Elect Scott Brown To Kill This Health Legislation

There is little disagreement on the need for health care reform. Health care, in its current configuration, is unsustainable and it needs to be fixed. The disagreement is in how to fix it. Conservatives want a free market approach that allows people to shop across state lines, less government interference, and more competition. The statists want the government to run the show and become the keepers of our health care. Government does not run anything efficiently and the estimates of the cost of their monstrosity are well below what the actual costs will be. One only needs to look at Massachusetts to see how the cost of “free” health care has skyrocketed to far above what was estimated and this has led to some people not being covered and care being rationed. Mitt Romney, a conservative of convenience, put this monster in place.

The people of Massachusetts have a chance to keep the rest of the country from suffering a similar fate by electing Scott Brown to fill the seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy’s rotund rear. Electing Brown will add a little more balance to the Senate and help keep Congress from rubber stamping Obama’s radical socialist agenda.

This will not be easy. The Democrats have mobilized and Obama himself is heading to the state to scare up support for the “yes” woman, Martha Coakley. Ted Kennedy is working the graveyards to scare up the dead people vote and the unions and community organizing groups, such as ACORN, are out in force to do whatever it takes to get Coakley elected.

Scott Brown needs to win and win by enough to keep from having a recount. Two problems emerge with a recount. The first is it will delay Brown’s arrival at the Senate and give the shady liberals more time to ram the current bill through. Second, Democrats ALWAYS find ballots when there is a recount. In elections where the Democrat is behind the liberal machine miraculously finds a stack of ballots that were “not counted.” It takes a while for them to emerge because it takes a while for union workers and ACORN thieves to sit in a room and fill them out. Democrats find ways to manufacture ballots that they need. If Al Gore had asked that the entire state of Florida be recounted Democrat operatives would have “found” enough votes to secure a victory for him.

Beating a recount will be hard and will take time so we need to ensure that the margin of victory is large enough not to have one. The Democrats are already working on contingencies for a Brown win. The state will delay, as long as it can, the certification of Brown. When Ted Kennedy won the special election for this seat he was sworn in the very next day. Kennedy is a Democrat and there are different rules for them. Niki Tsongas was in the House in three days after her special election victory.

But Brown will face a hurdle of however long the Democrats can make the wait. Once he is certified he must be sworn into the Senate and this will be done at the convenience of Joe Biden’s schedule. Look for Biden to be sent on an overseas mission if Brown wins.

Barney Frank is worried about the election and has told people that if Brown wins health care is dead. I assume he means this health care bill, not all health care but he is a drama queen and needs to deceive for maximum effect. He is good at it too. This is the guy who helped force banks to make risky loans, claimed that Fannie and Freddie MAC were not in trouble and then blamed it all on the banking industry. He is slick and he knows how to lie but he is right that this legislation would be in trouble.

Barney has his panties in a wad but the Democrats have a plan to use reconciliation in the Senate if Brown wins. This process is not supposed to be used for this type of legislation because it is for tax issues and budget issues. While health care will impact each of these it is not either of these. Democrats will have to scale the bill back in order to use reconciliation but once they get what they want they will try to add things in. Brown’s vote could prevent that from happening. The Democrats, who chastised Republicans for using all tools at their disposal, will use a tool that is not designed for this type of legislation in order to FORCE this bill on the public. The rules have never meant much to Democrats but more Americans are watching and there will be hell to pay if they play slick games which is especially true because conservatives are already looking to vote them out and liberals will be ticked off at the watered down legislation.

Patriots in Massachusetts, now is the time for you to band together to elect a man who can slow down this process and make these people listen to the public. You can elect a Senator who will not be a rubber stamp to every Obama/Pelosi/Reid gimmick that comes down the pike. Martha Coakley will vote in lockstep with these people and will help leave this country a vastly different (and much worse) place by the time Obama is out of office.

