More Proof of Liberal Media Bias

Though liberals squawk like angry hens that the MSM is against them the absolute fact is that it is extremely liberal and rather than maintain neutrality they work hard at advancing the liberal agenda. Not long ago there was Dan Rather and the forged memos that he swore for weeks were real only to have reality come crashing down on him. Thirty years ago he would have gotten away with that. Now we have the Golden Child Obama running for President and the media swoons all over the place. They have tingles in their legs and hear the spirit of the long dead JFK in his voice.

The Washington Post is a far left newspaper that will do whatever it can to advance the cause of liberalism. They continually have items that are either not vetted or are vetted and ignored. This means that a lot of items get published that did not pass the sniff test. The paper is in the tank for the left and they know that it is easier to print a retraction in a day or two than to look for the truth. They also know that the lie that was printed will go around the world many times before a retraction is ever printed.

The case in point is the recent item by Jamie Rubin in the WaPo. In his article he states that John McCain is a hypocrite and he uses that for before against argument that sunk Kerry all with regard to Hamas. Rubin writes that McCain favored meeting with Hamas and now he is criticizing the Golden Child for the very same idea. The problem is that Rubin equates dealing sooner or later in one way or another with negotiating. RedState has a video of the actual exchange that Rubin describes. The Rubin piece fails to demonstrate that McCain flipped on the issue and the video clearly shows that McCain is not in favor of unconditional meetings, a position he still holds. McCain even said that since they are the elected government we needed to step back and see how they operated before we decided what to do. The other problem is that the MSM and places like the Huffington Post are equating diplomatic talks with face to face meetings. McCain has been in favor of diplomatic talks but is opposed to a presidential face to face which would confer honor on the terrorist leader. Now Clinton, he met with Arafat dozens of times and was not shy about it. It never stopped any terror but that did not keep Bill from meeting with him.

RedState contends that the WaPo was willing to let the lie get into the newspaper either carelessly or intentionally. There is no doubt that the WaPo did not research the article to ensure Rubin was factual. Either that or they did find the truth and ignored it. Regardless of what they did it was poor journalism and leaves their motive in question. Any person who looks at this would have to conclude they were trying to help out Barack Obama.

The job of the MSM is to publish facts and let the reader draw conclusions. Editorials and opinions have a special place in the paper and are labeled as such. All other places demand that sources and stories be vetted carefully and that facts emerge. By allowing a blatant lie to be published the WaPo has lost what little integrity it had left.

But they know, it will be all over real fast and if the left says it enough they will start to believe it. Look at how they distorted McCain’s words about 100 years in Iraq. The DNC even put out an ad that took the words out of context and gave a different meaning than what was clearly stated by McCain.

The media has no shame and they will do anything to help Democrats, particularly the one and only messiah, Barry Obama.

RedState post with Rubin’s text and the source video. Notice McCain is not talking about unconditional meetings?

Big Dog