Wrap Up For 14 January 2021

Representative Dan Crenshaw was a shining star in GOP circles and among those who follow politics. He is a veteran who seemed to have conservative principles. There was talk among the people that they might want him to run for president. I do not think that would be a good idea. He was photographed with the moms demand action group of gun control ladies and he supported red flag laws. Imagine if someone said he was a veteran who might have PTSD so he should have his guns taken away. This week as Democrats were having a grudge impeachment Liz Cheney, a despicable spawn of a war mongering father, voted to impeach the President. Crenshaw said she showed courage and he supports her though many Republicans are calling for her to step down from her leadership position. Seems to me she is posturing for the future. Crenshaw supports her and says she has courage. Courage is going against the mob to do the right thing. Impeachment was not the right thing. Dan likes to have battles with people on social media. I was banned from Twitter Dan but we can debate any time you want. I doubt it would do you any good. You have that disease that seems to affect people who get elected. They forget what got them there and their core values disappear.

Lil Kim in North Korea is rattling sabers again as he threatens to take out America. He says the US is oppressive and needs to be shown who is the boss, and all that. For four years that little criminal didn’t say much because he knew that Donald J Trump would drop a bomb on his head. He was afraid of Trump and tried to at least look like he was making nice. But a Xiden Chairmanship is allegedly on the horizon and Lil Kim is not afraid of Xiden. China controls Xiden and his family and China is North Korea’s best trading partner. People might think that we are better off but when a runt like Kim changes his tune from fear to outright confrontation it is obvious our “leader” is not respected or feared.

Louie Gohmert of Texas had his chance to speak at the grudge impeachment yesterday and he took issue with the articles which claim Donald Trump incited insurrection by challenging the election and claiming it was rigged and stolen. Gohmert then read some quotes from Nancy Pelosi from a few years ago. He said they were words that could incite violence but no one impeached her because they did nto take her to be inciting violence. He basically pointed out the hypocrisy of the left. To make things more hilarious, the Marxist Media listened to Gohmert, did not know he was quoting Pelosi and became apoplectic. They all could not believe he was calling for violence. Even the MSM thought the words were a call to violence. When they realized he was quoting Pelosi they deleted their Tweets and acted like it never happened. You will never hear them call her out. Pelosi also questioned the validity of the 2016 election and said there was no question it was illegitimate and that Congress had a duty to investigate. There were plenty of riots when Trump was inaugurated. Can we impeach Pelosi for inciting riots by claiming an election was dirty?

A Texas lawmaker wants the topic of secession put on the ballot. He is interested in the possibility of the state of Texas leaving the union and becoming its own country. The last time states tried that the federal government attacked them and a lot of people died. I know that the courts have ruled the Union is an unbreakable bond but I disagree. The states entered willingly and they have a right to leave if they want. Xiden is not strong enough to fight Texas and many Democrats might be happy to see it go because its dozens of electoral votes that go to Republicans would disappear. Of course if Texas left that would set a precedent and you can be sure other states would follow suit. Imagine if the conservative states formed a union. We grow the food and have plenty of manufacturing. It would be great to rid ourselves of the tyrannical government in DC. I might consider moving to Texas if it became a free nation. Hell, I would be happy moving to any in a union of free states that followed the Constitution. Face it folks, we had a good run but sometimes breaking up is the best option.

Back to Liz Cheney. She is the third most powerful Republican in the House but she needs to go. Her leadership position needs to be stripped from her and she needs to be benched. She is toxic to the party and to conservatism. She is a war hawk like her father (it is easy to send people to war when you have never had to serve yourself). I imagine if she got disgraced enough she might switch parties but as far as I am concerned once she voted to impeach President Trump she already switched. She is a vile worthless waste of flesh and an oxygen thief. If Crenshaw does not like that assessment he can suck wind.

Well folks, that wraps up another day. Washington DC has fencing all around with guards all over to keep people from causing trouble. It is almost as if Democrats are admitting that walls work…

Say a prayer for the troops. Pray they follow their oath. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. The domestic enemies have the title Congressman (or woman) and Senator…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
