The Right Direction?

Barack Obama was in Maryland yesterday stumping for Moron OweMalley, the Democrat Governor (who endorsed Hillary Clinton). When he was not making the crowd ill, he used the same tired analogy he has used for the past few months. He told the crowd of sycophant Democrats that if you want to move a car forward you put it in D and if you want to move backwards you put it in R. He told them this was no coincidence (it actually is a coincidence but he is talking to Democrats).

If we were to carry Obama’s analogy further we would have to point out that the R on a car is an important feature. If your car was facing the edge of a cliff what would you put the gear selector in? I am willing to bet most folks would pick the R and get out of trouble. Then there would be those few who think it is a coincidence and drive on.

The country is on the edge of a cliff that, until Obama took office, we approached rather slowly. Once Obama took office he put it in D and kicked in the turbo chargers. We are now on that cliff and voters need to decide whether we select the D and drive off the cliff or if we pick the R and reverse course.

The Titanic was in D when it hit the iceberg…

We know that Obamanomics is not working. He has spent trillions of dollars and tripled the deficit that Bush left. Obama is the Bush spending agenda on steroids (great, now Congress will be investigating steroid use).

Obama spent a trillion dollars on stimulus and the only thing stimulated was the payoff to his supporters. There are no jobs being created (they overestimated last year by nearly a million jobs and we lost nearly 100k more in September) and the economy remains in the doldrums. Obama’s legislative agenda has been filled with Socialist wishes and lies. The Health Care takeover that would save money is estimated to cost trillions of dollars and will burden the country.

Remember, Obama says that government can do it better. It is your mommy and daddy and can care for you. This would be the same government that spent over 20 million dollars on stimulus checks that went to dead people and those in jail. Where was the government oversight in this relatively small program (when compared to the size and scope of health care)? If this government cannot avoid wasting millions of dollars on the dead and felons then how on Earth will it ever run a program the size of health care with any efficiency?

The answer is, it will not because it cannot.

[note]The dead and incarcerated have long been Democrat constituents so one could argue that they were paying off their supporters…[/note]

And this is the so called forward progress that Obama discusses when he talks about putting the car in D.

It would do voters well to also note that Recovery begins with R…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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When Dem Pollsters Sound The Clarion

Ignoring the Kos polls that Kos admitted were manipulated to give him the results he was looking for, we can start looking at the polls for the upcoming elections. The Kos polls were over the top but not too terribly far off from many MSM backed polls of the past few years. The pollsters typically find ways to skew results to make things more positive for Democrats because controlling the message is important to the Socialists and Marxists in government and their sock puppets in the media. The pollsters can swing public opinion by skewing polls.

So when polls conducted by Democrat supporters start to show things are bad, they are.

A poll done by James Carville’s firm shows the Republicans up by 6% in the generic ballot (48%-42%). This is the generic ballot. The local races are beginning to look bad for some long time Democrats. Boxer, Reid and Feingold are in trouble in the polls and could very well end up unemployed after November.

Another interesting thing from the same Carville poll is that 55% of respondents said that Socialist was an accurate way to describe Barack Hussein Obama.

And Obama is losing his appeal. Not long ago he was filling venues with his lofty talk of hope and change and how he would do this or that and people swooned over him, fainted, screamed and followed just to touch his robes. Now his presence cannot fill a venue one tenth the size he has in the past and prices have to be reduced to induce people to attend.

From Yes We Can to Oh No You Didn’t in a year and a half…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Save The Senate? Better Save Himself

Barack Obama faces the real possibility of losing not only seats but the majority he enjoys, especially in the Senate. It is a long way to the election and anything can happen but Democrat Senators are dropping like flies (there are slightly more Democrats not returning than there are Republicans) and Obama is still stinging from the loss of the people’s seat in Massachusetts.

So Obama is embarking on a “save the Senate” tour where he will campaign for Democrats in peril of losing their seats.

President Obama kicks off what might be called his “Save the Senate” tour this week, heading west to campaign for two embattled Democrats trailing badly against Republican challengers – including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Washington Times

Considering that he is 0-3, he might want to skip the campaign appearances if he wants to actually help them.

Obama has much more to worry about because a new CNN poll shows that 52% of the people polled do not think he deserves a second term. He has three years to fix that problem so now is not the time to panic but considering he has only been in office for 13 months, it might be time to worry a bit.

