As Expected, Muslim World Cries About Attack

The nation of Israel has had enough, at least at this time, of the daily rockets, accompanied by mortars, landing in their country. Hamas has been attacking Israel for quite some time and continued rocket attacks during what was generously called a cease fire. After that cease fire expired Hamas ratcheted up the rocket and mortar fire. Israel warned that it would retaliate and it did.

Hundreds of people have been killed and though there is no way of telling how many are non combatants, it is likely that a large number are the people engaged in the attacks are the bad guys because Israel is using precision guided weaponry. There will certainly be innocent people who die as a result of the attack especially since the cowards in Hamas set up their rocket launchers in residential areas. These cowards use women and children as shields to protect them. What a way for a so called man to make a statement.

Iran’s Supreme Leader issued a decree calling for all Muslims to fight Israel and he had harsh words for Muslim countries that have remained relatively silent in the matter. This is typical of the Muslim world. They cause a problem and then when they get slapped around they piss and moan about it. They act as if their acts were totally justified under the edicts of the Koran and that anyone who retaliates is wrong for doing so. This is especially true in the case of Israel because many in the Muslim world do not recognize Israel as a legitimate state.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran said that Israel’s actions demonstrated its weakness. I imagine the sorties of planes destroying anything hostile and leveling all that Hamas once controlled is the new definition of weakness.

Now, if we accept this as true what does it say about Muslims in general? They strap bombs on and kill themselves and innocent people. They kill people who are truly innocent and they have no regard for human life whatsoever. These animals also strap bombs on women and children and “martyr” them.

This, my friends, is a true sign of weakness. Notice that it is never the people in charge who strap on the bombs. It is not Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with a bomb vest on killing himself for the greater good. It is not the various so called religious leaders who give their lives in the name of a child molesting prophet. No, they strap bombs on the illiterate and on women and children as well as those who are retarded. What kind of men would do this. In fact, who would call them men?

The outcry from Iran is nothing new or unusual. This country whines every time some Muslim neighbor gets slapped around regardless of the circumstances.

Only in the barbaric Muslim world can leaders praise suicide bombers who blow up planes, trains, and buildings killing untold numbers of people and then decry legitimate military action. Action, I might add, that is justified based upon continued attacks by Muslims.

Screw Iran and the Muslim world. Israel needs to continue this operation until every last dirty dog Muslim involved is killed. Israel cannot bow to international pressure or the sock puppets in the UN and stop its response because some call it disproportionate or say it was unjustified. If they were not calling for an end to the rocket and mortar attacks they certainly have no right to call for an end to the response.

Let Israel handle its issues and deal with this accordingly. If they can do away with Hamas and any other bad guy in the region then perhaps the Muslims will leave them alone.

If not, then Israel can continue attacking one aggressor at a time until they are all roaming around hell looking for Mohammad.

al-Reuters (UK)

Big Dog

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Biden The Gaffe Factory And Other Interesting Things

Joe Biden has been a walking gaffe machine for the past few weeks. I imagine that Ole Joe has allowed Jack Daniels do the talking and it has gotten him in trouble (though Biden can make great gaffes when he is completely sober). Yesterday, here is what the man who has a higher IQ than you said:

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.” Yahoo

The only problem is that Herbert Hoover was the president when the market crashed in 1929. FDR took office in 1933. The television was not commercially available until the mid 1930s. FDR was the first president on TV though. He appeared in 1939 at the NY World’s Fair.

A University of Massachusetts chaplain offered college credits to students who campaigned for Barack Obama. The school has disavowed itself but there is no indication if the plan will still go forward. Perhaps the school could step in and stop this activity that might run afoul of state ethics laws. [Boston Herald]

A fifth grader in Colorado was suspended for wearing an anti Obama T Shirt. The shirt read “Obama is a terrorist’s best friend.” A student at another school was forced to remove a shirt depicting an American Flag. He had to wear a bright yellow shirt that read; “DCV: Dress Code Violator.” If he had burned the flag they would have given him 2 extra college credits…. There might be some hope, students are planning to carry flags and wear red, white, and blue to school. Next thing you know they will be bitterly clinging to guns and religion. [Fox] [Merced Sun Star] Big Dog Salute to Jay at STACLU.

The FBI is investigating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, and Lehman Brothers to see if any illegal activities, like fraud, took place. The feds will be looking at the companies and the Senior Management. Good, it is about time. If they go deep enough they can hang quite a few Democrats and former Clinton people. [My Way News]

Iran’s baboon president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, declared that the US was on the verge of collapse and should end its military involvement in other countries. I wonder if anyone made a speech saying that Iran should stop its involvement in other countries. Did anyone remind him that Iran is a top sponsor of terror and that it should stop arming Hamas and Hezbolla? This sawed off ape should be dragged around Ground Zero in New York by a New York City firetruck. [My Way News]

Feel free to comment on any of the above items.

