Obama And The Constitution

Barack Obama is reported to have been a Constitutional law professor though every time I hear him speak about the Constitution I wonder which country’s document he knows well enough to teach. An audio from an interview done in 2001 was released over the weekend and in it Obama laments that the Warren Court did not discuss wealth redistribution as part of the civil rights movement. As it was stated in a Fox article, Obama thinks that when dispossessed people appealed to the high court for a place at the lunch counter, they should have appealed to have someone else pay for the meal. This has been Barack Obama’s MO for a long time. People who have more money should have some of it taken away and given to those who have less money. Socialism.

Most people already know that Obama is a Socialist. His followers know it but they want Socialism because they want to get something for nothing. The wealthier ones will say they want to pay more to help people along but in the end they will find a way not to do so. How many of them donate money to the treasury? People can do that so they could give even more than what they pay in taxes but it seems they have no real desire. Obama followers are the people who run around with their hands out (well one hand, the other is holding a cell phone) and love the idea of screwing some rich guy so they can have more of what they did not earn. The Obama campaign sent an email a few minutes ago asking people to take election day off for Obama. As if most of his followers even have jobs. The balance can probably take the day off but the warden won’t release them to help out.

So, in this interview Obama says that the Constitution is a document of negative liberties:

“It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as it has been interpreted.

“And the Warren court interpreted it generally in the same way — that the Constitution is a document of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted.”

“And I think one of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was that the civil rights movement became so court-focused, I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and organizing activities on the ground that are able to bring about the coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change, and in some ways we still suffer from that,” Obama said. Fox

I think that this professor is sadly mistaken with regard to the Constitution. Starting with the last thing; it is not the job of government, including the courts, to bring about redistributive change. The courts are well within their power to levy fines and rule in civil cases where money is awarded but they have no power and no authority to decide that one person makes more than another so he has to share. We do not suffer because a court did not rule in favor of Socialism, we suffer because liberals have made entire classes of people dependent on government so much so that many do not know how to take care of themselves, an individual responsibility.

Now, on to this idea about a document of negatives that does not tell you what government should do for you. The Constitution explains right up front the purpose of coming together and what the expected outcome of the established government is:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[sic] promote Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

It is pretty clear to me that the reasons we formed the country are well laid out and the things that government will do, as established in “this Constitution” are clearly indicated and are not negatives. The reason we came together and formed this government as established in the Constitution is to form a more perfect union (not a perfect one), establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, and promote liberty. None of these are negatives. They clearly state what government will do for the people because it was formed by the people. One thing it certainly does not say is that we should redistribute wealth.

I am no law professor and I am certainly no Constitutional expert but I think I have a better grasp on this concept than Obama does. What I believe that Obama meant is that the Constitution is a negative document because it does not follow his idea of what government should do. He is upset because the court did not break free of the essential constraints established by the founders. First of all, if the constraints are essential why would we break free of them? Secondly, the founders knew well that government was a problem and not a solution. They were well aware of the problems with governments and what happens when people rule over the lives of others.

Our founders never intended for us to have a government as big as the one we now have. They never intended for government to be the provider of any more than that which is clearly enumerated in the document. Our founders would not recognize this country and would believe that they had failed if they were here to see how out of control it has gotten.

But for a Socialist like Obama, the founders put constraints on the ability of those like him to rule over the lives of others while keeping them oppressed, like Democrats do to their black constituents. So, like all liberals, he expected a court to right a perceived injustice over which the court has no authority.

The idea that the Supreme Court should have given us redistributive change (read wealth redistribution) should scare anyone who cares about personal freedom. Obama’s 2001 interview clearly verifies that he is a socialist and that his response to Joe the Plumber was no mistake.

This interview also gave us insight as to what kind of people he would appoint to the Supreme Court. The court recently ruled in favor of redistributive change in the Kelo decision. That was not popular and it did not settle well with most people because it gave government the right to take property from one group and give it to another. The kind of judges Obama would appoint will make that decision look good in comparison.

We have to stop this now.

Big Dog

Guantanamo Bay, Denver

It appears as if the city of Denver has its own formerly secret prison. The city converted a warehouse into a jail to process and house those who get arrested during the Democratic National Convention. There is no doubt the jail was built for the DNC and not because Denver needed a new jail.

