The Troops Are A Good Photo Op For Obama

While Obama dithers on making a troop decision he has taken the time to visit some of them at various bases. One was in Alaska and another in South Korea. Obama told the troops that they made a pretty good photo op.

This is what the Resident thinks of the troops, they are a good photo op. While he is playing games there are men and women in harm’s way who need more support. The request for that support has been on his desk since August but Obama has failed to take a decision on sending the help their commander says they need. Aides say it is unlikely a decision will be taken before Thanksgiving.

While the rest of the nation gives thanks our troops will be praying that they get help sometime within Obama’s first term.

Let’s see. Stimulus, we have to do it NOW. Health care takeover, we have to do it NOW, Cap and Trade, well he wanted it NOW but has to wait until after the next election. Everything is NOW, NOW, NOW with this guy except when it comes to sending help to the troops. That can wait until Obama is good and ready.

How many times have we heard about people dying in the streets because health care is screwed up? This is a blatant lie but it plays on emotions. The only people I have seen die in the streets were involved in accidents or victims of violence.

Health care is a matter of life or death, or so we are led to believe but sending help to our troops is not such a matter of life or death, except to those on the battlefield.

My liberal friends tell me (and I read liberal commenters at other sites) that they like the idea that Obama is taking his time and carefully weighing options with regard to the troops. It shows how deliberative he is.

But the same people are pushing for health care reform right NOW and want no delays. Our troops are getting shot at and some are dying on the battlefield while Obama deliberates. On the other hand Obama is balls to the wall for health care reform. He wants that by the end of the year but when he gets to helping the troops is anyone’s guess.

This is nothing more than dereliction of duty. Just like a Democrat to abandon our troops.

During the campaign Obama said he would have to earn the trust of the troops. I said then that he did not have the experience to be Commander in Chief and he is showing that each and every day.

As for earning trust. Good luck with that.

At least they provide his ego with a good photo op.

Big Dog

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