About Those Democrats And Cheating In Elections

In Connecticut the Governor’s race is really close and there is no official winner. The Secretary of State declared the Democrat the “unofficial” winner even though the Republican is leading by 8000 votes. Well we all know what happens when a Democrat is behind in the vote count.

A bag of ballots is mysteriously discovered:

In what has become one of the stranger twists in an already bizarre Governor’s race, a bag of uncounted ballots was found in Bridgeport Thursday night.

Republican officials were approached by Democratic operatives and told about the surprise ballot bag, according to Bridgeport GOP Chairman Marc Delmonico.

Delmonico said Democrats asked to have several people deputized to count the uncounted ballots, but Republicans objected, claiming that wasn’t proper procedure in the vote-counting process. NBC Connecticut

Isn’t it odd that Democrats found a bag of uncounted ballots while the Republican is leading in the Governor’s race? And they wanted to count them on the spot instead of following procedure, how convenient.

Want to bet the bag contains just enough ballots to push the Democrat over the top?

This is Al Franken all over. Keep working to get the right number and then declare victory and move on. It is typical of the left.

And something similar is happening in North Carolina where the winner of NC2 was far enough ahead that there was no automatic recount. Suddenly the vote lead changes by 500 and her opponent and loser says he will demand a recount. Her opponent is the guy who physically assaulted a college student. Who is working to help him get back in?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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No Reason To Worry About Voter Fraud

We know that voter fraud exists and we know that Democrats and their surrogates in the unions know how to do it very well. It should come as no surprise that people are complaining about electronic voting machines not working correctly and it should not come as a surprise that all the reported concerns involve Republican votes being cast for Democrats. After all, SEIU maintains the machines…

When the first complaints started coming in from Nevada the Clark County Registrar of Voters, Larry Lomax, said the complaints were not founded. Then after looking into the issue, he stated that the discrepancies had been resolved and that the results would be available after the election. Shocker, I know.

The machines registered more votes than the number of people who voted but that is nothing to be concerned with according to Lomax.

You peons get out there and vote and don’t worry your pretty little heads about shenanigans taking place. We have found the issue and we are not concerned with it.

What he means is the machines are registering votes for Democrats that were not cast. That is why things are OK.

We the people, the employers of all these slugs, expect a fair and honest election. Democrats know they never win while running on what they believe so they ignore their misdeeds and attack opponents. They also know that well placed operatives will help them come election time.

We expect a fair vote and if we do not get one we will take steps to resolve the matter.

Of course, I have always believed that if your vote actually counted they would not let you do it.

In any event, be on the lookout for misdeeds by anyone and report them to officials. Check your ballots several times before submitting to be sure it reads what you put on it.

And if any black panthers try to intimidate you beat the hell out of them.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Franken Gets Lead And Suddenly It Is Over

It happened in Minnesota just like it did in Washington. A Republican had a small lead at the end of election day and then during the recount a bunch of previously undiscovered and unsecured ballots from heavily Democratic areas were mysteriously found and miracle of all miracles they are votes for the Democrat who happens to suddenly gain the lead. The entire time the Republican leads we are cautioned that all votes must count and to wait and as soon as the Democrat goes ahead bam, the counting is over and he is declared the winner.

This is how the low life maggots that infest the Democratic Party operate and Al Franken is just the latest to benefit from the mischief.

Franken had been behind for most of the counting but then things that were deemed statistically impossible began to happen. Hundreds of ballots turned up and they were votes for Franken in disproportionate numbers. In other words, the found ballots favored Franken by much more than the vote on election day did. What are the odds.

Franken cautioned that every vote needed to count and in some cases more than that were counted. Absentee ballots were supposed to be copied and marked as a copy. The copies were not marked and were double counted and that helped Al. There were a number of irregularities and some of them involved the recount having more votes than the actual number of people registered to vote in given areas.

Franken and the Democrats were quick to jump on the “I won” bandwagon just as soon as the partisan Secretary of State certified him the winner.

Chuck Schumer said that Franken should be seated immediately which would violate Minnesota law because Coleman has 7 days to file a court challenge. Therefore, Franken will not be official for at least 7 days; longer if a court case is filed (which will almost certainly happen). The law does not matter to Schumer who said that the Senate has important business and Franken should be seated immediately so he does not fall behind. Interestingly, the business is not so important that Roland Burris must be seated immediately. The Democrats have vowed to block him from entering.

Maybe the business is not that important but the all white Democrats in “Club Senate” don’t mind the white guy showing up but they have a problem with the black guy. They are a bunch of racists and this shows it as clear as can be.

The RNC has basically said that Franken should not be seated until all the legal challenges are completed and every vote is actually counted but only once.

[important]UPDATE: Democrats have decided to delay seating Franken.[/important]

The Democrats are salivating over the idea of having 59 Senators (as long as one is not a black guy from Illinois) so that they can have a nearly filibuster proof chamber. With some of the RINOs on the right it is no doubt that the Democrats will have plenty of votes when they need them.

Hell, John McCain will probably hand them a few more daggers. He has been Mr. “go along to get along” and was “bipartisan” all along. What did it get him? They bent him over and had their way with him. They know he is a useful idiot and he is not the only one.

I have said it before and I will say it again. Never, ever, trust the Democrats. They cheat, they lie, and they steal. They steal elections. ACORN, set up to commit fraud. The recount process, favors Democrats who have extra ballots hidden to use when they need more votes. How can unsecured ballots that were not present and were not counted on election day suddenly be counted as if they are legitimate? How can more people than there are registered voters, vote? How can recounts of certain ballots only be allowed in heavily Democratic areas? How can there be different rules each day and different rules for each candidate?

