Random Thoughts for 17 January 2021

Lost in all the bed wetting over the mayhem on 6 January was this interesting item out of Louisiana, “Amite City Councilman Emanuel Zanders had been arrested Monday and charged with eight counts of election fraud.” Zanders is a Democrat who committed fraud in the election, you know, the fraud the left tells you does not exist or is not enough to change things. Fraud is a crime and at least this person is being charged. Now, if guilty, Zanders MUST spend the maximum time in jail. If we start punishing to the maximum extent of the law people will top cheating.

Except politicians, they benefit from it and are never held accountable.

If Mitch McConnell thinks that some fraud in the election is acceptable then he is obligated to tell us in definite terms how much fraud is actually acceptable. Then, that amount must be codified by each state in its system of laws. This will help citizens accused of a crime where fraud is an element. If they did not reach the level defined by McConnell and codified in the states then they did not commit a crime. Insurance fraud, bank fraud, any fraud you are involved in is OK so long as it does not exceed the level defined by Moscow Mitch. If the people who run elections are shielded from prosecution by an acceptable level of fraud then the citizens who pay them should have that same protection.

There is a law that says you must answer questions from Congress truthfully. I saw that referenced in the document dump on the Russian collusion delusion. The witness, not under oath, was told that the law requires anyone who is asked questions by Congress to answer truthfully. Seems to me we need a law that says Congress critters are required to answer anything truthfully. It would be a great source of entertainment watching members of Congress talk if a liar’s pants actually caught on fire. I will settle for a shock collar based on lie detector technology that zaps the crap out of them when they lie. That would be a great source of entertainment.

The brother of the guy in charge of the Antifa provocateurs at the Capitol stated he has reported to the FBI that about 226 members of Antifa were involved in the mostly peaceful; protest that took place on 6 January. He is reportedly helping identify the people involved. His brother, Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan, has ben arrested for his part in the mayhem. Sullivan and others encouraged violence and indicated “we did it” when the melee took place. In logic if I can show one part of your argument is wrong then it is all wrong. When the Marxist Media propaganda wing of the Democrat party and the Democrats in DC tell (lie to) you that Antifa was not involved, this negates the assertion and renders it illogical, wrong, null and void.

There are whisperings that Nancy Pelosi pushed a rush impeachment through to distract from the declassified document dumps that will take place until Trump leaves office. I am quite sure she does not want some of it getting out. Already we are seeing that Xiden and Obama knew what was going on in the Russian collusion delusion and that it was all politically motivated and based on lies. It is what we have said and suspected for years but now the proof is out. That does not seem to directly affect her except she based the first impeachment on these lies. I am sure she has plausible deniability. So if she is anxious to distract what is coming out that will harm her?

How else do you explain this?
Pelosi rushed through an impeachment without evidence and without due process. Now she has delayed sending it to the Senate because, they don’t have any evidence. Anyone who says this was not a purely knee-jerk reaction to a person based on hatred is delusional.

It seems to me that federal employees who admit to sabotaging the president and cheerfully call their work a coup are admitting to violating many laws and should be identified and taken down hard. But with a Democrat set to take over these things will be rewarded. If you know these people do not, under any circumstances, take matters into your own hands no matter how much you would like to. Call authorities and have them arrested.

A migrant caravan, read this as a caravan of people who want to enter our country illegally and be taken care of at taxpayer expense so Pelosi and the tech giants can have cheap labor and more voters of course, is heading to the US. Shouldn’t our government be stopping them in their tracks? Do we want them to bring Covid and other diseases with them? Are the same politicians who made millions of us lock down in our homes for our own safety (really to harm Trump and the country) going to allow these people to come here? Will we hand out masks, do Covid tests and put them at the front of the vaccine line? Welcome to a world where illegals do not fear the law because Democrats are weak and always put America last.

I think this is enough randomness for now. Enjoy your Sunday.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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One Response to “Random Thoughts for 17 January 2021”

  1. Ronee says:

    So disgusted by all of this cheating and bs. Keep telling it like it is dude. We need it