Big Dog

Political Pressure To Disinvite Palin Succeeds

Hillary Clinton was invited to speak at a stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons rally but backed out when she learned that Sarah Palin was also an invited speaker. Was Hillary upset that she would have to share the spotlight, was she worried about how it would affect Obama, was she concerned Palin would be better received or give a better speech or was she afraid?

No matter what the reason, Hillary played partisan politics on an issue that should unite and not divide. The organizers tried to get Joe Biden but he was unable to attend so, under pressure from external sources, the organizers “disinvited” (this is not a word) Palin.

We collected over 20,000 signatures in 24 hours asking Iran Unity rally organizer Malcolm Hoenlein to take Sarah Palin off the schedule for Monday’s rally, and he caved to our pressure on Thursday afternoon citing the fact that the rally had become too partisan.

This is the right decision. A unity rally to express communal solidarity is no place for partisan politics. And to give such prominence to Sarah Palin alone would have spoken neither to, nor for, the American Jewish community. J Street

There was no petition or concern about the rally becoming partisan when it was believed that Clinton was the only invited political speaker. Once she withdrew the issue suddenly became partisan and Palin had to go. I wonder if this group would have felt it was the right decision had Hillary been the lone speaker and subsequently petitioned and “disinvited.”

No matter. Palin will speak at a rally sponsored by Women United. The Israeli Project has withdrawn from the original event over the removal of Palin. The following is a statement from Morton A. Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America:

“The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly opposes the disinvitation of Vice-Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin to be one of many speakers at a “stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons rally.” This rally will also protest the presence of Iran’s president Ahmadinejad at the United Nations on Monday, September 22. This is an anti-Iran rally, not a partisan political rally, as Democratic Senator Hilary Clinton was invited as was vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden and later Democratic Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida. Clinton withdrew and Biden apparently couldn’t attend.

“Under tremendous pressure from Jewish Democrats and liberal Jewish groups, Palin’s invitation was withdrawn with a decision made not to include any politicians. Why are we excluding political leaders who have the real power to act on this critical issue? The ZOA believes this was a serious mistake.

“This was not a political rally for any party or individual. All Democrats and Republicans are united against Ahmadinejad developing nuclear weapons which he indicated he would use “to wipe Israel and America off the map.” We thought that one of the themes of Democrats this year was “promoting unity” and “bringing people together.” Well, here was an opportunity to do just that on an issue we can all support and certain groups and interests have caused us to fail. The ZOA is so disappointed by this unnecessary and harmful outcome.

“At this rally, there would be no implied or explicit endorsement of any candidate or party, only a unified condemnation of Ahmadinejad. No one was going to speak about politics, only about loving America and Israel, and fighting Iran, and standing up to evil.

“The ZOA deeply regrets that certain Jewish groups and individuals believed the inadvertent benefit that would accrue to Sarah Palin outweighed the enormous benefit that Israel and the United States would receive when a Vice-Presidential candidate and others give visibility and power to this life and death issue.

“It seems for these people politics and their personal political agenda were more important than Israel and America’s security. This wrong-headed action of cancelling the appearance of major political leaders hurt Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad must be delighted that those who oppose his policies are so divided they can’t even stand on the same stage to condemn him. I assure you, if we were holding a rally to condemn an internationally-known racist, anti-Black leader, no one would dare disinvite a speaker and no speaker would dare back out.

“The ZOA strongly urges that Sarah Palin be reinvited along with any other key Democratic or Republican leaders.

“Otherwise, this will become a day of shame and humiliation for the Jewish people instead of a day of Jewish pride, strength, courage, and will. On this day, we should have put aside all other political interests and together fight against this existential threat against Israel and major threat to the United States and the entire western world.” Atlas Shrugs

There is no doubt that the president of Iran desires the elimination of Israel and there is no doubt his country is working on obtaining the means to do just that. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be in New York and will be hosted by Obama’s campaign finance committee’s chairwoman.

Things that Make You Wonder

I wonder what Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Muhammad Ali Jafari meant when he said that the cancerous Israel would vanish soon “by means of the Hizbullah fighters’ radiation [therapy].” If Iran is not developing nuclear weapons, what could he have meant by “radiation therapy?”

I wonder why, at the US-Islamic forum, Muslims embraced Barack Obama: Many Muslim delegates said they hoped to see Obama win the Democratic nomination and go on to be elected next November to succeed US President George W. Bush. I wonder if it is because Obama worshiped as a Muslim with his father (a child of Islam takes the religion of his father) and that we have never seen that he “changed” religions. If he did, why has there been no call for his death as is the law when one changes from Islam? What change and hope do these folks really want to see?

