Obamacare Needs More Money – SURPRISE!

Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass it to see what was in it and Obama promised it would not add costs (I think he said it would bend the cost curve down) to the budget. Looks like Pelosi was right because we have been finding all kinds of bad things that no one knew about now that the monstrosity has been passed.

Obama was wrong when he said it would not increase costs. It is more likely he lied in order to create a new crisis that must be solved with more money because that is how progressives work. They create a problem, come up with a solution and when that solution causes more problems they develop solutions to the newly created problem. Those solutions involve more money and bigger government (and more problems). It is a never ending cycle.

Democrats are blaming Republicans for everything under the sun (even though the Democrats caused the problems) in hopes of retaking the House in 2014. But secretly Democrats are worried they might lose the Senate, in part, because of Obamacare.

The Democrats are vulnerable in 2014 because Senate seats in red states are up for reelection and many red state citizens are not happy with Obamacare. The costs continue to rise and every day a new item is found that people do not like.

Max Baucus (D- MT) has stated that Obamacare will be a train wreck if it is not implemented properly (and all indications are that it is not) and he has seen the writing on the wall. He has decided he will not run for reelection and the thinking is that his seat will turn Republican. Many other Democrats face similar circumstances and will be in trouble.

Republicans will hang Obamacare around their necks (remember, not one Republican voted for it).

Harry Reid has recently concluded that Baucus is correct and is saying that more money is needed to properly implement Obamacare. So there you have it, the monstrosity that is Obamacare needs MORE of our tax dollars in order to be implemented. The bill was touted as costing fewer than a trillion dollars (900 billion) but many people who looked at it stated it would end up costing in the neighborhood of 2.5 TRILLION dollars. Looks like we are approaching that level.

So much for bending that cost curve down.

Obama was wrong, or he lied. Either way we are stuck with paying more for a law that will not do what it claimed. It will not save us money, it still leaves millions uninsured, people can’t keep their doctors, there will be death panels, and illegals will be covered by the law.

Yes, it is a progressive monstrosity. Like Social Security, it is a progressive plan designed to enslave people to government and will end up costing more than claimed (by design).

It is good that Democrats could lose the Senate but that will only solve one problem. It will keep Obama in check for his last two years (but it will give him another entity to blame) but having Republicans in charge is no solution to our problems either. We have had that and we ended up with problems.

We need to have a complete overturn of Congress. The Senate can’t happen all at once because of the way they are voted on. We can solve part of the problem by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment and go back to how our founders wanted Senators installed, by appointment from the states (not the people). That will take a while and is not likely to happen at all given the Amendment process.

However, WE can vote them out every two years until we turn the upper chamber over.

We can also get rid of EVERY member of the House in one fell swoop.

All it takes is for the people to take back the country.

We can do it but we need to put country above party and ensure we hold ALL politicians accountable. Remember, they think they are better than you. As they discuss more money for Obamacare they are working on ways to exempt themselves and their staff members.

The country needs an enema to flush the toilet floaters out of DC.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What You Won’t Find In Romney’s Tax Returns

Harry Reid has made the claim that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for the past ten years. This is a matter of public record even though Obama followers will tell you that Reid only said he was told that Romney paid no taxes. Reid though, went on the Senate floor and said it was known that Romney paid no taxes. Reid made this allegation and then said it was up to Romney to prove otherwise by releasing his tax returns.

Though it does not surprise me that a Democrat would lie I am amazed that a guy like Reid would make such accusations considering that Reid was not wealthy when he entered the Senate and is now worth millions of dollars. Reid has been involved in shady real estate deals and involved in legislative actions that were designed solely to enrich HIM. Harry Reid will tell you he has released his financial disclosure forms but he has not released his taxes. I would like to see those for the time he has been in the Senate so we can see exactly how he got rich. I believe he got rich by breaking the law and it is up to him to prove otherwise.

Now Barack Obama has an ad out that implies Romney paid no taxes. This is an act of desperation. The Obama regime has no dirt on Romney and there are no divorce records or criminal records for him to have his cronies unseal. Romney is pretty clean when it comes to those things so the Obama regime must get into Romney’s tax records so it can manufacture a myth about Romney not paying taxes.

Romney has paid more in taxes than most of these people have earned in their lives but this will matter not to the Obama throng.

[note]Does anyone find it hypocritical that the regime that selected tax cheat Tim Geithner to be Treasury Secretary is saying it needs Romney’s tax returns to prove he paid them?[/note]

I have never seen Romney’s tax returns but he has released those for the last two years. We can only imagine that all his others are like these. They have complicated dealings with all kinds of calculations and additions and deductions for more transactions that most of us will ever deal with in our lives. They are very complicated and it would be quite easy to manipulate the numbers to give the impression that Romney did something wrong. This is what the left wants to do.

