Harry Reid Planned The Shutdown

For those unfamiliar with the appropriations process in Congress the whole thing can be confusing. But one thing that is easy to understand is that the process involves sending about a dozen appropriations bills from the House to the Senate where the Senate changes them and sends them back. The two chambers hash out differences and then a final bill is passed and sent to the White House.

Notice that the process does not involve one bill that funds the entire government. The process involves separate appropriations bills for different parts of the government.

So when Harry Reid told you (and Barack Obama emphasized) that they would not accept piecemeal bills from the House because, according to them, that is not how you fund government, they were lying.

The reality is they did not pass a budget and they were not trying to pass a budget. They were trying to pass a continuing resolution. That is basically a bill that admits Congress is unable to do its Constitutional duty and pass a budget so they pass a CR to keep open.

In fact, there has not been a budget the entire time Obama has been in office because Harry Reid in the Senate has refused to pass one. He has gone as far as ignoring the bills sent from the House and he did that for a reason.

Reid has conspired with the White House to shut down the government. Democrats think a shutdown benefits them in 2014. They want to keep the Senate and get the House back so they can spend the last two years of Obama’s term passing gun control and amnesty and as many other socialist dreams they can fit in.

As I stated, Harry Reid has deliberately ignored the budget process and has refused to take up the appropriations bills sent from the House. He did that earlier this year. The House of Representatives passed all of the appropriations bills required to fund the government earlier this year (in the March-May time frame). Note that they did not pass one bill funding the entire government as Obama and Reid would have you believe is the norm, they passed the package of separate appropriations as has been the practice for centuries.

Harry Reid refused to take them up in the Senate. If Reid had done his job those bills would have been considered by the Senate, changes made, differences worked out, and then a compromise passed and sent to the President for his signature.

But Reid did as he has done for years; he ignored those bills and he neglected to do his duty.

Why would Reid do this? He wanted to force a showdown with Republicans in the House in order to shut down the government. Reid ensured that absolutely no bill presented by Republicans would pass. That the first bill would fail is a given because it defunded Obamacare and Democrats would rather collapse the country than admit that law is a disaster. The subsequent bills only delayed the individual mandate so people would get the same consideration as the big businesses Obama helped out (illegally, I might add). That too was rejected.

Then the House sent a bill giving Democrats all that they wanted but removed the special carve out for Congress. They keep telling you that there is no carve out but there is. The Obamacare law requires members of Congress to be in the Exchanges. They all are going to be in the exchanges. But people in the exchanges do not get an employer contribution; they either get a subsidy or are ineligible for a subsidy. Members of Congress are not eligible because of income so they would have to pay it all. Obama had OPM make a ruling that provides for an employer contribution for the wealthy people in Congress. While Joe Six Pack is getting socked with tens of thousands of dollars in premiums the members of Congress got a carve out.

In any event, Harry Reid rejected this as well. So the House then did what it has done for decades and what it did just this past spring. It passed individual appropriations to fund the government. Reid rejected this as not the way to do business. He referred to Americans as anarchists and radicals while members of the liberal establishment labeled us as terrorists and hostage takers (as an aside, Harry Reid is a coward who will call people names on TV and while he has security. He has not the balls to actually tell a person these things to his face).

The only real hostage takers were the people on the left led by chief terrorist Harry Reid. Reid rejected everything so that he could get the government shut down. He carried out the plan orchestrated by Valerie Jarrett, the Communist who tells Obama what to do. Jarrett is skilled at carrying out the Rules for Radicals that Alinsky put in place. She plans for Obama and has her henchmen in the party carry out those plans.

[note]The bill passed by the Senate and accepted by the surrender monkeys weakens the ability of Congress to control the debt ceiling. Like I wrote about yesterday, they can now spend freely and claim to have voted against it or not to have voted for it.[/note]

Harry Reid carried out the plan to shut down government so the Democrats could gain an advantage going onto the 2014 midterm elections. They want the House back and they will stop at nothing to get it.

The real losers in all of this are the Americans who work each and every day to make a better life for themselves and their families. People work hard and pay more and more in taxes to see that money go to welfare. There are far too many folks on welfare and government encourages more to join the roles each day.