How can we allow this to happen?

The only fair way to resolve this issue is to have another election. This time it will only be these two and let the voters actually decide. Have extra judges on hand to keep the Democrats from cheating and put anyone caught cheating in jail for no less than 5 years. Another election is the only fair way to ensure the will of the people is actually exercised and it will remove the cloud of suspicion from over the head of the winner, no matter which one it is.

Without an election a lot of people will think that the election was stolen no matter who goes to DC.

We all know Franken is on the verge of stealing it but if Coleman wins via the courts the cloud will follow him as well.

Have another vote. If every vote is important then have another election and count every vote.

BTW: I told you Franken would win. I knew the Democrats would steal it.

Other Source(s):
My Way News

Big Dog

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No wonder Obama will not debate

Barack Obama once famously announced he would debate John McCain anytime, anywhere. We found out that was untrue 75 days ago when John McCain invited The One to participate in 10 town Hall type debates. Obama agreed to one on the Fourth of july when no one would be interested and has avoided any other mention of the subject. The recent presidential forum at Saddleback church in California hosted by rick Warren demonstrated why Obama is avoiding any more debates than he absolutely has to attend. He is not well informed, he is not well prepared and he got his head handed to him on a platter.

Obama took some risk in this type of venue because this is not the typical liberal base. Liberals believe in immoral things that fundamental Christians oppose and given Obama’s position on murdering children in the womb and after they are born it is safe to say he was entering a place where he was out of his comfort zone. Of course, any place where Obama is without prepared text and a teleprompter is out of his comfort zone.

The sainted one went first and he stumbled over questions by searching for the right answer. He could not avoid stating his positions that are well known but he searched for nuanced ways to make them a softer sell. His appearance was off balance, awkward and disastrous.

John McCain, on the other hand, gave immediate answers and was well prepared. He answered from the heart based upon decades of experience and his replies were genuine. He did not have to fumble around looking for the “right” answer because he gave sincere answers. He made Obama look like the amateur that he is.

It is obvious that the Obama camp knew right away that their messiah had done poorly. The campaign accused John McCain of not being sequestered and therefore being able to hear the questions beforehand. This is not true as McCain was in a motorcade in route to the event and then in a green room that had no feed of the broadcast. The Obama camp had to claim McCain cheated because they exclaimed that he was so well prepared. He was so at ease. He must have heard the questions because no one can answer that smoothly and confidently. Only he did.

After the Obama camp made the accusations of cheating, Andrea Mitchell of NBC carried the water for them. She said that McCain was crisp, immediate, and forceful and that Obama did not do as well as his camp had wanted and then she said; “…what they’re putting out privately is that McCain may not have been in the cone of silence and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were to Obama.”

Leave it to Andrea to fan the flames of rumor and unsubstantiated claims in order to assist The One. A real journalist would have investigated the claims in order to ascertain the truth and then reported it. Mitchell took the short cut in order to help Obama spread doubt about McCain. As a commenter on Wizbang pointed out, this is the way to help Obama in the real debates. They will give him the questions in advance so he can rehearse answers and then if McCain accuses him of cheating they will yell sour grapes and that he was the one who cheated. It is a ploy that involves the media wing of the Democratic party.

Another indication that Obama felt he did poorly was that he attacked McCain the very next day. Obama went on the attack because he knew he had been beaten like a rented mule. He had to go on attack to take the wind out of McCain’s sails. The problem is, when Obama attacked McCain, what he said made no sense:

“McCain says ‘Here’s my plan, I’m going to drill here, drill now which is something he only came up with two months ago when he started looking at polling,” Obama said of McCain’s energy policy. My Way News

Isn’t this a bit stupid? McCain might very well have changed his mind based upon polls despite his claims that $4.00 a gallon gas convinced him. However, Obama changed his mind two weeks ago and he did so based solely on polls. Obama was opposed to drilling (and still is) and he criticized McCain for changing his mind. Then, when polls showed that more than two thirds of Americans wanted us to drill, Obama says he is open to it. If Obama is critical of McCain in this fashion, is he not critical of himself as well? McCain was first to realize this issue and address it. Obama followed much later. As with Saddleback, Obama demonstrated he is a follower, not a leader. The only leading Obama did at the event was going first.

It is obvious why Obama will not debate McCain in Town Hall type events and why he will participate only in as many debates as he absolutely has to. McCain has much more experience and looks more presidential than Obama does. Obama will give a great speech in Denver because he will be reading prepared remarks from a teleprompter. Force him to answer based upon experience and knowledge and he flounders like a fish out of water.

One can only parrot Yes We Can [Thanks AOW] and scream Hope and Change for so long before the truth is exposed. Obama would have done better to start late so people did not have as much time to see his weaknesses. He will be played out by the time the election comes.

Given that Investor’s Business Daily said Saddleback was “No Contest” Obama and his people must be fretting the post convention debates. I can smell the fear and their reaction to Saddleback only demonstrates just how afraid they are.

It won’t be long before they realize the Emperor has no clothes. I bet even Hillary and Bill Clinton are smiling today…

Big Dog

Patriots Become First to Go 16-0

New England became the first team to go undefeated since the league expanded to 16 games. Tonight they defeated the Giants 38-35. The Patriots have been pretty good though they received some help from the officials along the way. The league probably wanted to make them look good after they were caught cheating early in the season.

But, you can’t take away from the fact that they had to still play the games.

Wrap up