Freedom of Choice

I have been posting for a little while now, and I have come across many other opinions, some agreeing with me, and some not so much. Some have been truly vindictive (probably evidence of poor breeding), but this has not, nor will not deter me from presenting my viewpoint as I see it. This is a part of free speech, and also a part of our freedom of choice- we can choose to say something, or abstain from speaking. They are also free to go to another site if they wish. It’s all about the freedom here.

As the days of this “revered leaders” term winds on, the term “Freedom of Choice” will increasingly be under fire from all quarters of the liberal front, as these socialists seek to make us all into “good people”. This would mean, of course, people who blindly agree with their nutjob socialistic thinking.

But to do this, they have to subvert the little roadbump in the road called the Constitution, and they have found ways around this.

A good example is the First Amendment, which details freedom of speech. Well, they can’t get past that one, can they? Oh yes- by two different ways- first is a little innocent thing called “localism”, whereby a radio station could be forced to put on “local” opposing views to counter the talk radio. The trouble with that is, first, the opposing views would not have to pay for their time, so stations would lose money on these “views” (comments from the Commissar, perhaps?). The second problem is that IF these views were popular, they would already BE on the radio. The failure of liberal Air America radio proves there is no market for their drivel.

The second step in the battle over freedom of speech is what is known as “diversity of ownership”- where certain stations would be stripped from the rightful owners, and given, in the name of “diversity”, to others with the politically correct viewpoint. I’m not saying that Barama is Chavez, but he’s looking “Chavez-ish.”

The restrictions on the Second Amendment are, in part, thanks to the comedian Chris Rock who made the suggestion of pricing ammunition at $1,000 a bullet, and so there will be onerous taxes on the ammo- that’s not the only way around the Second Amendment, but mark my words, that is at least one of the ways they will go, because they need the money, their printer is about out of ink.

Green jobs will make us less prosperous, because as a study of the Green industry has shown in Spain, 2.2 jobs are lost for every 1 job created by green technology, and subsidies for companies put many utilities out of business, causing the others who survived to be monopolies and able to charge what they wished, and it was not cheaper for the consumer.

We will have less freedom in our job choices, because the government wants to determine just what THEY determine you are worth. Keep in mind, this is the same people who tout the 7.35 minimum wage as a step forward- Bulls**t! The minimum wage should have been tied to the yearly rise in inflation back in 1970, but nooooooooo. So now the government wants to look at other wages? Might they do as poor a job on these as they did with the minimum wage. One might think so.

Small businesses will not be able to grow as they might in a capitalistic society- many people forget that Bill Gates was a small businessman once. But under Barama, you get just so large, and you will be punished for your success, taxed to within an inch of your life.

Because of the hybrid technology, and the blind refusal to drill off of our coasts, our choices for transportation will be severely restricted to p**spoor electric and wimpy little tinfoil cars that can’t carry a driver, much less a real- life load for work. And of course less choice in auto maker, because only a fool or a Russian buys a government- made car, and I am neither.

There is already less choice on schools- Congress, in its infinite stupidity, cancelled school vouchers for Washington D.C. schools, so Barama’s children, I guess, wouldn’t have to mix with the riff- raff of common people. They will continue this pattern for the rest of the states, and that runs counter to the Tenth Amendment, pertaining to state’s rights, but they’ve done so many end arounds on the Constitution that they probably feel they can do it all.

And finally, there will be less choice in terms of social services and infrastructure, because of B’s onerous taxes, there will have to be less. All the people making or having enough money will find ways around taxation, even if it meant moving somewhere in the Bahamas or Cayman Islands. This puts the burden on the captive people,those who can’t move, and these people will be taxed to the max. Streets, which already look like those in Iraq, will go longer between repaving, but it will all work out, I am sure, because we will not have the money to drive anywhere, nor will we have a car that would be able to navigate the potholes in order to get to a sub-standard school.

We will, however, be able to sit in the car and listen to the local Commissar rant.

It will be SO much fun.
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Wikipedia Scrubs Negatives From Obama Entry, Bans Users

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia where people can enter items. The items are supposed to be sourced and verifiable but there are often entries that are inaccurate or contain opinion rather than fact. I, as well as a number of people, use Wikipedia as a source for information but I do not accept it as the sole source and often poo poo people who cite it when the information conflicts with more reliable sources.

The Wikipedia people would have you believe that they are concerned with accuracy and that they monitor entries to ensure that only truthful information is added. However, their practice is far from the truth.

Wikipedia is scrubbing the entry on Barack Obama to ensure nothing about him is negative. When a negative entry is made it is scrubbed within minutes even if it is 100% accurate. The person making the entry is banned from entering items for three days. The Obama entry has been scrubbed of any items containing information about the controversy surrounding his birth certificate. One can argue if he is a citizen or not and it would be conjecture or opinion because it has not been proven but mentioning that the controversy exists and that there have been lawsuits over it is factual.