Everyone else, please call you Congress critters and tell them not to play games. Tell these temple monkeys that we will not tolerate reconciliation or delaying Brown’s certification and swearing in, should he win.

Tuesday has the potential to be a big day in US political history and the voters of Massachusetts have the chance to do something that will go down in the history books (not the rewritten ones liberals use) as a game changing moment in our history.

Vote for Scott Brown!

That is change you can believe in.

UPDATE: Another Coakly gaffe. Red Sox nation cannot be happy with her.

Big Dog


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Democrats Are In Panic Mode In Massachusetts

US Army veteran and candidate for the US Senate in Massachusetts Scott Brown is causing quite a stir among those in the liberal establishment who believe that the Senate seat in question is “Ted Kennedy’s” seat and that Martha Coakley is the rightful owner of that seat but has yet to go through the formality of an election. Rasmussen found Brown 9 points behind Coakley last week but my liberal commenters discounted this because they say Rasmussen is a shill for Republicans and if -9 is all he could scare up then she is doing OK.

This week finds us using a left wing polling organization, Public Policy Polling, which shows Brown with a 1 point lead which makes this race a toss-up. Brown could certainly lose this election very easily because the Democrats have a lot of tools at their disposal. SEIU is out in full force and supporting Coakley and MoveOn.org is in the mix helping her. Add in ACORN and its criminal activities and we see the shenanigans the left is known for. This is especially true when one considers that Massachusetts is a very blue state and, for some reason, the Kennedys think they own that Senate Seat.

Let me be clear, this seat is not Ted Kennedy’s seat, it belongs to the people. It was the seat held by Kennedy but he did not own it despite what Democrats will have you believe. No one can blame them because Ted Kennedy acted as if he owned the seat. He acted as if he and his Democrats owned both of them. He worked to have the law changed so if John Kerry won the presidency in 2004, Mitt Romney could not appoint a Republican to the seat. There had to be a special election. When Kennedy was near the end of his life he asked the legislature to change the law back so that the now Democrat Governor could appoint a Democrat to fill the seat when Kennedy died. They did that and we are now faced with the typical shenanigans Democrats are known for.

The latest poll shows that Republicans and Independents heavily favor Brown. Coakley has name recognition and has a lot of liberal support but many folks are unhappy with the health care reform being rammed through Congress. Most folks who supported Kennedy’s dream of universal health care do not believe what is going through Congress is anything close to what he wanted. Democrats are less enthusiastic about this election and the youth will likely not be out in force like it was in 2008.

Republicans and Independents are fired up and the seniors are always a reliable voting block. This is going to mean trouble for Ms. Coakley but she still has 9 days to get the SEIU and ACORN bandits out to work some magic.

The Weekly Standard says the poll is likely to spur the Democrat machine to get busy in Massachusetts and that is spot on.

Democrats have already begun contingency plans in case Brown wins. The state of Massachusetts must wait 10 days after a federal election for absentee and military ballots. The state will wait to certify even if there is no mathematical possibility for Brown to lose because of these ballots. The state plans to delay signing the election certification as long as it can so that the interim appointment can vote on the health care bill in the Senate. The Democrats have a plan to delay the duly elected Senator from Massachusetts if that person happens to be a Republican. If Coakley wins she will likely be certified very quickly and sworn in as soon as humanly possible.

These Democrats are the same ones who whined about Al Franken even though he was involved in a legal recount. These Democrats are the ones who want people in DC and sworn in immediately when they are Democrats. These people are showing the American public exactly how underhanded and unethical they are. They are willing to thwart the will of the people in Massachusetts in order to get what they want. As Gateway Pundit reports, Democrats are stripping amendments that Republicans had put in the bills and that were approved. They are unethical and will do what they want regardless of what it means.

If Brown wins it will be a clear sign that NO ONE is safe. If a Republican wins in Massachusetts it will be another shot heard round the world and will signal that Democrats are in real trouble. But it will also tell them to ram as much as they can now because it will be their last chance.

