The Emily Letts Abortion Video

Emily Letts is an abortion councillor in Cherry Hill, NJ who had her own abortion filmed.
What’s so disturbing is that when the abortion procedure began, Letts wore a beaming smile and even let out a giggle as she stated gleefully stated lines like:
‘I’m a lucky girl’
‘I don’t feel sad’
‘I’m not a bad person’
‘I can make a life’
‘The whole experience, “will always be a special memory for me’
She also called it a baby – not a fetus – and said she will keep the sonogram of the (NOW DEAD) baby as a memento.

Many people have commented on this – it’s been well covered.
I, however, would only add this – she utterly PROVES something I’ve said for a while now:

Conservatives love life.
Liberals love Death.
That’s the difference between us.


Wendy Davis Aborted The Truth

Wendy, Wendy what went wrong, oh so wrong….[lyrics from Beach Boys song Wendy]

Looks like Wendy Davis from Texas has added to her Democrat resume by lying about her past. The Texas legislator is already a hero because she filibustered for abortion so much so that she is now running for governor of the state.

Recently Davis admitted that she lied about her past including when she was divorced and she might have broken the law by laying under oath. Given that Barack Obama lied about his past and lied about his mother being denied cancer treatment and given that Bill Clinton lied about his childhood and given the fact that both are held up as liberal icons it looks like Davis might have made herself even more desirable to the liberal left.

Liberals love liars. They love when people change history to give an account of struggle overcome by the liberal hero. They love this because they love to show that big government being there for the little guy is all that saves mankind. Davis is just following the lead of the liberals throughout history who change the story to fit their needs.

I can’t imagine Texas would put this liar in office because the state is reliably conservative but liberals have been relocating there to escape the tyranny of liberalism. The problem is when liberals relocate they don’t leave their liberalism and liberal voting patterns behind. They bring their brand of stupidity with them to infect the new place like a cancer that keeps growing.

Davis will spin this lie as a necessary evil and try to make herself look like a darling who is at a disadvantage in a misogynist backwards system in Texas that needs her liberal brand to fix it.

Reject this moron now and be done with her.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maryland Governor Is An Out Of Touch Tyrant

The liberal governor of the people’s Republik of Maryland, Martin O’Malley, is out of touch with the people and he is out of touch with the Constitution (both the US and the State) but he is right in step with Barack Obama.

O’Malley is a tax and spend liberal. He never met a tax that he didn’t hike and he never met a social program that he did not spend (and overspend) on.

And he wants to be president.

O’Malley led the push of draconian and unconstitutional anti gun laws during the last session and those gun laws are set to take effect on 1 October. These gun laws will do absolutely nothing to stop gun violence in Maryland which already has some of the nation’s toughest laws. Criminal upon criminal with felony records routinely get guns and use them in the commission of crimes. The only people affected by O’Malley’s unconstitutional laws are those who actually obey the law.

The law sets up a requirement for a handgun license in order to purchase a handgun, mandates all kinds of training and removes a number of firearms (that the unintelligent call assault weapons) from the list of firearms that may be purchased.

This was all done after the shootings in Newtown which O’Malley used as a reason for tougher gun laws. His approach was that we need to do something because a Newtown might happen in Maryland. O’Malley thinks that the rare possibility of such an incident warrants the infringement upon the rights of the law abiding. Interestingly, the O’Malley State Police refuse concealed carry permits to people who use the reason that they might be a victim of crime as their good and substantial reason for the permit. Yes, Maryland requires people to show a reason in order to exercise a Constitutionally protected right.

In any event, the possibility of being a victim of crime is not enough to get a concealed carry permit but the possibility of a Newtown type shooting is justification enough to impose gun laws on law abiding people who would never do such a thing. In reality, a Maryland citizen is many times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than any school here is likely to experience a Newtown type event. But O’Malley danced on the graves of children to get his unconstitutional gun laws passed because he is against freedom and he is against the Constitution.

The US Constitution protects the RIGHT to keep and bear arms. The State Constitution says that the US Constitution will be the Supreme Law of the State.

O’Malley has violated both.

And the irony is that NONE of the laws being enacted will stop gun crime and none of them would have stopped Newtown.

This is just one step that O’Malley and the gun grabbers have taken. Once their law is in place and crime does not go down they will shoot for a complete ban on guns. We can see how such bans work when we look at Chicago or any Communist nation.

Since O’Malley started this anti gun process the number of applications for firearms has skyrocketed so much so that the approving authority, the Maryland State Police, cannot keep up. The police are in violation of the law that requires them to disapprove or not disapprove in seven days. Gun dealers are allowed to release if no determination has been made in that time but the MSP has put pressure on gun dealers not to release. In other words, to violate the law.

O’Malley sees the increase as a fear. He is surprised and disappointed that so many people have purchased firearms ahead of his Communist type ban. People have a right to fear government that violates the Constitution and they are justified in fearing any government attempt to disarm them.

A disarmed population is not a free population it is enslaved. There never would have been slavery in this nation if those who were enslaved had been armed.

When the only people with the guns are the government and the criminals then we live in a tyranny and Martin O’Malley is a tyrant. He is a tyrant that was aided by his sock puppets in the legislature, some of whom have guns and carry permits.

