Hotter Than Hell In Vegas

Well, Satan’s spawn Harry Reid is from Nevada…

The temperatures in Vegas have hit 115 degrees for several days and at least one person has died from the heat. Is this global warming? Should we have a carbon tax to keep Vegas from frying?

Nah, Nevada is the home of Harry Reid and Vegas is Sin City so it is only right that it is hotter than Hell. The people who voted for Reid deserve to burn in Hell and it looks like they are getting a head start.

I am not too concerned that it is hot in Vegas.

That might be because I am not in Vegas but the way I see it our troops in the Middle East put up with high temperatures all the time and they have no choice in the matter. The folks in Vegas can suck it up and stay someplace cool until the temps go down a bit though it might not hurt to boot Reid out.

Or they could ask Al Gore to come speak about global warming. Seems that everytime he schedules one of those talks it gets cancelled by snow…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


But, But, There Is A Consensus Among Scientists On Global Warming

The global warming zealots have been running around for a long time telling us the science is settled and that we need to buck up and submit to the stupidity that will cost us a fortune and have no measurable affect on the climate. After a long period of no warming they started using the phrase climate change so that Al Gore could continue to rake in billions of dollars with this scam.

Even after the scientists were caught lying about global warming we were told to just ignore the man behind the curtain and submit to the global warming gods. After all, how can we argue with all those scientists.

I have argued with them for a long time. I pointed out that they had something to gain by continuing the charade because they keep getting money if they keep saying it exists.

Interestingly, a group of scientists has come forward to tell us that not all of the science world is on board with global warming and that it is not really anything to worry about. They even point out many of the items I claimed when I argued against the hoax.

These scientists do not believe the science is settled and they believe there is nothing to worry about.

Don’t expect the mush filled heads of the adherents of the Church of Global Warming to believe this or to give these scientists credit.

Only scientists who agree with them are credible and deserve to be listened to.

This is how science works in the liberal world. They claim an issue is settled and refuse to hear anything else contrary to their beliefs. Then they stick their fingers in their ears and sing la,la,la.

They will soon devise another climate scam to bilk governments out of the people’s money.

Wall Street Journal

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Fitting Reception For John Kerry

John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, was a big anti war demonstrator during the early 1970s. He lied about his fellow service members and he lied about what they did. He protested and he testified before Congress. Now that he has been a Senator for quite a numbers of years the shoe is on the other foot.

Kerry was home visiting with constituents and they gave him hell for his support of the war in Afghanistan, among other things. I thought the war in Afghanistan was the right war among the loonies on the left. While we were fighting in Iraq during Bush’s time in office we were constantly reminded that Bush took his eye off the ball in Afghanistan.

The Senate and the House have both passed bills for ending the Iraq War, or at least liquidating the American involvement in it. The resolutions, approved by the barest majorities, were underpinned by one unmistakable theme: wrong war, wrong place, distracting us from the real war that is elsewhere.

Where? In Afghanistan. The emphasis on Afghanistan echoed across the Democratic aisle in Congress from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to former admiral and now Rep. Joe Sestak. It is a staple of the three leading Democratic candidates for the presidency, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. It is the constant refrain of their last presidential candidate, John Kerry, and of their current party leader, Howard Dean, who complains “we don’t have enough troops in Afghanistan. That’s where the real war on terror is.” Real Clear Politics

Now that we are fighting more aggressively there, the Democrats don’t seem to feel it is any longer the right war. Kerry supported the war in Afghanistan long before Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, sent more troops there. Kerry was in favor of the war in Afghanistan while running for president so it is unlikely he has changed his stance but his constituents seem to have. They supported him for the presidency so they must have agreed with his position:

So the one time war protester is getting a taste of his own medicine.

Kerry also apologized for calling a woman who does not believe in global warming a Neanderthal. Kerry said he was referring to people in general who do not believe in global warming.

Some apology. Does not his clarification mean he still thinks the woman is a Neanderthal?

In any event, when the liberals in Massachusetts turn on a liberal, life is good.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Climate Change Hits New Zealand And Europe Chills Out

It is springtime in New Zealand and the flowers are starting to bloom, the crops are being planted and tons of things that happen in the spring are taking place. One thing that took place was not welcome and it was climate change of epic proportions. Six days of blizzards have hit the Southland region and lots of lambs have been killed.

Following a reasonably benign winter, the Southland region of New Zealand (NZ) has in the past week been hit by “the worst spring storm in living memory” according to the NZ Herald.

Six days of blizzards have caused deaths among new lambs numbering in the hundreds of thousands, and raised concern over the welfare of ewes yet to lamb. Meat Trade News

Once again a region of the world has been affected by global warming.

And global warming is set to destroy Europe as this winter is predicted to be the coldest in 1000 years.

It must be man made global warming because Al Gore and his phony data said so.

But with hundreds of thousands of dead lambs and record cold temperatures I just don’t think Al and his buddies will be able to hide this decline.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Typical For The Left

The propagandists of the left will use fear and threats to get what it wants. This video is an example of how they operate, do it our way or else (in this case you get blown up). No different than Obama saying we must act now to avoid this or that and we can’t wait or it will be real bad. No different, of course, except they blow people (including CHILDREN) up in the video.

This should not be surprising considering the threats made to those who do not buy into the whole global warming scam. They want to round us up and shoot us, tax us to death, and take away our stuff because they will use force to get what they want.

As an aside, I still have that challenge with James Cameron. He wants to meet the global warming deniers in the street and have a shoot out with them. I will be happy to oblige him and the offer remains open. I think he might get to eat a little more than his words…

How do you think it would be received if the video was of Congress and each time one of the members went against the wishes of the public he was blown up?

Then again…

And yes, I know it is a UK film but the climate change Nazis are all the same.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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