Bill Clinton; “Tell the Truth”

Clinton Sign

If there is anything in politics that rings hollow it is a politician telling people to tell the truth. It is particularly disturbing that lying to Congress carries a five year jail term yet Congress lies to us, their employers, all the time. Most disturbing of all discussions of the truth is when Bill Clinton admonishes people and demands that they tell the truth. Given Bill Clinton’s inability to tell the truth, one would wonder why he demands it of others.

At a speech Bill Clinton lashed out at pro life people in the crowd. One person in particular, seems to have riled the former president. Clinton is heard admonishing the person and then says “Tell the truth, tell the truth. You want to make criminals out of women and their doctors.” He then goes on to say that is what pro life people want but will not say because it is not politically tenable. Of course, he then goes on to tell how Hillary has done the most to limit abortions.

Any time Bill Clinton yells “tell the truth” I wonder where his head is. I assume it is in a body cavity that has the aroma of E. coli and that the fumes are clouding his ability to think. Clinton does not know what the truth is. He has been caught in one lie after another and he and his wife believe that they should lie, lie, lie and deny, deny, deny. If they get caught they will have watered down the charges sufficiently by then. There is no way to deny Clinton is a liar. He lied on national TV and he admitted to that lie. He was convicted of lying under oath so the public record is pretty clear on the issue.

In addition to his blatant hypocrisy, Clinton makes accusations that smack in the face of reality. No one wants to make women and doctors criminals. What people want is to outlaw abortion. This issue was decided by the SCOTUS and they got it wrong. Those who support abortions like to point the decision out but forget that somehow the Court was able to find the word abortion in the Constitution. It is not there and it never has been. The same people who claim that abortion is a Constitutional right are the ones who want to ban guns even though the “right to keep and bear arms” is contained in the Constitution (don’t let them fool you with their pro gun talk while campaigning, they oppose gun ownership).

Regardless, abortion is not an issue that should have ever risen to the federal level. This is a state issue and should have stayed at the state level. However, outlawing abortion is not a matter of trying to make any person a criminal. It is designed to make the act illegal. If a woman and her doctor decided to conduct an abortion they would be guilty of breaking the law just as doctors who disclose protected health information are guilty of violating the law. No one ever claimed that enacting HIPAA was an attempt to make doctors criminals. Laws are designed to place limits on the acts the people of a society may engage in. Speed limits are designed to keep people driving at a safe speed but no one suggests that enacting speed limits is an attempt to make all drivers criminals. Certainly, no woman is ILLEGAL because Hillary told us that while pandering for votes.

The debate over whether an unborn child is a blob of cells or a life is ongoing and it is a debate for another post. Suffice it to say that after conception, the “product of conception” has human DNA. The Bible tells us that the life is in the blood; blood begins to flow about 14 days after conception. Regardless of how science and theology debate this issue, one thing is certain; politicians have already weighed in and told us that an unborn child is a human being. They did this when they passed laws that allowed them to charge an assailant with two crimes when a mother and her unborn child are injured or killed. Scott Peterson was charged with two murders when he killed his pregnant wife.

Bill Clinton and his band of merry thieves are entitled to believe what they want and there are those who still worship the ground this cretin walks on. He will never lose credibility with a certain crowd no matter how much he lies and no matter how much he demands others tell the truth. He is a typical liberal who believes the rules do not apply to him but by God you had better follow them. The Clintons are certainly entitled to believe in abortion and they are free to believe that a product of conception is worthless. I know that they are both products of conception and I find them to have no value.

When I see Bill and Hillary Clinton I wish their mothers had believed in abortion and exercised that option. They are good examples of why some animals eat their young.

Big Dog