Additionally, there is no mention of Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers. One entry with Ayers’ name was deleted and the user banned for three days. This was the entry:

“He served alongside former Weathermen leader William Ayers from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project, and also from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Joyce Foundation. Obama served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995 to 2002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995 to 1991. Ayers was the founder and director of the Challenge.” WND

There is nothing in this entry that is disparaging and it contains completely factual information that was all discussed during the campaign. Obama did not deny any of this and it is a matter of public record.

The problem seems to be that Bill Ayers is mentioned. It seems that the administrators at Wikipedia do not even want that name mentioned so any information, no matter how accurate or relevant, is deleted.

This is a matter of rewriting history. The Wiki folks are presenting a glowing picture of Obama by ignoring the other facts that make the man who he is. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who think Wiki is the be all, end all in information and they will take what is written there as gospel.

Google scrubbed a Googlebomb about The Evil Won (the same Googlebomb about George Bush that it left up for years) and now Wiki is ignoring anything that is now glowingly positive about the Dear Leader. George Soros put up phony websites including one that depicts Obama as pro life. How far will the Obama followers go to hide the truth and to keep the world from knowing the real Obama? In Google’s case, it was not a matter of hiding the truth as it was protecting their guy when they allowed a certain practice for his predecessor.

Wiki asks for donations to keep the site running and, at times, the request is at the top of the page. I would hope that people will think twice before they donate to this group of hacks.

Then again, maybe Obama has already taken care of them…

Big Dog

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Don’t Let Pelosi Fool You With Slick Oil Talk

I told you it would not be long. I was right on top of it after Barack Hussein Obama stated that he would be open to drilling for our own oil. I remarked at that time that it would not be long before people from the left who opposed drilling would jump on board. That has happened as of this week when Nancy Pelosi stated that she would be up for drilling our own oil with certain conditions. One of those conditions is a release of oil from the strategic reserves which is unwise to say the least.

Pelosi called the Republican request to drill a hoax and stated that she was trying to save the planet. She adjourned the House for a five week vacation without scheduling a vote and had all the lights and cameras turned off on the way out the door. When Republicans stayed behind and started making noise Barry Obambi changed his mind (dare I say flip-flopped) and stated he would be OK with drilling, and basically endorsed the plan John McCain has been pushing.

I knew it would not take long. Pelosi was (and still is) vehemently opposed to drilling. She knows that some of her Democrats are vulnerable and has secretly told them to push for drilling so they can win over people in their districts. Pelosi knows that she cannot go against Obama if she wants him to have a chance to win so she has to take a position under the bus in order for Obama to look like a leader. Pelosi is also aware that the ban on drilling must be renewed each year and it looks like she will not have the votes to renew it. If they wait too long all the names of the Democrats who dare to vote against it will be fresh in the minds of voters come election day.

But none of this should fool anyone. Pelosi is only playing to the majority of people who want us to drill for our own oil. The oil off our coasts, in ANWR, and the shale in the west will provide us with oil for many years to come especially when we consider how many places there are to get the oil. But none of this will matter because it is all smoke and mirrors. Pelosi believes that Obama will win and that she will pick up plenty of seats in the House and that the Senate will gain as well. With a Democratic president and a huge majority in Congress Pelosi will be able to bring the issue up for a vote after the new president and new Congress swears in. At that time they could put a complete halt to any drilling and take us right back to where we are now. She can do this and there won’t be a thing the American public can do about it.

Don’t let Nancy Pelosi or any other Democrat including Hopie Obama fool you. They will say anything to win but as soon as they do they will forget any promise they made and will impose their wills, their true intentions, upon us.

And just remember, there is no cure for buyer’s remorse. We will have to wait until the next election to express our dissatisfaction and by then most people will have forgotten. It has been said that we get the government we deserve.

Certainly we deserve better than this.

Big Dog

Hillary Deceived and Blew Chance

In last night’s debate Hillary Clinton said she would release her tax returns if she is nominated “or sooner” and said she was working on it but she has been busy. She also stated that she would hope that papers of her First Lady tenure would be released quickly. Her husband has them and she also indicated that the Bush people would look at them first and hoped they would act quickly. It now appears as if she will not release her tax returns until at least April and there is no indication about her returns from last year, the ones that have been requested fro some time now. As for her papers, the White House says they have not seen them because Bill Clinton is holding them up. It is politics as usual around the Clinton camp.

As for blowing it, Hillary had a great chance to take the high road last night and she missed the opportunity by playing petty games. There was a question about the praise that Louis Farrakhan gave to Senator Obama over the weekend. Obama indicated that he denounced what Farrakhan has said in the past about Jews and that he [Obama] has not sought out Farrakhan’s endorsement. Hillary asked to respond and she talked about when a group endorsed her in her first Senate run. She stated that they were antisemitic and she rejected their endorsement. At this point I thought she was going to praise Obama for his denouncement of Farrakhan. This would have been the high road and would have shown her as a thoughtful leader.

Instead, she told Obama that it was not enough to denounce the man’s words, she had to reject! The difference is, she was endorsed and rejected it, he was not endorsed and has not asked to be. This made her seem petty and weak. To his credit, he deflected the whole thing and made her look like a fool. He said if it will make you feel better I will reject and denounce. If she had left it alone the onus would have been on him and people might have wondered why he was not rejecting something (that he really did not have to) or if she had taken the high road she might have looked presidential. The pettiness made her look inept and the way he handled it made him look cool and in charge. He looked more presidential.