As an aside, I looked at Barack Obama’s tax returns and they are quite complicated as well. He has income from his book deals and he had money he transferred to his children as gifts. These gifts were then written off his taxes. How would the left feel if people went through those tax forms and said Obama gave those gifts to reduce his tax burden (he is rich so why did he do it)? Keep in mind that anyone could go through Obama’s complicated taxes and make things appear bad just as they could do for Romney.

Romney’s tax returns, like those of Obama and countless other wealthy people, are complicated and those who dig deep enough can find things that could be spun to appear questionable.

But there is absolutely one thing that cannot be found in Romney’s tax returns and that is:

Nowhere in Romney’s tax returns will anyone find the reason that Obama has performed so terribly over the last four years.

That’s right. The reason Obama has done a terrible job is not in Romney’s tax returns.

The only thing that the left will find is another set of distractions to keep people from focusing on how bad Obama has done and how terrible our economy is.


Quit looking at the shiny stuff and pay closer attention to what is going on.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Harry Reid Speaks Of Integrity?

Harry Reid told a whopper of a lie last week when he claimed that he received a call saying that Mitt Romney has not paid taxes for the past decade or so. It just so happens that the Obama campaign can’t find any dirt on Romney like it has in all of Obama’s other campaigns so it is inventing some. The Democrats want to get hold of Romney’s complicated tax returns and pour through them to find some obscure thing most folks don’t understand and then portray it as Romney avoiding taxes.

Romney is having none of it and he shouldn’t. If Romney had not paid taxes in the last decade the IRS would have gone after him. You can also bet that Reid is lying because if Romney had not paid taxes the Obama White House would have leaked his tax returns.

The cretin Reid took to the Senate floor to say that Romney had not paid taxes. Reid knows that the only way to prove he is wrong is for Romney to release the returns. This is the plan. The ends justify the means and the end for Democrats is to get those returns so they can invent some issue with them.

Reid is an idiot and should be removed from office. Once Romney wins the presidency he should release his returns, show he paid taxes and sue Reid for defamation.

How can Harry Reid even question Romney? Reid is the cretin who was involved with the mob in regards to gaming in Nevada. Reid is the one who made illegal land deals and became quite wealthy doing so. And Reid has ensured that his family was taken care of by using his position.

The latest example is Harry Reid pushing for green energy from a China firm that he played a part in getting into Nevada. Why did Reid do this? Because his son represents the Chinese company.

Harry Reid is using his position to help his son and this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Reid’s ethical challenges. Reid lacks integrity and is a criminal, period. Hey Harry, you have been hit in the head too many times and your brain has turned to mush.

It is amazing to me that Obama and his Democrats want Romney to release tax returns when Obama’s vital records are locked up tighter than a gnat’s behind.

Some folks are calling Harry Reid a liar. That is absolutely true. He did not receive some mysterious call and he did not get some inside information about Romney. Reid made it all up.

In addition to being a liar Reid is a criminal who is using his office to enrich himself and his family. His ties to the criminals in organized labor ensured his reelection and his ties to shady people made him very rich.

If anyone in the Senate has testicular fortitude they would challenge Reid and demand an investigation into the lie he perpetrated while speaking to that body.

Then again, the best rebuke of Reid would be to relegate him to minority status in the Senate.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Congress Won’t Hurt Economy So Obama Will

Barack Obama took an unprecedented step today by making the appointment of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Why is this unprecedented? Because the Senate is still in session. The Senate is the body that advises and consents to Presidential appointments and presidents are only allowed to make an appointment when the Senate is in recess and unable to take up the process.

The Senate is in pro forma session. They meet every three days so they are still in session. It is obvious that this is being done to prevent recess appointments and it is not something new. Harry Reid did the exact same thing to prevent George Bush from making recess appointments.

Of course, Reid supports what Obama did because he now views the process as obstructive. Got that? When Democrats do it then it is good but when Republicans do it then it is obstructive.

The morons at the Daily Kos are happy with Obama and support the move. Imagine how they (and Harry Reid) would have reacted had Bush appointed someone during the pro forma sessions held by Democrats. We don’t need to imagine. We know they would have lost their minds and called Bush King George and a dictator. But when messiah Obama does it then it is fine and dandy.

It was reported just yesterday that Obama would not make any appointments during this recess (that is not a recess) but he evidently was persuaded by his handlers to do this.