This too is part of the grand plan to gain control. Look at how many people went nuts when the food stamp program went down for a few hours. These leeches are threatening to riot if they don’t get “their” money. Got to keep the Obama base happy and keep paying so they stay on the liberal plantation.

This is all part of the plan to fundamentally transform this nation.

Obama is a Communist and he wants to bring America down. Harry Reid is one of the terrorists charged with ensuring that happens.

I pray for my country.

Part of the deal that reopened the 17% of government that was shut down includes a death benefit for the wife of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. I would be willing to have our government provide such a benefit for all liberals if they would be so kind as to join Senator Lautenberg. We can give the same deal to RINOs who supported this mess. McCain and McConnell can say hi to Ted Kennedy…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Then Follow The Law Democrats

They keep screaming that Obamacare is the law. It is the law and we must follow it and it will proceed and you mean old Republicans need to stop.

I have already discussed how laws get changed all the time and that if we never changed laws Barack Obama would be picking cotton in the south. How if we kept laws in place there would be different schools based on the color of skin and people would eat at different lunch counters and drink from different fountains.

We changed the laws because they were wrong and they discriminated. It was good that we changed them.

But for some reason Obamacare is a law that cannot be changed. The messiah Barackus Obamus the one and only Hussein has given you a law and you must follow it.

Well let’s look at this because as recently as yesterday both Obama and Harry Reid said that this was the law and it was ruled Constitutional so people needed to get over it and follow it.

Well then let’s follow it and I mean follow all of it.

You see, since Obamacare was passed through brute force and without one Republican vote Barack Hussein Obama has changed that law. He has granted over 1000 waivers, he has exempted some labor unions and he has delayed nearly half of the provisions with the most recent being the employer mandate.

If you want to follow the damned law then follow it. You morons can’t scream that it is the law and needs to be followed if you are not following it. If you can change it then it can be changed so quit screaming about the Republican efforts and either get on board or follow it the way it was written.

By the way, that also means removing the carve out for Congress.

When the law was written there was a provision that required members of Congress and their staff to be in the exchanges without subsidies. They did not like this so Obama once again changed the law to provide taxpayer subsidies to members of Congress and their staff. The subsidies are about 72% of the cost of their health insurance.

I am sorry folks but if we are being told that this is the law and we need to follow it then we need to do just that. This means that Congress does not get subsidies and must follow the original law.

Republicans in the House tried to ensure this by adding a provision that removed the subsidies and forced Congress back into the original provisions of the law. Harry Reid and his Democrats rejected that.

To be clear, Harry Reid and his Democrats voted to keep a change to the law, a law that they say can’t be changed.

To add insult to injury Harry Reid said that the provision by the Republicans (TO FOLLOW THE LAW AS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN) was an attempt to punish 16,000 Congressional staffers.

You get that? Requiring Congress and its staff to follow the law as written is PUNISHMENT.

So now we have to explore this a bit further. If following the law as written is punishment and Harry Reid wants US to follow the law as written then isn’t Harry Reid attempting to PUNISH us?

The federal government is shutting down because the Democrats are inflexible when it comes to provisions that affect the people who make this country work. Only those who are in the favor of the King get special treatment. Only those in Congress get special treatment.

The rest of us get punished.

Democrats shut down the federal government because they would rather punish people than govern.

They made sure they were taken care of while everyone else gets screwed.

It seems to me they should be happy some laws get changed or we would still allow duels…

The Hill

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Politicians, You Were Warned

It looks like Democrats, with the help of some RINOs will be able to find a way to fund Obamacare against the will of the people and, in the case of Republicans, in opposition to the position they ran on. These Republicans vowed to do everything possible to defund of repeal Obamacare. They have the chance and they are not going to do it.

The Republicans who help the Democrats will then vote against the measure which will pass with a simple majority which the Democrats have. Those deceitful Republicans will then run for reelection telling people they voted to defund Obamacare and that will be a lie.

Americans were given over 21 hours of education by Senator Ted Cruz and he made it clear that a vote for cloture would be a vote for Obamacare.

The American public has been burning up the phone lines to the Capitol and expressing their desire that their Senators do what it takes to defund.