I also question her Saturday Night Live reference. I saw the show and I they made fun of the way the media has gone ga ga over Obama. She might have worked that line in at a better time or left it out completely. It did not fit in well and it made her look like a whiner.

I think that the debate was Hillary’s swan song. I will never count her out because the Clintons are ruthless politicians and they know how to get ugly and win. She might hang close enough to make the convention a bar burner but she did not give people a warm and fuzzy feeling last night. Obama looked as if he had matured into the part and she looked like an amateur politician.

I do not like the idea of either of them in the White House and I think Hillary would be easier to beat given her high negatives. I must say though that I like seeing her go down in flames though her defeat might mean bad times ahead for America should Obama become president.

I also believe that Barack Obama’s message of hope has begun to get to me. I actually think I am beginning to grasp that message of hope, as in:

I hope these two don’t debate again, I am getting tired of seeing them.

Maryland Governor Lies Through His Teeth

The history of Maryland politics is full of Democratic Governors. There have been 36 Governors elected since 1838 (the year the people began voting for them) and only 7 of them have been Republicans. In the last 41 years only two Republicans have held that office so it is fair to say that most of the policies and bad times have been the result of Democrats, especially since Democrats have ruled the legislature forever.

In 2002 the State elected Robert Ehrlich who inherited a budget that was in the red and a built in structural deficit. What this means is that the Democratic Legislature enacted spending bills that were signed into law by a Democratic Governor and those bills required that the state spend money on various programs. The bills never secured a funding source so the state was left with a structural deficit. Ehrlich eliminated the deficit and left 2 billion dollars in surplus. During his four years in office he tried to pass a slots bill that would allow gaming which would help reduce the structural deficit and this was soundly rejected by all the Democrats including current Governor Martin O’Malley.

In 2006 the Democrats in Maryland exercised their strength (more than 2:1 in numbers) and removed Ehrlich from office replacing him with a slick talking liar named O’Malley. O’Malley has been running around saying that he inherited a deficit which is a lie. He inherited a budget surplus which he promptly spent paying off the people who bought him during the election. The deficit he actually inherited was the structural deficit that was the result of Democratic incompetence. O’Malley though, continues to tell people that the last Governor caused and left all the problems and this is a flat out lie.

O’Malley called a special session where he and his Democratic colleagues raised taxes in Maryland. They did not just raise a tax or two, they raised every tax imaginable in the largest all at once tax increase in the history of any state in the US. This was done, according to O’Malley. to address the deficit he inherited from the last administration. O’Malley made it sound as if Ehrlich had run us into the ground and he had to raise taxes to save the day when in fact he had to raise taxes to pay the bills incurred by the Democratic legislature.

Interestingly, the current Governor raised taxes to the tune of about 1.3 billion dollars to address a deficit of 1.8 billion but then he and his Democratic toadies in the legislature added 1.5 billion dollars in spending which, in effect, makes the tax increase a zero gain. We will still have a deficit.

And get this, part of the budget deficit plan is based upon the state getting, you guessed it, slot machines. However, instead of the legislature passing a bill and the Governor signing it, they have decided to put it to referendum on the 2008 ballot. This means slot machines will be voted on by the public and will, if passed, become part of the state constitution. If this does not pass the state will need to raise taxes again. I wonder if it would be too much to ask them to put tax increases to referendum. No, if it is an important decision they don’t actually want any constituent input. Remember, if your vote counted they would not let you do it.

For his part, Governor O’Malley has been playing the victim of a bad past administration (playing the victim is what liberals do best) and he has been acting as if he did all he could to fix this without raising taxes. He made a few symbolic cuts and decided not to fill about 500 vacant state jobs but the cuts are negligible and they are certainly not the best that cold be done.

Maryland will soon be in the doldrums of a recession because of the burden placed upon the citizens by the Governor and the Democrats in the legislature. There is a huge movement under way where many Marylanders (particularly Republicans) are moving to Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Others are shopping in those states to avoid Maryland taxes and still others are finding ways to invest money in a fashion that will prevent Maryland from stealing it. US Savings Bonds are not subject to state and local income taxes and smart tax advisers can provide valuable information.

Couple this with the number of businesses that are leaving the state r that have decided not to come here and Maryland is in for a real problem. O’Malley figures he will be part of a Clinton administration and is not worried about what he does to rape this state or the poor he claims to want to help. He is unaffected by what he does because his residence is paid for by taxpayers, his electricity is paid for by taxpayers, his groceries are paid for by taxpayers, his transportation is paid for by taxpayers and all his other household expenses are paid for by those of us who were raped by the Governor. He has no bills, he has no financial problems and he is able to live quite well off the backs of the citizens of this once great state.

Martin O’Malley is a poor leader, he is a cry baby who whines about everything and no matter what happens he never takes responsibility because it is always someone else’s fault.

Come to think of it, he would fit right in with the Clintons.