Obama will certainly triangulate and work to appear moderate so that he can garner more support. There are people who will forget that, to many, he appeared moderate during the campaign only to become more radical upon taking office. He was (and still is) radical all along to those of us not receiving the Kool Aid IV.

This November the clout of Barack Obama will be put to the test. If he can muster enough votes to keep the majority then he might be on semi solid ground. If he loses a lot, and particularly loses one or both chambers, he will be in trouble.

Then again, Republicans in the Congress helped Bill Clinton with a make-over that gave him a second term.

The economy will not be healed any time soon, particularly with the policies of this administration and once inflation hits things will be really bad.

No wonder Obama is sporting more gray hair.

Big Dog


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More On The Misinformation Front

Barack Obama and James Carville like to call the last decade the lost decade. It is a swipe at George Bush and the assertion is that the economy was terrible while he was in office. Randall Hoven at American Thinker has a great post up comparing the years and how we did and it is broken down by which party controlled the government.

This should drive the Democrats nuts (OK, it is more like a short putt):

So that “lost decade” was really just five lost years: the years when Republicans did not control Congress. When Republicans did control Congress, all of ten years in the last eighty, the economy did just fine — better than most recent decade averages.

Let me be clear. We got “lost” only when Democrats took over Congress. That is a fact.

Not to worry, the Obama apologists who frequent here will come up with some defense of the anointed one.

The Canadian premier of Newfoundland and Labrador is coming to America for heart surgery:

The Canadian premier of Newfoundland and Labrador will be coming to the US for heart surgery for a procedure his deputy claims is not available in his home province. Just One Minute

I am certain that someone will point out that this guy’s province is small and does not offer the surgery that is needed and that this is the case all over Canada depending on where people live and what the population is. This is the excuse we hear when they make excuses for wait times.

But surely this surgery is offered somewhere in Canada. You mean to tell me this guy could not find some place in Canada, with its wonderful health care, where he could get the heart surgery he needs?

No, he is wealthy and he is coming to America to get his surgery. He is coming here for a reason and it is not that the surgery is not offered in his province…

Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen does not feel safe under Obama [Big Dog Salute to Just One Minute]:

There is almost nothing the Obama administration does regarding terrorism that makes me feel safer. Whether it is guaranteeing captured terrorists that they will not be waterboarded, reciting terrorists their rights, or the legally meandering and confusing rule that some terrorists will be tried in military tribunals and some in civilian courts, what is missing is a firm recognition that what comes first is not the message sent to America’s critics but the message sent to Americans themselves. When, oh when, will this administration wake up?

Bit by bit, circumstances are forcing President Obama and his aides to come to grips with reality.

Hey Richard, welcome to the club.


Republicans get more in fundraising money in December.

That’s the wrap up for now. As always, your comments are appreciated.

Big Dog


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Good Thing He Is Not Up For Reelection Next Year

Ben Nelson bowed to his party against the wishes of his constituents on the health care takeover bill that was rammed through the Senate. Nelson is now seeing the result of his betrayal as a new Rasmussen poll finds that he trails a potential challenger by 31 points and the next election for Nelson is more than two years away.

Nelson has recorded a 30 second commercial to be aired during the Holiday Bowl game featuring Nebraska and Arizona. In the message Nelson will tell voters that he listened to them and he believes that this is a common sense approach. The poll indicates that they are not buying what Nelson has to sell and he must realize this or he would not be airing the commercial (which will also air a few times in the next couple of days).

Nelson is trying to convince people that he did what they wanted though they know he did not. The majority of people in his state did not want the health care bill but he bowed to pressure from Harry Reid and Barack Obama rather than paying heed to what the people wanted. The poll shows he was on the wrong side of the issue and if he really feels that he did the right thing then he should not worry about the election.

Julie Schmit-Albin, executive director of Nebraska Right to Life said that one has to wonder if Nelson misjudged the level of opposition from his constituents to this legislation or if he has decided not to “ever seek office again.”

The only thing Nelson has going for him is that he is not up for reelection until 2012 and maybe he felt safe because of that. A lot of things can happen by then but I am pretty sure voters will not forget how he betrayed them.

Nelson chose party over the people who put him in office and he will eventually pay a price for his decision.

Don’t think for one moment that any potential challengers will neglect to bring up Nelson’s vote throughout the entire campaign.

Good. This guy needs to go. He has no spine and he has no conviction.


Big Dog


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