The people in the Senate, those who work for us, will ignore them at their own peril. When 2014 rolls around these same politicians will run around begging for money, swearing they kept their promise to defund and will ask that you vote for them so they can continue their work.

Many of them will lose their seats either in a primary or in the general election because the base is fed up. We know what they are doing and we know they are lying to us. For those who were unsure Ted Cruz spelled it out very clearly. You can play games but you do so at your own peril.

Mitch McConnell lost the Tea Party backing and he has a primary opponent. It is time for the people of Kentucky to throw this hack out of office. If John McCain does not retire then the people of Arizona need to retire his sorry ass.

We need to make them pay for failing to listen to us.

I do not care if the Democrats take control. That is not my concern because with this bunch of Republicans we might as well have Democrats.

[note]Democrats in red states might catch hell in 2014 if they vote to fund Obamacare. Good, make them pay.[/note]

The Republican Party will be making calls to get money for the election. Some of my money will go to specific candidates like Cruz and not to the parties. I recommend that people use their political donations to buy ammo instead…

There is a good chance the Republican Party will lose many people who will change their affiliation over this.

Good, let them ride the sinking ship to the bottom without the rest of us.

We are tired of being lied to and taken advantage of and soon they will know our anger and our resolve.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hotter Than Hell In Vegas

Well, Satan’s spawn Harry Reid is from Nevada…

The temperatures in Vegas have hit 115 degrees for several days and at least one person has died from the heat. Is this global warming? Should we have a carbon tax to keep Vegas from frying?

Nah, Nevada is the home of Harry Reid and Vegas is Sin City so it is only right that it is hotter than Hell. The people who voted for Reid deserve to burn in Hell and it looks like they are getting a head start.

I am not too concerned that it is hot in Vegas.

That might be because I am not in Vegas but the way I see it our troops in the Middle East put up with high temperatures all the time and they have no choice in the matter. The folks in Vegas can suck it up and stay someplace cool until the temps go down a bit though it might not hurt to boot Reid out.

Or they could ask Al Gore to come speak about global warming. Seems that everytime he schedules one of those talks it gets cancelled by snow…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Liberal Logic Demands Supporting Second Amendment

Liberals who want more gun control will tell you they support the Second Amendment. They will tell you that nothing they are doing will interfere with people and their right to keep and bear arms. This is a lie because the things they enact infringe. Maryland is a prime example where the Nazi Governor and his minions have imposed unconstitutional gun laws that restrict law abiding people. The tragedy is that these gun laws will do no good which will lead to calls for even more gun control.

Liberal logic (if you can call what liberals use logic) demands supporting the Second Amendment.

In light of this week’s revelation that the Department of Justice has obtained phone records from the AP the media is up in arms and there will be backlash. The first thing to note is that what Justice did might not be illegal under the law.

But what they did is much larger in scope than anything that has happened before and though the reason given is to find the source of a leak the reality is it gives the appearance that the First Amendment right of the media has been violated. It looks like Justice is trying to intimidate the media (in this case specifically the AP but indirectly all media) and is sending a message that it will go through huge amounts of records to get what it wants.

The media are out discussing how this took place and expressing their outrage while those at the AP have expressed anger, shock and disbelief. They feel their communications are being monitored and that their rights have been violated.

They have the support of conservatives who are also wary of these kinds of government tactics. In other words, conservatives support these organizations in their belief that even if it is legal to do (and that is a questionable thing right now) the idea of trampling on a right is sickening.

I only wish the media and other liberals outraged by the AP records scandal felt the same way about other rights. When other rights are violated, particularly if the violations affect conservatives, the liberals say it is OK and justified. Look at how the former head of the NAACP and others have reacted to the IRS violations of the rights of conservative groups. They have said that it is OK because those groups are racist. First of all, they are not racist BUT even if they were they have the same rights as everyone else.

Racist groups like the KKK, the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers all have rights and those rights should not be violated just because we do not agree with the message.

Once we start rationalizing the violation of our rights it becomes easier to rationalize other violations until pretty soon we have no rights left.

The left loves to push gun control even though most gun control laws violate the Second Amendment. They rationalize that it is for safety or for the children or that no one needs certain types of firearms. This allows them to continue eroding our Second Amendment right until the judiciary is comfortable removing those rights based on what we have allowed to creep in.