Obama has engaged in a power grab in order to hurt the country. Obama himself said he did this because Congress refuses to do the things that will hurt the nation:

“I refuse to take ‘No’ for an answer. I’ve said before that I will continue to look for every opportunity to work with Congress to move this country forward. But when Congress refuses to act in a way that hurts our economy and puts people at risk, I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them.” [emphasis mine] USA Today

Obama makes two admissions here. The first is that Cordray will hurt the economy and people and the second is that if Congress refuses to hurt the economy and the people then it is up to Obama to do so.

Obama has been doing things that circumvent Congress since he took office. He continually claims that he wants to work with Congress but if the Congress does not do what he wants then he will look for other ways. This is not how the country works. Our government is supposed to be one of checks and balances and the Constitution spells out how things are done.

Obama has rejected the checks and balances and the Constitution in order to push his agenda. This is the mark of a dictator and Obama has left no doubt that he fits that bill.

He sees himself and his position as being above the rules and the process.

He sees himself above following the Constitution.

And he will end up getting lots of pushback from Congress. This matter will end up in court, it will end up being an issue in the campaign and it will end up biting him in his rear.

The Republicans in Congress need to refuse to do anything for this man from now on. Do not debate legislation, do not take up what he wants, and do not do any of it at all. Tell him that he gets NOTHING.

King Barack Hussein needs a swift kick in his donkey.

And to the liberals, if you think this is OK then you all need to remember that a Democrat will not always occupy the White House. If this stands then a precedent has been set and a Republican president can appoint anyone during any pro forma session and you all will need to STFU about it.

Looks like this appointment runs in opposition to the view of Obama’s own Justice Department…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


In Search Of Unicorns

The problem with Democrats is that they don’t understand how things work in the world of business. They are too engaged in class warfare to actually tell the truth or to do things that are good for the country. Democrats believe that they should tax the living hell out of the so called rich and while they claim it is because the rich need to pay their fair share the reality is that the Democrats want to create envy among the have nots. Make the middle class believe that the rich are getting over and gain Democrat voters.

The absolute fact that the rich pay most of the income taxes in this country is lost on those who play the class warfare game. The bottom 47% of wage earners pay absolutely NO federal income taxes and many of them actually get money back. They owe no taxes and get a refund while the wealthy foot the bill for the cost of government in this country. The top 53% of wage earners pay the money that runs the country.

Democrats want to tax the people who create jobs. Remember folks, government does not create jobs. It can only create an environment favorable to job creation or one that hinders job creation.

Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader and world class moonbat Democrat has stated that millionaires (the latest group targeted for a tax increase) who produce jobs are like unicorns, they do not exist. He then narrowed it down to some small fraction (two opposing views, either they do NOT exist or they are present in a small percentage).

Both statements are incorrect. Wealthy people create plenty of jobs. In fact, we can shoot down the do not exist argument in one shot. Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs, and the founders of Google are all extremely wealthy and they all create thousands of jobs. Not only are they creating jobs at their companies but their products create jobs down the line in companies that produce computers and those who install software. These millionaires (plus) have created plenty of jobs so the argument that they do not exist is gone.

But are the millionaires who create jobs a small fraction of the total number of millionaires or are they, as Reid claims, hedge fund managers and rich lawyers (like a lot of members of Congress)?

Paul Roderick Gregory of Forbes puts the Reid claim to the test and it looks like Reid told a whopper.

The number of millionaires who create jobs is significant and way above what Reid claimed. One would think that Reid would have some fact checkers doing some work to ensure he did not make such outrageous claims but that would assume that Reid did not want to make the mistake. He did not care. The truth was not his goal.

His goal was to create another myth and to perpetuate the class warfare that Democrats are known for. He wanted people to believe him.

It is like the myth that Warren Buffett pays less in taxes (as a percentage) than his secretary does and that he wants Congress to fix that because it isn’t right. The man avoids taxes (even while calling for higher rates) and the comparison he makes is invalid.

The whole story is bogus but people, supposedly intelligent people, keep using it to justify taxing the very people who pay the most in taxes (top 10% of earners pay 77% of the taxes).

That was Reid’s goal, spread a lie and have it multiply geometrically so he can continue to whip up class envy.

It is what Democrats do and this will never be different.

It is up to intelligent people to cut through the BS and come up with the truth.

We will never find unicorns but we can easily find millionaires who create jobs.

Reid lied. A truthful Democrat is like a unicorn…

ADDENDUM: While Reid is playing class warfare the wealth of members of Congress has tripled in the last 25 years while the wealth of the average American has decreased. Imagine that, their wealth has increased and they do not create ANY jobs and I don’t doubt they avoid paying higher taxes as well…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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