We need Scott Brown to win. The lawyers can work on what happens after in order to get him in the Senate. All of it will be moot if Brown loses so you folks in Massachusetts need to elect Scott Brown in order to stop the run away government.

Remember folks, the same government that is running TSA and Homeland Security wants to run your health care.

Riehl World View
Big Government shows exactly how they will obtain power and push in universal health care. Be very careful of what you let these people do. THIS IS A MUST READ.
Wall Street Journal – Where America Ranks Number One In Health Care
HillBuzz talks about the Democrats refusal to seat Brown should he win. The word is people will set up an office for Brown on the Capitol steps if they have to. Screw that. If they will not seat him I say we enter the Capitol by force of arms and PUT him in his office. If they want to play hardball let’s show them what hardball is.

Big Dog


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It Was Obama Who Made The Bogus Claim

On several occasions Barack Obama has stated that his health care plan would not cover abortions. What he specifically said was that federal dollars (read taxpayer money) would not be used to pay for abortions. Obama said that the people who were saying this were making “bogus” claims:

In a one-line response to charges that taxpayers will foot the bill for abortions, Obama Wednesday night called it a “bogus” claim.

“One more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place,” the president said in an address to a joint session of Congress to sell health care reforms. Fox

The bill that the House passed allowed taxpayer money to pay for abortions until a Democrat worked to change the bill. The Senate bill absolutely allows for abortions to be paid for with taxpayer dollars. Representative Bart Stupak, the Democrat who introduced the amendment changing the language in the House bill has read the language in the Senate bill and he says that it is not good enough and that it allows for taxpayer money to fund abortion. He claims that he cannot vote for the bill if the language is changed to the Senate version.

Stupak also claims that he has been contacted by the White House and by House leadership telling him not to make any statements on the issue until they get a chance to sell him the language. In other words, they want to try and buy him off like they did all those Senators but Stupak said he does not need to discuss this with the White House or House leaders because he can read. He indicated that he does not need the language sold to him and that what he has read is not good enough.

Now let’s revisit the statement Obama made about taxpayer money paying for abortions. He said it was a bogus claim. It looks like Obama’s statement that it was a bogus claim was a bogus claim. Obama said that abortions would not be paid for with taxpayer money but the bill will allow that so he made the bogus claim as he has done with a lot of legislation. Remember Mr. “no earmarks” who has signed bills with earmarks totaling around 10,000? There is also no mechanism to keep illegals from getting coverage so when Joe Wilson said “you lie” he was right.

But back to abortion. If the White House wants Stupak not to talk about this it means that they know it exists, that the bill covers abortions and that it would be a problem for some in the House. The request for silence also means they are playing the kind of politics that Obama said he would put an end to. He is trying to get this through without drawing attention to his LIE. The Democrats passed this stuff in the dead of night and now the Obama thugs are trying to keep things hush-hush.

There is still a big chance that this whole thing will go down in flames because it is unlikely that the House and Senate will agree. Of course, there appears to be no such thing as truly moderate Democrats and the only real question is how much do they need to be bought off. I would like to believe that Stupak will stand his ground but recent events involving Democrats indicate that they will stand their ground until their price is reached and then they fold like a bad poker hand.

One thing is for sure. They do not have our best interests in mind. They want to pass something, anything, to make the messiah look good and they don’t care what it has in it.

Their philosophy is to pass something now and then fix it later which is no way to do anything. Would you have faith in a car company if its philosophy was to slap cars together quickly and with little regard to what is right and then worry about fixing them later? Come to think of it, you might have that now that government owns a few car companies…

This will be interesting to watch but it is important for people to remember that the Democrats do not care about getting it right, just getting it passed and Obama will sign whatever hits his desk even if it contains things he said would not be in his plan. Obama and House leaders are anxious to keep certain things quiet so they can pass them without public scrutiny.

This is the most transparent administration in history, just ask them.