I wish that these liberals would be as outraged by the violation of the Second Amendment as they are at the alleged violation of the First. We on the right support ALL rights and do not like when any of them are violated. It is high time the left jumped in and supported us the way we are supporting them.

Perhaps they now know how those of us who believe in and support the Second Amendment feel each and every day as we battle the forces of evil that are hell bent on denying us that which has been endowed by our Creator. Perhaps, but I won’t hold my breath.

So the AP scandal shows that liberals, if they actually had any integrity, would fight for the Second Amendment (and all other rights) as hard as the one that affects them the most.

Interestingly, the Gosnell abortion/murder case gave Harry Reid the chance to show why there should be less gun control instead of more.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell was an abortion doctor who murdered babies born alive and performed late term abortions in violation of Pennsylvania law. He was found guilty of murder and a number of other charges and will spend the rest of his life in jail.

Harry Reid wants us to believe that pro life supporters have forced women to go to clinics like the one run by Gosnell. He says that people have been pushed into holes like that clinic because of people who picket abortion clinics. Reid also blamed this all on restrictive laws.

He believes that having less restrictive abortion laws would have prevented the murders Gosnell committed.

Interestingly, Reid and his ilk are the ones who think that MORE restrictive laws will curb gun violence. Yes, to Reid and other gun grabbers more restrictive laws will stop gun crimes but less restrictive laws will end the crimes like those committed by Gosnell.

If we were to apply Reid’s logic to gun ownership (and publicly carrying them), then we can conclude that less restrictive laws will prevent more gun crimes. In fact, this has actually been proven time and again.

Reid is incorrect about Gosnell. We do not need less restrictive laws for abortion. The crimes committed by Gosnell had nothing to do with laws being too restrictive. They had to do with this; First Gosnell is a monster. Second, Gosnell performed late term abortions (after the time PA says they can be performed) so women who waited too long or did not know went to him because he would do it. They went to him because he would skirt the law.

His clinic was not filthy because of laws that are too restrictive and he did not have all those aborted kids in containers because the law was too tough.

His clinic was in that condition and he was doing what he was doing because it was not inspected by the government agency responsible for ensuring medical businesses are clean and operate according to established law (and medical standards). The Health Department (or whichever agency PA has given the task) did not make unannounced visits to ensure his clinic was clean and up to standard. Less restrictive regulations would not correct this and it did not happen because people protest abortion clinics. It happened because the laws in place were not followed; the laws requiring health inspections as well as the laws regarding late term abortions. Any inspection at any time would have caught these problems early on.

Keep in mind; they were only brought to light because a woman died at his clinic because of his negligence.

Harry Reid is wrong because his root cause analysis is wrong. He is right that less restrictive laws would lead to fewer problems if this were applied to gun control because that has been shown time and again. Criminals do not obey the law.

Gosnell got away with his crimes because the state did not enforce the law (which, by the way, is why many gun crimes happen).

So the media is now positioned to defend rights. Good, defend them all and apply the same standard to the Second Amendment as to the First.

Harry Reid is now on record saying less restrictive laws would lead to fewer problems. Good, beat him and the other anti gun zealots over their heads with Reid’s words. Make them apply the same standard he wants to apply to abortion. He might be wrong about why they happened but there is no doubt he believes fewer laws would mean fewer problems.

It is ironic how all of this has come to light at this time.

I think it is quite possible that these items (including the IRS scandal) were made public (and Reid commented on Gosnell) because they want to draw focus away from Benghazi.

I have read a lot of liberal sites where they are calling the AP scandal the only real scandal of the Obama regime. If the left can get the public to believe the AP phone records scheme is the only scandal and then later show Justice acted legally then the other scandals (which are REAL scandals) will be swept away.

I do not put anything past these criminals but we should use their words and deeds to our advantage. Who knows, maybe we can change their minds and get them to see where they have been wrong. We might be able to make them leave the liberal plantation.

Hell, a few pro abortion folks have changed their views after the horror of Gosnell.

And David Axelrod now agrees with TEA Party folks that government is too big.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
