Will This Be Another Trayvon Case?

The facts are not completely established in the Trayvon Martin shooting but the ones that have been produced clearly show that the uproar and race baiting that has taken place was unwarranted. It appears as if George Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. Was Zimmerman partly responsible for what happened? Possibly so and that is why the legal system needs to be left alone to investigate and establish. What is not needed is a lot of hype, a lot of threats, and instigation, all of which have taken place from the race hustlers on the left and the militant, racist New Black Pansy Party.

In Birmingham a young black boy (13 years old) was shot and killed last Friday. The boy, Ja’Quares Cortez Walker (known as Little Tez), had his shirt wrapped around his head like a bandana and had a loaded and cocked firearm. He approached a car and ordered the driver to get out. The driver pulled a gun and shot and killed Little Tez.

Will this shooting result in the race hustlers amassing in Birmingham and calling for justice? Will this result in calls for more gun control and will the anti gun crowd call for an end to stand your ground policies?

A lot of this will depend on the race of the shooter as the hustlers only react when they can gain traction out of making things a race issue.

Other questions we need to ask are will members of Congress wrap their shirts around their heads like bandanas? Will members of the Congressional Black Caucus stand on the floor of the House and wear their shirts in this fashion? Will the race hustlers start wearing their shirts in this fashion like they did with the Trayvon hoodies?

The death of this young fellow is tragic. One wonders what kind of life he was living in order to commit an armed robbery at the age of 13. Who was he trying to impress and what was he trying to accomplish? Where were the positive adult influences in his life (or did any exist)?

While it is tragic that he was killed it would have been even more tragic had he murdered someone while committing his criminal act.

It is too late for him to learn because this lesson cost him his life. I can only hope that others will see this and decide that crime is not the way to go. Perhaps it will cause parents to look at their children and guide them in the right direction.

But that can’t happen if the race hustlers blame everyone else but the criminal and ramp up their manufactured race issues.

In other words, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NBPP, stay the hell home.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


And So The Gun Grab Begins

The Obama Administration is working to reenact the “assault” weapons ban that Bill Clinton put into place and that George Bush allowed to sunset. The ban was not effective for a number of reasons. One is that it bans weapons based on cosmetic features which means the same amount of firepower is available in a different look. The most important reason these bans don’t work is that criminals don’t obey the law. All during the last ban criminals used the banned weapons to kill others.

The administration is working in bits and pieces to get rid of guns. They are going to be the camel’s nose under the tent. By the time anyone realizes what is going on the entire camel will be inside. They have HR41 which is designed to make it extremely difficult for people to own weapons. Obama and Biden both favor technologies that are restrictive like microengraving ammunition and smart weapons (which do not exist).

If they can push their agenda one little piece at a time they will effectively ban guns in this country. That is the goal because the armed citizenry is a formidable foe and the right to bear arms was acknowledged (it preexisted) to oppose tyranny. The government cannot impose its will on people who are armed and willing to fight to remain free.

First the Nazis disarmed the Jews. Then they murdered them because they had no means to resist.

If you are a gun owner and are not a member of the NRA, now is the time to join.

Big Dog

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