Big Dog


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Kratovil And Bartlett Use Smoke And Mirrors

Maryland Congressmen Frank Kratovil (D – MD1) and Roscoe Bartlett (R – MD6) voted against the year end spending bill that contained millions of dollars in earmarks. They are touting themselves as champions of the people who are fiscally responsible.

The only problem is that this is all smoke and mirrors. Both of these Congressmen requested earmarks and those were inserted in the bill. They then voted against the bill knowing that it would pass and they would get what they requested while pretending that they were against it from the start.

If these two boneheads were actually responsible they would not have requested ANY earmarks. We are in tough financial times and while I am opposed to the earmark process all together, it is especially important not to request them when our economy is in dire straits.

Kratovil is my Congressman and I have a few words for him. You are out pal. Andy Harris is going to beat you in 2010. You rode the Obama coattails in on the anybody but Bush gravy train along with the turncoat Gilchrest supporting you in 2008 but MD1 is a Conservative district. The people here do not want you and you are going home as a one term Congressman.

You sealed your fate with this sham maneuver designed to trick people into thinking you are concerned about the budget. You and Bartlett played a parlor game with your vote and while you will tout your tough stance and principled position I will be out in the community working hard to defeat you. Gilchrest ignored me and he went home. You are on your way.

Those of you in MD6, please find a few good, responsible candidates to challenge Bartlett. He played the same game as Kratovil and he did it with the intent of deceiving you. Both of these men knew the bill would pass without their votes and they inserted earmarks knowing full well the bill would pass. Here is the hypocrisy from Kratovil:

Kratovil, in a statement, said that while the package included “many deserving programs and projects,” it failed to reflect the “tough choices” needed to control federal spending.

Frank, the tough choices are to NOT add earmarks. It is not a tough choice to vote no if you know the bill will pass and you will get what you wanted in the first place. The Democrats who voted against this bill are from conservative districts so their NO vote was cover for them (and I am sure they had earmarks as well). This is a game and it is Congress openly saying that the American public is stupid.

For those of you in Maryland who are out of work or having trouble making ends meet, Kratovil had 36 MILLION dollars in earmark requests (Bartlett had more than 16 MILLION dollars worth). It is always easy to spend someone else’s money. In this case, Kratovil is spending money we do not have, something he said we should make the tough choice not to do.

If either of these men had scruples or the courage of their convictions (or at least the convictions they claim to have) they would not have inserted any earmarks.

Baltimore Sun

Big Dog


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The Mother Of All Health Care Bills

The Senate Finance Committee filed its health care bill today and it is designated as S. 1796. The monstrosity of a bill contains 1,502 pages meaning it has about 500 more than any previous version that has been debated.

The members of Congress have shown they are unable to read bills that are this big. They admitted that they did not read the stimulus bill that weighed in around 1,200 pages and they did not read the thousand plus page cap and trade bill. Given their admission that they cannot read large bills one would think that they would make smaller bills.

But if they did that the smoke and mirrors would be gone. They would have something to read and the public would be able to digest the information more easily. However, the public’s interests are not an issue as the health care bill is a dream of Democrats intent on taking control of every aspect of our lives.

The bill has not yet been added to the web and it is unlikely that it will be posted with enough time for people to read it and express their opinions to their elected officials.

This is all by design. They are making these things more and more difficult so they can blow smoke up the collective rear ends of all Americans. These criminals are bound and determined to push this on us regardless of what we think. Fortunately, some Democrats are expressing concern over some of the contents of this thing.

The people in Congress have a very short time left. The next election is just about a year away and I see a bloodbath taking place. People are fed up with the careless manner with which this bunch is operating and have had quite enough. Even Nancy Pelosi is polling very low in her home state.

Hold their feet to the fire on this. We can win if we keep up the pressure but they must understand the consequences of their actions.

Vote them out. That is the only way short of an armed revolution to get anything accomplished.


Big Dog

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