Obama Choose One; Murder the Kids or Father them

Barack Hussein Obama gave a speech on Father’s Day where he told black men they needed to step up and accept responsibility for their acts. He told them that any fool can have a child but raising the child is what makes one a man:

“We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn’t just end at conception. That doesn’t make you a father,” Obama said to applause and hoots from the parishioners, “What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child- any fool can have a child. That’s doesn’t make you father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.” CBS

Not long ago B. Hussein Obama was defending the practice of murdering children in the womb and he said that if one of his daughters got pregnant he would not want her punished with a child. If I am to understand this correctly, Obama is saying that if a young lady wants to abort a baby she is avoiding punishment but if a young man ignores the child (his way of avoiding punishment) he is a fool and not being a man.

Obambi also used an interesting choice of words when he said that responsibility does not end at conception. Why not? To Obama and the rest of the murderers, life does not begin at conception and the product of conception is nothing more than a “blob” of cells. If, as the left contends, life does not begin at conception, how can a young man who does everything correctly actually be a father. One cannot be a father to a blob of cells so what responsibility is Obama referring to?

Why should Obama care in the first place? He advocates abortion. If we accept the argument that early abortion is not murder (I do not but for the sake of argument) then we would have to agree that a child, seconds from birth, is a human being. Obama believes in late term and partial birth abortion. Obama is all in favor of allowing a doctor to snip open the back of an about to be born child’s head and sucking its brains out. Obama even voted to allow unwanted babies to be born and left to die.

Given that Obama is all in favor of these barbaric methods of infanticide, why should we care what his views on fatherhood are? Who is he to admonish young men? Who is he to tell them that any fool can have a child but that it takes a man to raise the child? How can he say that a pregnant young lady is punished with a child but that a man must raise one?

It does take a man to raise a child and raising children properly makes that man a father. Advocating killing unborn (and in some cases just born) infants is contrary to the idea that it takes courage to raise a child. If Obama advocates killing those children then he lacks courage and he has no moral authority to tell other men to exhibit courage and raise their children.

B. Hussein’s little speech will get great play in the media (and he will not be castigated like Cosby was) and he will be treated as a man of the people who is so in touch with the problems facing the black community, a visionary, a man with great insight, a man full of hope and change. The reality is, he advocates infanticide and ignoring responsibility.

Obama does not want his daughters punished. He would rather punish an unborn child that had no say in the matter.

A society is measured by how it treats its weakest members. There are none weaker than the unborn and we are failing miserably in the way that they are treated.

It is OK to abort your child
Or so the story goes
Whether it’s for medical reasons
Or to clear up sexual woes

Yes it’s true, I’m sad to say
It really is no ruse
A fetus isn’t considered a life
Unless born damaged from abuse

There are many people who say out loud
It’s a woman’s right to choose
The father really has no rights
Don’t fight it, he will lose

Of course it’s really different my friends
Should she choose not to abort
The man has no rights the other way
He gets socked with child support

Oh what a tangled web we weave
When Pro-Choicers have their say
I wonder where they’d be right now
If their mothers felt that way.

Big Dog