The Green Harry Reid

It is no secret that those who believe in man made global warming and who carry the banner fail to live the life they expect of the rest of us to live. Al Gore travels all over in jets using tons of fuel and his house uses enough electricity to power a small village. Many elected officials who ride the global warming bandwagon travel in not so fuel efficient vehicles.

Harry Reid, the soon to be ex Senator from Nevada, attended a green event last week and he showed up in a caravan of SUVs. One person who attended thinks that if he were really concerned with global warming he would have used fuel efficient vehicles or hybrids. But that is not the half of it. The event was only 100 yards away.

“I was absolutely astonished, not to mention appalled, that Harry Reid would retain a fleet of gas-guzzling SUVs so that he and a few aides would not have to walk the mere 100 yards to address environmental activists,” said Heartland Institute Senior Fellow James M. Taylor, who took the attached photo. “If greenhouse gas emissions are such a problem, you would think Reid might have actually made the short stroll through the parking lot, or at least retain Priuses rather than large SUVs for the summit,” said Taylor. Detroit News

This is another example of the do as I say, not as I do mentality of the liberal establishment.

Harry Reid is a mental midget. How stupid does he have to be to pull such a stunt when he is in a close race for his job?

Then again, he probably thinks he is a shoo in. After all, it’s his seat.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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To Be The Chicken Or The Swine

Looks like a chicken is calling his opponents swine. Hollywood director James Cameron previously challenged three global warming deniers to a debate about the subject and all was set after the childish demands of Cameron were met. Then, at the urging of many climate change devotees, Cameron changed his mind and called off the debate. The debate was called off while one of his opponents was in the air on his way to the event.

Cameron’s friends were worried about how he might perform and that he might get throttled in the debate so he turned into a chicken and decided against debating Andrew Breitbart, Marc Morano and Ann McElhinney.

Cameron was full of bluster and after he demonstrated what a coward he is he still had time to refer to those who are skeptical about global warming as swine.

After ducking debate, James Cameron boldly slammed global warming skeptics as “swine” on the day he was supposed to be debating them. “I think they’re swine” Cameron told a friendly audience at the AREDAY summit. Climate Depot

His opponents might be swine, at least in Cameron’s feeble mind, but they were not the ones who acted cowardly in this issue. They did not cancel the debate and though Cameron can refer to them as swine, he was certainly the chicken in all of this.

I would rather be the swine than the chicken.

Cameron has this way of running his mouth and talking like a tough guy until he is challenged and then he pulls his head into his shell and hides like a sissy. Or perhaps he places his head where he swears global warming deniers keep theirs.

In any event, Cameron once said he would like to have a shootout with global warming deniers.

I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads. Climate Depot

I am more than willing to have an old fashioned shootout with Cameron if he would like to do that. We can either do the wild west type where we draw or we can have a real all around town shootout, whichever he prefers.

In either case I will end his miserable existence pretty quickly.

But if Cameron agrees to the shootout (and keep in mind, he said he wanted it and I am only obliging) then he absolutely cannot cancel the event. If this loud mouth puke wants a real shootout then he needs to put up or shut up. If he accepts and then backs out like he did with the global warming debate he will force me to hunt him down.

So he should choose is words wisely.

Oh wait. If he could do that he would not have made the gun battle statement and he would never have challenged people to a debate.

I love when cowardly liberal/progressives talk tough and then get called on it. It is fun to watch them slink along and cower in fear when they are actually have their bluff called.

Maybe we can have cameras there and they can catch Cameron’s last breaths. It would be fitting that his last work would be him eating his words.

And dying of something close to lead poisoning…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Maybe Jupiter Suffers From Global Warming

The planet Jupiter has lost one of its stripes and scientists are trying to figure out why.

Jupiter has lost one of its iconic red stripes and scientists are baffled as to why.

The largest planet in our solar system is usually dominated by two dark bands in its atmosphere, with one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere.

However, the most recent images taken by amateur astronomers have revealed the lower stripe known as the Southern Equatorial Belt has disappeared leaving the southern half of the planet looking unusually bare.

The band was present in at the end of last year before Jupiter ducked behind the Sun on its orbit. However, when it emerged three months later the belt had disappeared. Daily Mail UK

Perhaps this is from global warming. The people of Jupiter, like those on Mars, have been using fossil fuels and driving their SUVs all over the place just gumming up the works and making stripes disappear.

Of course, since neither of these planets are inhabited it would be foolish to blame any kind of climate change on the problems they face with warming (Mars) or bands disappearing (Jupiter) because that would indicate that warming or climate change on a planet is not man-made.

The most likely explanation for the loss of the band is storm activity, activity that took place in the absence of man…

Though one cannot rule out that global warming is to blame. If we hurry, we might be able to get Gore, Pelosi, Frank, Kerry, Lieberman, Obama and a host of other warmers on a ship and send them to fix the problem.

One can only hope…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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I Think I have Seen The Light


After much reflection and after reading resources provided by several of my commenters here I have come to the conclusion that I have been wrong about several things. I have taken the last ten days or so and read the health care law (PL 111-148) and see that it actually benefits more than it hurts. It has some things I do not care for but overall it is a good thing.

I have been reading some of President Obama’s initiatives and find that more and more I fall in line with what he proposes. I have issues with some of the things but for the most part I am in line with him on them.

I am still skeptical about global warming but can see, from the stuff I was provided, that I need to give it a closer look.

The cap and trade system is not great but I might be able to get on board if they make a few changes. I think what Lindsay Graham and John Kerry are working on might be something I could support.

I have been watching Bill Maher and even though I find him obnoxious I can see his points on many things. I believe that my alignment with TEA Party members might have been a mistake.

We need to have a less toxic political environment and I think it is time for me to get on board with helping to remake the country.

Thanks to all who have sent me links to fascinating pieces of well researched information and for those who have helped to steer me in a better direction.

I have finally seen the light.

And for that I thank you.

Big Dog

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Give Credit When Due, Obama Was Right

During the campaign Barack Obama weighed in on global warming and his divine abilities when he said this:

I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people… I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal… This was the moment — this was the time — when we came together to remake this great nation… [emphasis mine] National Review

It would seem that Obama was right about the level of the ocean’s rise beginning to slow. According to the Guardian UK, climate scientists have withdrawn the study that shows ocean levels rising as a result of global warming due to faulty information.

The scientists do not know if the oceans will rise or fall. They also can’t say how much, in the event there is a rise or fall.

So chalk one up for Obama, he was right about the oceans rise slowing.

Chalk one up for global warming, the warmists had to recant more data. With all these mistakes, how do they have anything left to work with?

Big Dog


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