O’Malley does not like guns except for the ones carried by the six police officers who are protecting him at any given time and the politically connected who get a permit.

You see, he is more important than the people who pay his salary. It is good to be the king.

The schemes enacted by the liberals in this state are designed to keep people from buying guns. They are expensive, burdensome and unconstitutional.

O’Malley can be disappointed all he wants. Real citizens are disappointed in his tyrannical power grab and violation of the Constitution. He is an embarrassment and he should never, ever, be considered to lead this nation.

O’Malley is an abortion supporter and the Supreme Court has decided that an abortion is the right of every woman.

Would O’Malley ever consider legislation that required women to provide a good and substantial reason to get an abortion, to pay for fingerprints and a background check to see if they can get one and then make them sit through training to learn about the ramifications of their decision?

We know the answer to that.

And abortion murders more Maryland children each year than all gun related murders (that are committed by people who will not be stopped by the new laws).

Martin O’Moron is a disgrace and should be put in prison for violating his oath and usurping the Constitution.

And so should any politician who voted for the mess.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare Will Add More Than One Dime

When Democrats were ramming Obamacare through Congress they assured us that it would bend the cost curve down and that health care would cost less money than it does now. They assured us that the private insurance companies had caused runaway costs and that Obamacare was the answer.

They claimed it was a wonderful plan. It was so wonderful that the Democrats had to bribe some of their own members and lie to others (on no federal funds for abortion) in order to get them to vote for passage. After it passed it was so wonderful that Democrats granted thousands of waivers to their friends. All those folks who supported Obamacare and pushed for it to be passed promptly applied for, AND RECEIVED, waivers so they would not have to participate.

Conservatives and Republicans (not one in the same) argued that adding millions of people to the health care rolls (ironically, nearly as many will be uninsured under Obamacare) would increase costs. The excessive regulations and the free reign given to the Secretary of the HHS all but ensured Obamacare would cost more.

Barack Obama said that it would not cost one dime more (everything with him is one dime probably because of all the dime bags he bought in the past). He told us that he would not sign a bill that added one dime to the deficit.

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future,” Obama told a joint-session of Congress in September 2009. “I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.” National Review

In all fairness, none of his programs add one dime. They add lots more…

According to the CBO, Obamacare will add 6.2 trillion dollars to the deficit.

That is 62 TRILLION more dimes….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Pro Choice Liberals Not So Much So

Everyone knows that liberals are intolerant. If people do not believe what they believe then they attack and ban. They don’t like meat, you can’t eat it. They don’t like guns, you can’t have one. Don’t agree with their messiah, well you sir, are a raaaaacist……

Nanny Bloomberg in New York is a typical liberal. I know he changed from the Republican Party to an Independent but he has always been liberal. He is very happy to ban tobacco use, trans-fatty foods, salt and large drinks because he knows better than you how to live your life. And God knows he wants to ban guns…

I thought liberals claimed they were all for choice. If a woman wants to have an abortion then liberals believe she should be able to do so. Women should have that choice. Hell, they believe it so much so that they will not limit abortions. Women, according to liberals, should be able to get an abortion at any time, at any age, and at taxpayer expense. They even believe that a woman should be able to have an abortion just seconds before a baby is born and if by chance that child actually survives the attempt on its life, liberals think the woman should be able to choose to leave her baby on a table somewhere to die.

This is the kind of choice that women can make no questions asked and without any interference whatsoever.

Let the rest of us choose to consume tobacco, salt, fatty foods, or large sugary drinks and Bloomberg is right there to stop us from doing harm because he knows oh so much.

Ironically, the same Michael Bloomberg who thinks that reproductive choice is a fundamental human right (as opposed to the fundamental human right not to be murdered) does not think women should have free choice in how they feed their newborn babies (should they decide to choose life).

Yep, you can choose to abort your baby and that is a fundamental human right BUT if you want to feed your baby formula rather than breastfeeding, Nanny has something for you. Bloomberg is working to have hospitals lock up formula to force women to breastfeed and he wants a record kept with a medical reason for issuing a bottle and formula.

How about the idea of choice? How about if the woman wants to use formula?

Personally, I think breastfeeding is best for the baby. However, that is a choice that the mother (and in a perfect world the father) will take. This choice, unlike the choice of abortion, does not murder the child. Formula is just fine for babies but it is just not as good as breast milk (not to mention the bonding that takes place).

No matter, it is up to women to decide how to feed their children.

The left is not about choice, it is about control. It wants to control what you consume and how you live your life. It wants your guns because they can control you if you have no means to resist. It wants abortion because that controls certain demographics and ensures the feminist vote. It wants to control how you feed your child because it knows better than you how to raise your kid.

To them it takes a village (and the political elite) to raise a child.

No matter what, they are only pro choice when it comes to abortion. Choose to own a gun, consume tobacco, fats, salt or sugary drinks and they are out in full force to prevent you from making your own choice.

Liberal elitists like Bloomberg are dangerous and need to be stopped. We must ensure we remove these kinds of people from office and take away their ability to control us.

That is right. They can let us have our liberty or we can come take it.

The choice is theirs.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
