Patriots Become First to Go 16-0

New England became the first team to go undefeated since the league expanded to 16 games. Tonight they defeated the Giants 38-35. The Patriots have been pretty good though they received some help from the officials along the way. The league probably wanted to make them look good after they were caught cheating early in the season.

But, you can’t take away from the fact that they had to still play the games.

Wrap up

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One Response to “Patriots Become First to Go 16-0”

  1. timothy says:

    I counted three delay of games on the pats not called in the first quarter. Add to that a late hit out of bounds (which went against the g-men?) and a offensive pass interference on the pats (in the end zone) not called and it is obvious the officials were in bill’s pocket. the game is corrupt, the officiating is for the team which will draw more sales.

    i will not watch pro football again and will spend my time watching hockey and ultimate fighting; both of which have higher degrees of honor.

    Football is now a joke and deserves not your attention.