times and his minions were out on the streets trying to explain it as well. The reality is that he communicated it quite well and the American public did not buy it. We did not buy his health care, cap and trade, his ramming things down our throats or the arm twisting and back room deals that took place.

“Making an argument that people can understand,” Mr. Obama continued, “I think that we haven’t always been successful at that. And I take personal responsibility for that. And it’s something that I’ve got to examine carefully … as I go forward.”

We heard it and we understood it. It was not bad communication Barack, it was bad policy.

But maybe, just maybe, your minions and you would have been able to communicate the health care bill better if say, you all had read it.

Remember, while you were communicating it to us Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass it to see what was in it.

That sounds like a recipe for disaster and you felt that disaster on election day.

Keep on believing that you did not communicate well enough and you will be in for another trouncing come 2012.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Right Direction?

Barack Obama was in Maryland yesterday stumping for Moron OweMalley, the Democrat Governor (who endorsed Hillary Clinton). When he was not making the crowd ill, he used the same tired analogy he has used for the past few months. He told the crowd of sycophant Democrats that if you want to move a car forward you put it in D and if you want to move backwards you put it in R. He told them this was no coincidence (it actually is a coincidence but he is talking to Democrats).

If we were to carry Obama’s analogy further we would have to point out that the R on a car is an important feature. If your car was facing the edge of a cliff what would you put the gear selector in? I am willing to bet most folks would pick the R and get out of trouble. Then there would be those few who think it is a coincidence and drive on.

The country is on the edge of a cliff that, until Obama took office, we approached rather slowly. Once Obama took office he put it in D and kicked in the turbo chargers. We are now on that cliff and voters need to decide whether we select the D and drive off the cliff or if we pick the R and reverse course.

The Titanic was in D when it hit the iceberg…

We know that Obamanomics is not working. He has spent trillions of dollars and tripled the deficit that Bush left. Obama is the Bush spending agenda on steroids (great, now Congress will be investigating steroid use).

Obama spent a trillion dollars on stimulus and the only thing stimulated was the payoff to his supporters. There are no jobs being created (they overestimated last year by nearly a million jobs and we lost nearly 100k more in September) and the economy remains in the doldrums. Obama’s legislative agenda has been filled with Socialist wishes and lies. The Health Care takeover that would save money is estimated to cost trillions of dollars and will burden the country.

Remember, Obama says that government can do it better. It is your mommy and daddy and can care for you. This would be the same government that spent over 20 million dollars on stimulus checks that went to dead people and those in jail. Where was the government oversight in this relatively small program (when compared to the size and scope of health care)? If this government cannot avoid wasting millions of dollars on the dead and felons then how on Earth will it ever run a program the size of health care with any efficiency?

The answer is, it will not because it cannot.

[note]The dead and incarcerated have long been Democrat constituents so one could argue that they were paying off their supporters…[/note]

And this is the so called forward progress that Obama discusses when he talks about putting the car in D.

It would do voters well to also note that Recovery begins with R…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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No Doctor? Thank Obamacare

A year after Obamacare kicks in there will be about a 50% greater shortage of doctors than originally estimated. If anyone thinks that this will not mean rationed care then a lesson in supply and demand is needed. Fewer doctors will mean that fewer people get seen and some folks will be triaged away from health care. The elderly, the terminally ill, and those with costly and long term problems will be put on the back burner and probably never seen. If they do get seen it will be much too late for them to get meaningful care.

By 2015 — one year after the majority of the provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will have taken effect — the nation will be short 63,000 physicians, a figure that includes both primary care doctors and specialists. Previous estimates put the shortage at 39,600.

By 2020, there will be 45,000 too few primary care physicians, and 46,000 too few specialists, according to the AAMC. MedPage Today

This should not be surprising since those opposed to the health care takeover warned of just such problems. We warned of increasing rates, higher premiums and long term shortages of medical personnel. Our warnings were ignored as Obama and his sock puppets promised that we could keep our doctors, we could keep our health plans and that his plan would save money and result in lower premiums.

Of course, once the light was shed on this monstrosity, Obama backtracked and said that he never promised it would be free. He certainly gave many people the impression that they would pay nothing and that only a small number of people would have to pay more (those evil rich people). You can’t claim to save money while providing care to more people without implying that costs would go down and some would not pay.

