Clinton Backers Want to Suppress Vote, Bill Agrees

The vote in Nevada is an interesting thing because back in March of last year it was agreed upon that the casinos would be used to caucus for candidates. The Nevada Democratic Party agreed to this as did all the players involved including the teacher’s unions. The Culinary Worker’s Union endorsed B. Hussein Obama and its 60,000 members are the ones who work in those casinos. Two days after the endorsement, groups that agreed to the casino caucus sites filed a lawsuit to reverse this process. I know in my heart that if the union had endorsed Clinton this would not be an issue. It is important to note that the Clinton campaign did not file the suit but in this interview, it is obvious that Bill Clinton agrees with it.

Notice that Bill says that the votes will count 5 times more than other votes. This is a lie. It is not unusual for caucus sites to weight the votes to encourage candidates to visit outlying areas that would otherwise be ignored. Bill makes it sound as if this was just discovered and that it is a travesty of justice. Notice the typical Clinton style of turning it around and asking accusatory questions. “So you believe it is fair to…” The fact is, every participant last March, as the report states, knew exactly what was involved in this process and how the votes would be weighted. It is obvious that Hillary expected to pick up the endorsement of the Culinary Union.

It is also noteworthy that Clinton discusses whether it is fair for people to get to caucus at a work site. He wants to know how many others are able to take off to caucus. Well, the teacher’s unions in each state get to caucus because the schools are usually closed because many of them are polling places. In this case, the caucus is on a Saturday so the biggest group of people who will actually be working are the members of the union that happened to endorse Clinton’s main opponent.

Bill Clinton leaves no question that he (and by extension, the campaign) supports the lawsuit and that he wants the unions workers to be disenfranchised. If the union had endorsed Clinton and Obama backers had filed the lawsuit the Clintons would be