Interestingly, the jail was a secret. No one was supposed to know about it and probably would not have until the arrests started but someone found out and exposed it. Civil rights groups are up in arms and claim that this has the potential to lead to abuse of people’s civil rights. I agree that a secret prison would have that potential but since it is no longer a secret it is no different than any other jail.

But let us explore the whole secret jail issue. The Democrats knew about it and it was built especially for their convention. They know that a huge number of protest groups are going to show up and they want them arrested and off the streets quickly so as to avoid coverage of anything that might hurt their chances of winning.

So let’s get this straight. The same Democratic party that howls about Guantanamo Bay and secret CIA prisons in other countries knew about a secret prison right here in America built for their convenience. Some might call that a bit hypocritical. Others, like me, might ask why it is that the Democrats oppose prisons (secret or not) that house terrorists and other enemies of our country but are in favor of a secret prison to house people who show opposition to the Democrats?

I wonder why the liberals think that Bush is Hitler and Gitmo should be closed but that they should have secret prisons to lock up Americans who disagree with them. Such hypocrisy. What do you expect from a group that screams global warming and vows to have a green convention but complains that there are not enough limousines in Denver to cart them around. I know Denver has buses.

Oh yeah, all that stuff is for the rest of the country to follow. Not the do as I say, not as I do Democrats…


Big Dog

Alien from Roswell Deported

Though Roswell is known for the aliens that people believe are held there by the government, it is actually home to other aliens that school officials are trying to keep the government from getting rid of. An 18 year old pregnant ILLEGAL immigrant was deported after she failed to provide proper identification. She was given a ticket for driving without a license and was given a few days to present some identification. She did not and was reported to Immigration Services. She was deported to Mexico because she was here ILLEGALLY.

There are people up in arms about this and of course there are children afraid. They are afraid because they are ILLEGAL and know they are breaking the law. It is pretty plain and simple and should not need to be explained. This woman was 18 years old and that makes her an adult. There is no need to get a parent involved because she is an adult. She is also pregnant so I am sure she has been making some of her own decisions. Those complaining talk about violation of human rights, blah, blah. Her human rights were not violated because she was treated humanely. As for civil rights, well she has none here. A civil right is one granted by virtue of citizenship:

: the nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially : the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress Webster

She is not a citizen so she has no civil rights and the Constitution does not apply to her. She was treated fairly under the law. I believe the people are upset because if she does not get back here she will not have her jackpot baby on US soil. Until Congress clarifies the law to apply as the writers of the 14th Amendment intended, her kid would be a citizen if born here (jackpot, we are in and can rob American taxpayers blind). I have written about the 14th before and what it means but a footnote in a different ruling by the SCOTUS has been misinterpreted to give citizenship to any kid that pops out of someone who is not a citizen (or subject to the jurisdiction thereof). The unfortunate thing is the teachers in this school are probably unaware of this and they are teaching the next generation.

The tragedy in all this is not that some ILLEGAL was deported or that her jackpot kid might not be born here or even that kids are afraid. The real crime is that the Student Resource Officer (and officer in the Roswell Police Department), Charlie Corn, has been relieved of his duties and the school board decided to remove all RSOs from the schools.

Isn’t this great? The lesson, boys and girls, is that is you do not like the law remove the people who enforce it. Just change the rules so that the laws do not apply to you and your ILLEGAL activity. I wonder if they would have removed the officer if he arrested a drug dealer. I also wonder who will shoulder the blame if an incident happens (Columbine ring a bell) and there are no officers in the schools.

This is a shame and it shows how far liberal twits will go to appease law breakers. What they should be concerned with is teaching these kids right from wrong. It is hard to do that when the bureaucrats ignore the rules in order to allow law breakers to continue breaking the law.

I am personally tired of hearing people cry every time some ILLEGAL gets deported. I am also tired of this mentality that they are owed something or are entitled to taxpayer funded services. They are law breakers and they should be treated accordingly. I think ICE should conduct immigration raids at all the schools a few times a month. That should get rid of them pretty quickly.

We need more officers like Corn and fewer bureaucrats like those on the Roswell school board.

A nation will not remain sovereign so long as it leaves its borders open and allows unfettered access to people who do not belong here. Surely there are crops to pick in Mexico.

Roswell Daily Record

Big Dog

Others with similar items:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Mark My Words, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Chuck Adkins, third world county, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Republican National Convention Blog, High Desert Wanderer, Stageleft, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.