The Other Rich Need To Do Something

Moochelle Obama was out on the campaign trail, no doubt proud of her country for the first time in her life, and she was talking about how the rich need to do more for the poor. She is likely unaware that the top 50% of wage earners (the rich would be located at the top of that group) pay all the federal income taxes in this country and the bottom 50% get that tax money in the form of social programs. She is also probably not aware that social programs enacted by Democrats have enslaved people to government and kept them from achieving.

Obama asked:

“Will we be a country where success is limited to the few at the top? This country is strongest when we are all better off.” Washington Examiner

Obama is not aware that success is not limited to the few at the top. Anyone in America who has the desire and the education can succeed. What Obama really means is are we going to allow people on welfare to get fewer benefits because the rich are already taxed too much? Yes, the rich pay most of the federal taxes in this country and progressives have redistributed that money for all kinds of unconstitutional and unnecessary programs in the name of social justice.

They do not care that their programs keep people enslaved. Let me rephrase, they care but not for the reasons sane people would. They care because they want, no they NEED, people to be enslaved to government. It is how they continue to get people voting for them and their agenda to rob the rich to pay the poor. Theirs is a plan that has always led to failure. It has taken nearly a century but the failure of Democrat social programs becomes more evident each day. It will only get worse.

The ironic thing is that Obama and her hubby, Barack, are both rich and they also live life high on the hog on taxpayer money. Moochelle goes on expensive vacations (16 in the last three years, some with her husband, some without) that cost the taxpayers lots of money. The argument that it is part of the gig does not hold water. We are in tough economic times and we cannot afford such extravagance. If Obama and her hubby want people to sacrifice (they keep saying we all need to sacrifice – shared sacrifice they call it) they need to lead by example. Every few weeks she is off on another trip with hoards of people and he is on a golf course someplace. Sacrifice, yes for you but not for them. They are American royalty, after all.

Another ironic thing is that Moochelle was saying all of this to people who are very wealthy and who paid a lot of money to hear her talk. The money was raised to help keep her husband in office.

It was probably a drop in the bucket since Barack has been using billions of dollars in taxpayer money to buy votes and get donations. His waste of taxpayer money on green energy companies that end up going out of business and leaving the taxpayer with billions in losses is a scheme to get him more campaign cash. This is also true of his union bailouts and gifts of taxpayer money.

This group of thugs is a criminal enterprise. It is nothing more than Chicago style politics and that means it is corrupt from beginning to end.

Maybe instead of asking the wealthy to sacrifice more than they already have Moochelle could ask unpatriotic folks who pay NO taxes to pony up and get some skin in the game.

And maybe she and hubby could give up those expensive meals they love to stuff in their faces

It is hard to discuss how we are all better off by having the rich sacrifice more when the Obamas routinely eat $150 a POUND Wagyu steak.

Moochelle does not care if we are all better off as long as she is better off.

I guess she is living in one of those two Americas John Edwards used to talk about.

And you can bet your paycheck that it is not the poor one and that she wants to stay there and that she does not care where you are.

It is how progressives work. They use class warfare to pit people against each other. They pretend to worry about the poor while pushing policies that keep people in poverty (or in the case of Barack, put even more people in poverty) and they work hard to make sure they are wealthy and remain that way.

Let’s fire them in November and put some people with class in the White House.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Rich Liberals Want Tax Increases

All liberals want people to be taxed more. That is, of course, except them. Liberals love to discuss raising tax rates and forcing more people to pay more of their hard earned cash to the government so that the government can take that money and waste it on programs that support liberals. Welfare, bailouts, union payoffs, all done with tax dollars to keep the liberal base down and dependent on government while forcing others to pay.

Even very wealthy liberals say that the wealthy should pay more in taxes. Bill Clinton says he should be paying more, Michael Moore thinks the wealthy should be paying more and Warren Buffett says the wealthy should be paying more. Buffett is so revered in the Obama regime that a new tax plan is named after him. It matters not that the new tax is based upon a lie (that Buffett pays less in taxes than his secretary) what matters is that the man is advocating more taxes for the rich.

He and other rich liberals like to discuss raising taxes because they do not pay their taxes. John Kerry wants more taxes but docks his yacht in another state to avoid taxes. Charlie Rangel finds ways (mostly illegal ones) to avoid paying taxes. Buffett is no different. Last year Buffett made $62,955,038, making him very rich, but instead of paying his fair share Buffett has been fighting with the IRS for ten years to avoid paying about ONE BILLION dollars in taxes.

Mr. I need to pay more in taxes is fighting the IRS to avoid paying taxes. All liberals who advocate higher taxes (but only on the rich as we define them at any given moment) work very, very hard to avoid paying their own taxes.