I wonder why we can’t get all the members of the UN to do this. A woman fell from the 16th story of the UN building (fell, jumped or thrown?). It is tragic that she died this way but given that the UN is useless, wouldn’t it have been better if all those who hate the US and those who continually work against us had jumped instead? There are a lot of people there who enjoy living here because of our freedoms but fail to embrace us as a country. They fight us every step of the way and allow people like Ahmadinejad and Chavez to come here and talk bad about our country and our president.

Big Dog

Is Ahmadinejad a Tutored Mouthpiece?

Recently, I wrote an item about Iranian President Ahmadinejad and how he was “insulted” at his Columbia University speech. He might have felt insulted but how he felt was nothing compared to how many in this country felt about he appearance. A regular commenter, Patsy, made an interesting observation:

I’ve been thinking about something recently, and I’d like to run it by you. The PR moves Ahmadinejad has been making, related to his recent United Nations trip, look and seem like they’ve been choreographed by’s public relations department. Is it possible that George Soros, or rather whoever/whatever is behind Mr. Soros, is advising Iran and Iran’s President? After hearing him speak, seeing his lack of magnetism or auctoritas [sic], it doesn’t appear that the moves he’s making or the words he’s speaking are his own.

When I listened to I’m a dinner jacket speak on 60 Minutes I felt he was parroting the talking points of the left. He used phrases and discussed things that are right in line with their game plan and while I might dismiss his rhetoric as his desire to align with the left against President Bush, when he mentioned Katrina, I could not dismiss his rants that easily.

It was evident that Ahmadinejad was here to bolster the anti war crowd and to ensure it was harder to attack his country, a prospect that has him trembling, despite his claims that Iran will beat us. Just prior to his trip to New York his country had a huge display of military weapons that are supposed to scare us but many know that the Iranians are no match for us in the arena of technologically advanced weapons. He can hit Israel and our troops in Iraq and we can hit his country from our continent. I think we have the advantage and I think he knows it. The Syrians and the Iranians are in fear because Israel attacked a military target in Syria, one that was well into Syria, and they did it undetected. None of the advanced anti aircraft weaponry that Syria uses (which is the same Iran uses) even detected the intruders. They all realize that the bluster they managed has been dampened bu the fact that they are not as protected as they thought they were. Couple this with the reports that the US had a hand in silencing those weapons and there is reason for those sponsors of terror to cower.

But did Ahmadinejad have help with his appearance? We might never know because the media only reports secrets the US government is trying to keep. It would not be surprising to find out that George Soros or his minions had a hand in helping the Iranian President craft his appearance. They are against this country and are actively working for our defeat so helping the enemy would be right up their alley. Soros spent a great deal of money in an attempt to give John Kerry a win in the last presidential election and Kerry consorted with our enemies in the past. Ted Kennedy met secretly with the Russians in an attempt to derail the goals of Ronald Reagan and a number of our members of Congress have been to the Middle East and bashed our country, its policies, and our president so the Democratic Party is no stranger to aiding and comforting the enemy.

How could anyone, though, not see that Ahmadinejad was disingenuous? He claimed that Iran had no homosexuals and we know this to be a blatant lie. What Iran actually has is no openly gay people, or at least none who are openly gay for very long because they are executed by their government. He claimed that the women in his country were the most free in the world and yet they are arrested if they fail to cover themselves. They are jailed or killed if they are victims of rape and the testimony of a man is superior to the testimony of a woman. I am willing to bet that very few “free” people in his country would be in good shape if they protested him in the fashion our people did. Ahmadinejad talks of wanting peace and that there will be no war but his country is shelling Iraq. His military is shelling deeper and deeper in order to harass and kill the Kurds. These are provocative acts and I would like to see a few projectiles head in the other direction. Perhaps if we ended up killing a slew of their military forces they might think twice before shelling. Maybe not, Hezbollah and Hamas don’t seem to learn every time their get the snot kicked out of them. They still lob rockets into Israel.

There was a lot of talk about Ahmadinejad’s appearance and how he was entitled to free speech. This, of course, is ridiculous. Free speech in this country is for those who are citizens. We are not required to give any non citizen a platform from which to speak (except under treaty at the UN). We are not required to invite them here or to allow them any time to say anything. We do not have to give them a place to speak or to allow them access to our media. These things are for our citizens. I dare say, none of us would enjoy such freedoms in his country. I also think he and all these other despots who think they rule the world should consider giving their people back home the freedoms that they enjoy when they visit here. As I stated, they are not free to speak and we are not obligated to give them a venue but, our citizens and organizations are free to invite whomever they wish.

I have to believe, lacking any evidence, that no one officially helped Ahmadinejad with his visit. It is more likely that the reason he sounded like a Democratic mouth piece because he and the Democrats have common goals. They want the US to lose in Iraq, they want President Bush to suffer defeat, and they want Iran not to be attacked.

Assisted, No. Common ideologies and goals, Yes!

Big Dog