He Scares Us Too Michelle

Michelle Obama was speaking to some school kids and she talked about them addressing their fears. She noted that some of the things the students face are scary and then said that being married to Barack Obama was a scary thing:

The first lady urged students not to let fear guide them after a student asked about being worried about going away to college.

“I mean this is scary,” she said. “Shoot, being married to Barack Obama? He’s got big plans. He’s always pushing us beyond our comfort zones, and I’m dragged along going, `What’s he doing now? No, not this.'” WTOP

Well Michelle, he scares us as well and for the same reasons. He has big plans that involve more government and the transition to Socialism and he pushes us beyond the comfort zones because he is anti American. He does not like our history and he does not respect the men who founded this nation.

He is scary because he feels entitled to the job and he feels he has the right to tell us how to live and what to do so much so that he is bypassing Congress to get what he wants.

He is a tyrant and while he is not physically imposing or physically scary, his plans and his dreams are scary.

And he needs to be stopped.

In 2012 we will put an end to his tyranny and that will end the scary nightmare for the nation.

You Michelle, have to divorce him to accomplish the same thing…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Constitution Day

It is Constitution Day. Look at what is taking place in this country and think about whether or not our Founders envisioned what is happening and if this is what they intended.

The Patriot Post weighs in on the issue.

This is an open thread to discuss what you think about the Constitution, the people who wrote it and what they intended.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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