Round Up Star Date 2021.291

1. Trump at the Grocery store

2. Joe Biden refused to say how he would handle the Supreme Court when he was running for office. His communist brethren want to pack the court with more liberal judges. The Commies believe the Court is tarnished because it has 6 conservatives on it. They are really upset that Donald J Trump appointed three of them. Mind you, they had no issues when B. Hussein Obama put Sotomeyor and Kagan on the court. Both of them are radical left wing communists. The Communist Democrats were OK with Obama having a shot at a third radical liberal Communist when he selected Merrick Garland. That would have given Obama three radical left wing appointments and the left was OK because the Court, in their mind, is doing the Lord’s work when it is full of liberals. When it has conservative jurists, you know, the ones who usually (note that I said USUALLY) follow the Constitution they blow a gasket. John Roberts follows what his masters tell him or Obamacare would have been shot down. In any event, Chuck Schumer and his ilk think that the Court is in place to uphold liberal laws with no regard for the Constitution. People like Jerry “I crapped my pants” Nadler and Hank “Guam will capsize if too many troops are on it” Johnson believe they must restore the legitimacy of the Court and undo the damage Trump and McConnell have inflicted. Here is what Dem Commies think the job of the Court is:

The GOP’s rigged bench is contorting our laws and issuing decisions that do not reflect, understand, or serve the people the Court is meant to represent,” wrote the progressive lawmakers. “Voting rights, abortion rights, immigration rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and women’s rights are all at stake. We need more than the Commission’s report. We must pass legislation to expand the Supreme Court.”

The Court does not represent people, Representatives in the House do. The Court represents the Constitution and is designed to make sure that our Founding Document, the Supreme Law of the Land, is followed. The Court has failed miserably and has become political. That needs to stop but not by packing the court with more anti Constitution tyrants.

3. Cheating in elections is so rare that we hear about the rare events on a regular basis. When people in charge of running elections tell you that cheating is rare they are demonstrating a lack of understanding of the definition of that word. Some cases of fraud are found before the votes are counted (and sometimes the votes are rejected) but most cases of fraud are discovered long after the ballots have been counted and the elections certified. This is by design. They have such a cumbersome system that no one can find the fraud until it is way too late. Then when (IF) it is discovered they say we have to do better and nothing changes. The ballots in Arizona demonstrate that cheating is a huge problem. Joe Biden did not win that state. The Dem Commies will tell you the audit showed Biden had more votes than Trump and that is where they stopped. Sure, if you recount fraudulent ballots you will get fraudulent results. The actual deep dive audit showed hundreds of thousands of ballots that were not legitimate. If those were eliminated then Biden would not have more votes. In Michigan, the issue is so rare we are hearing about it regularly. I hope these people end up in jail but if history is any guide they will be in government jobs running elections…

4. Let’s Go Brandon

A California police officer suddenly said “Let’s go Brandon!” over a loudspeaker. The crowd went nuts! It happened to be a group of Trump supporters who showed their appreciation with loud approval.

5. Are the Covid vaccines causing immune systems to collapse? Are they causing people to develop AIDS? The latest data from the United Kingdom certainly supports the idea that these vaccines are causing people’s immune systems to collapse.

Doubly injected people between the ages of 40 and 70 have already lost about 40 percent of the immune system capacity from the moment they get injected. They then progressively lose more of it over time, with peak immune system loss for many expected to arrive by Christmas.

That is just one age group. The article points out the trajectory for all age groups and the outcome, if it is accurate, is not good.

6. It is illegal for tax exempt organizations, including churches, to be involved in campaign activities either for or against a candidate.

Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one “which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”

Vice Perpetrator Harris recorded a message in support of Terry McAuliffe who is in a tight race in the Virginia Governor’s election that is about three weeks away. No big deal except her message will be played at 300 black churches in Virginia from yesterday until election day. Yes, those churches will show this video telling the people in those churches to vote for McAuliffe in direct violation of federal election and tax law. I know the law is something the Biden regime routinely ignores and this just demonstrates they are even more brazen about it. Imagine if Donald Trump cut a video to be played at predominately white churches asking people to vote for the Republican in the race, Glenn Youngkin? Do you think the left would be screaming to revoke those church’s tax exempt status?

You and I both know the answer to that. I hope all the churches that show the video lose their tax exempt status.

7. I said it before, we dodged a bullet when McConnell did not allow Merrick Garland to get to the Supreme Court. He does not follow the Constitution, he is a radical and he has a lot of conflicts of interest, He is using the apparatus of government to harass parents who are opposed to the racist Critical Race Theory. He has a son in law who is in the business of selling CRT materials and who pushes for this to be taught in school. Imagine having a business where your father in law could sic law enforcement on people opposed to your products. Now it appears as if Garland’s wife is involved in a super secret cyber/spy business that appears to be opposing audits of the 2020 election. This should be fully investigated (as should the CRT issue) but if we had any Senate Republicans worth their positions they would have discovered all this BEFORE Garland was confirmed.

8. You never know who you will find at the border. I remember Donald Trump saying something about this but his words were immediately distorted and then brushed off. If the country had listened to him we would not have all these people entering our country, we would not have empty shelves and we would not be paying people to sit on their rear ends instead of working. But we have a demented old man and a bunch of Dem Commies who are hell bent on another civil war.

9. And just because it ticks off the Dem Commies:

A statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that was taken down by Dallas city officials four years ago has resurfaced — at a private Texas resort.

The massive bronze statue, which shows Lee on horseback with another mounted soldier, was removed by the city in 2017 amid the controversy following racial violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Va., earlier that year over the planned removal of another Lee monument.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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