Obama Says No Need To Stock Up On Guns

Barack Obama must be aware that since he was elected to the presidency the sale of guns and ammunition has gone through the roof. Many gun stores report a 50-60% increase in sales, gun shows have more people than at any time in recent memory and ammunition supply places report that they are out of ammo and most is on back order. This is all because Americans are aware of Barack Obama’s stance on gun control.

But Barry says not to worry. He said that people did not need to stock up on guns because he has no intention of taking them.

“I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment,” Obama said at a news conference. “Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I haven’t indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word.”

Before it was common sense gun laws. When that did not fly it changed to safety laws and who is to say exactly what that means and according to what person’s definition of safety? Obama’s common sense laws have led his hometown to have countless murders by gun, guns that are illegal to possess in a city from which this so called gun friendly man hails (and served in office). Barack Obama has a long history of abusing the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. There can be no doubt about this regardless of what he or his kool aid drinking followers say. Obama’s legislative record tells a much different story than the one he fabricated in order to get elected. He did not believe that it was an individual right and he sided with DC in the Heller case. It was not until after the SCOTUS ruled that gun ownership was an idividual right that Obama told us he has believed that all along (remember, if he says “like I have always said” or “I have not changed my position” then he is lying). Take him at his word? All of his promises come with expiration dates, just ask his kooky left wingnuts who are not real happy with him.

The NRA is not fooled by Obama:

But National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said it’s not Obama’s words — but his legislative track record — that has gun-buyers flocking to the stores.

“Prior to his campaign for president, his record as a state legislator and as a U.S. Senator shows he voted for the most stringent forms of gun control, the most Draconian legislation, gun bans, ammunition bans and even an increase in federal excise taxes up to 500 percent for every gun and firearm sold,” Arulanandam said.

Obama answered “yes” in 1996 to a questionnaire from an Illinois group on whether he supported a handgun ban. But he later said a staffer filled out that answer and he did not support a ban.

Obama said that a staffer filled out the questionnaire but it was filled out in Obama’s handwriting. That is a talented staffer indeed. Obama wants to take guns away because an unarmed citizenry is more easily controlled by government. This government is getting more and more out of control and it will get worse under Obama. He wants complete control so he can run his Socialist Utopia and he knows that the armed among us will not take his crap.

It should surprise no one that Obama will ignore the Constitution because he is doing so right now. He has not proven he is a natural born citizen and thus will be an illegitimate president. Maybe this is the perfect ruse for him. He can impose all kinds of things and then when the armed take the country back he can say that it is not his fault because he is not really qualified for the job. He can then throw whomever failed to properly vet him right under the bus.

If Obama is telling you there is no need to stock up on guns then you need to stock up on guns. He and the idiots who want to remove guns from society believe they know better than you how to live your life. They believe they are smarter than you and they should be deciding on dangerous things like guns. This is what Peter Hamm of the Brady Center against Gun Violence had to say:

“Anyone who thinks they need to rush out and buy a firearm clearly has not been paying attention to how quickly we make progress on this issue. We don’t think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more.”

These are people who already have more than enough guns. Who is this jerk to decide how many is enough? Does this guy go around telling people they have too many cars, or too many pair of shoes, or too many clothes? If people have the money and they want to buy lots of guns then who is Hamm (or anyone else) to say that they already have enough? This is the same philosophy that liberals use when they take you money in taxes. You already have enough so we will take some from you.

Barak Obama must think that he has credibility because he won an election. He lost his credibility a long time ago and were it not for white guilt and dreamy eyed liberals (coupled with blacks voting for race) he would be another name in a history book. His word is his bond but only to the idiots who supported him. The rest of us know better.

But Barack Says there is nothing to worry about and that we do not need to buy guns. He even says he is all in favor of gun ownership. Yes, Barack Obama is a friend to the gun owner. I don’t believe that for a minute.

And judging from the sales of guns and ammo, neither do a lot of others.

Chicago Sun Times

Big Dog