Buffett is not different and neither are all the mush brained morons from Hollywood who claim they need to pay more. All of these rich people employ accountants to ensure they pay the IRS as little as possible. Here is a great summation of Buffett’s hypocrisy:

On top of this tax bill, figure the value of the time IRS agents have invested trying to collect it – they don’t work cheap, and we pay their salaries – and the resources Buffett’s people have invested fighting back. All of which would have been saved if Buffett simply practiced what he preached, and willingly handed over his fortune to the brilliant and compassionate “leaders” he commands the rest of us to support without resistance. Human Events

Buffett did not practice what he preaches for the same reason all liberals do not practice what they preach; because they believe the rules do not apply to them.

Buffett is no different…

Do as I say and not as I do, the mantra of the liberal left.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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We Need To Find A Generic Republican

In recent polls for the 2012 presidential contest, a contest that is a year and a half away, Barack Obama beats or ties most of the announced or potential Republican candidates. Romney has traded places atop the polls but for the most part, Obama is ahead of the pack.

The polling that asks about the generic Republican shows that Obama loses. Obama loses to an unnamed, unknown generic Republican but beats the current field. This shows two things. America is generally tired of Obama and wants a change in leadership and that the current crop (thus far) is not the change in leadership that they want.

This could change over time as right now allegiances are spread across a wide Republican field but as it stands right now, Obama beats them when he can’t beat the generic candidate.

Unless someone jumps out of the pack of Republicans and espouses what those polled see in the “generic” candidate, Republicans need to find that generic candidate somewhere else.

The population is looking for a conservative with a proven record of financial experience who has not wavered on core principles. The current pack has few of those in it. Romney gave us Obamacare light and has changed his positions on several issues. He is a smart money man but to many, Obamacare light is a deal breaker.

People have a right to change positions over time based on experience and knowledge but too often positions change based on politics and that is not the mark of a principled person. Plenty of politicians opposed abortion (or federal funding of it) but changed over time for political gain. Look at how many have no problem with federal funding of abortion under Obamacare. Al Gore changed his position completely when being pro life was not to his political advantage.

These are not principled positions. The Republicans need that person who has a solid record of conservative values and have been principled in the approach to these sensitive issues.

Who will that generic person be?

Right now it is hard to say if one of the current contenders is the one or if a new person will have to emerge.

But one thing is certain, whomever it is, the left and its media wing will wage a full scale assault on that person. Power is a strong incentive to many people who have less than honorable intentions.

The Rasmussen poll linked above shows that voters are likely to vote for whomever the Republicans nominate and that is the generic Republican. This is misleading when one considers that the individuals currently in the race lose when polled head to head against Obama (except Romney who trades places depending upon the poll). If current economic conditions persist it is possible for Obama to lose to any candidate but if they improve the Republicans will need a strong, principled candidate in order to win.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Another Rat Jumps Ship

Democratic Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico announced he will not seek reelection in 2012 as another rat jumps from the sinking ship. While Bingaman’s departure will make it even more difficult for Democrats to maintain control of the Senate, the Democrat party is not the ship I was talking about.

Bingaman is like many other politicians, from both parties, who have decided not to seek reelection. Yes, most of them are Democrats and yes their party is destroying the country and moving it toward Socialism, but no, they are not the only ones. Republicans (mostly in name only) have helped move us toward destruction.

The ship I think Bingaman and the other politicians are abandoning is the ship of state. None of these people wants to be on board when the country slips into the abyss because they do not want to be blamed for the destruction. They do not want the immediate blame or the blame history will assign to those who were on board when the ship went to the bottom of the sea.

It is too late and it matters not if these people are in office when the demise of this great country takes place because they are all to blame. They all had a hand in sinking the country and they will all be remembered as the people who did us in.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Nanny Pelosi Knows Best

The nanny state is alive and well. Nanny Pelosi spoke after a group of Democrats presented their views on repeal of Obamacare. They gave the standard lies and some said how much it would cost to repeal, standard stuff one expects from the nanny state but Nanny Pelosi took the case.

In this video from The Blaze (linked from WBAL Radio) Pelosi states that even if everyone in America was happy with their health care and it was affordable for all, the government takeover was necessary because the system was not sustainable.

Listen to what this moron is saying. She indicates that even if EVERYONE had health care and liked it and it was affordable she and her nanny state Democrats would have had to take it over because it was not sustainable.

Excuse me while I laugh. OK, I am back. If everyone has what they want and they can afford it then the system IS sustainable. The system is and has been sustainable but according to Pelosi even if the system was completely ideal and everyone had coverage they liked and could afford, the government would need to take it over.

This is more proof that the takeover had nothing to do with the stated goals and everything to do with involving government in our lives.

It is absolute proof that this is about one thing and one thing only. CONTROL! They want to control us and they know it will be easier if they control our health care.

I have an idea. Government as we know have it is unsustainable. Spending is out of control and we are 14 TRILLION dollars in debt. We have a bloated government that is simply unsustainable.

So let’s take it over. It is necessary and, according to Nanny Pelosi, the proper thing to do.

We started today and if the Republicans don’t do the right thing we will fire them and replace them with people who will. We will keep replacing these people until we get folks who will do what is right by this country and the people who make it work.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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