Death Panels? Get real. Sarah Palin and others who mentioned this were pointed out as fear mongers who did not know what they were talking about. The bill provides for review panels and a shortage of doctors guarantees that people will not receive the care they want or need (those two are not always the same).

In addition, the whole ruse is beginning to unfold. Obama and his ilk made the health care bill so cumbersome and expensive that companies would find it cheaper to drop people and pay the fines. This would FORCE people into government health care. Obama’s goal all along was single payer and he worked up a con game to get everyone into single payer. He did it with regulations that would force companies to take hard decisions that eventually lead to dropping care.

McDonald’s announced that it might have to drop health care for 30,000 hourly employees because of the administrative burdens of the health care takeover. The company denies this and supporters of the takeover claim it is trumped up but the memo from McDonald’s makes it clear that unless it receives an exemption it might have to drop the coverage. I can’t blame them for backtracking. I am sure the company never intended for the memo to be made public and it cannot afford to have 30,000 upset employees. The best thing to do, from their point of view, was to downplay the memo.

Many other companies took huge hits because of the health care takeover and people are seeing their premiums rise.

This entire health care issue has been a mess and we will continue to find more problems as it gets implemented. Even though the citizenry was warned by people who actually know the health care system and even though the majority of Americans opposed it, the Democrats rammed it down our throats.

Nancy Pelosi said we would have to pass the bill to see what is in it. Now that it has passed and we are getting to see what it contains, we are not pleased and it is obvious that Americans will get screwed.

It is November or never folks.

Keep the OPTEMPO up and let’s boot these miserable pukes out of office once and for all.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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No Wonder They Are Running From Health Care Takeover

When Democrats were ramming the health care takeover down our throats they kept telling us how wonderful it was going to be and that we would love it. Despite the fact that the majority of the public opposed the plan the Democrats were hell bent on ramming it through. Many of them claimed to be proud of health care and voted for it. At the time they made a big show of support and the bill signing was a spectacle.

Now that the election is near and Democrats are expected to take a beating, many of them are running from health care. It is hard to find one who claims to have supported it and none seem to be running ads telling us how great it is and how proud they were of their vote.

No wonder they are running away from health care.

Don’t fall for it. Make them pay for their arrogance.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.

Big Dog


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Democrats Running From Obama And Pelosi

Democrats are running scared because they have a feeling of impending doom. The November midterm elections are just around the corner and it does not look like anything will go in favor of Democrats in time to save them from defeat. So many Democrats have resorted to insulting the intelligence of their constituents by pretending that they are not like those people in DC.

Joe Donnelly of Indiana is one such Democrat. Donnelly, by most measures, is a moderate Democrat. He is pro life and pro gun but holding those positions does not mean anything if one is willing to walk in lock step with party leadership. Donnelly has an ad out that shows Obama and Pelosi in an “unflattering” manner and his shtick is; I am not one of them, I am one of us.

Right Joe. You campaigned for Barack Obama and you supported his agenda. Certainly you had your moments where you opposed some of what was going on but when push came to shove you voted with the other Democrats to approve the Senate version of Obamacare. About 70% of the population opposes the mandate (the one Obama opposed as a candidate) and almost two-thirds oppose the health care reform as it was presented. You voted against those majorities and with your party.

On March 21, 2010, Joe Donnelly voted in favor of approving the Senate version of the Democrats’ health care reform bill. Wikipedia

You Joe, are not one of your constituents, you are one of the people in DC. Your problem now is that you come from a fairly conservative area and you are trying to convince people that you are the same moderate guy they elected and you are trying to fool people by pretending you oppose the DC leadership.

You are a liar Joe and one would hope your constituents are not stupid enough to fall for your blatant rewriting of history and your blatant attempt to deceive them.

And one other thing about this guy, and I hope you folks in his district are paying attention, he voted for the stimulus package. That’s right, he voted for the package that indebted our children and grandchildren to government.

That is not moderate and those votes come from a person who is not worthy of retention in office.

People of Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District take the opportunity to tell this guy, in the words of Donald Trump. “You’re fired!”

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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