Pelosi Knows Nothing About Patriotism

Nancy Pelosi is a brain dead moron whose Botox injections have numbed the small clump of cells that pass for a brain in that think noggin of hers. She is obviously suffering from dementia and should retire to the old politician’s home as quickly as possible to save us from her stupidity and to save her from further embarrassment.

If you will recall not so long ago Nancy Pelosi rammed Obamacare through Congress without ONE SINGLE Republican vote. The legislation was composed in back rooms and with special interest groups in order to impose the biggest burden possible on American citizens. Pelosi famously told us we had to pass it to see what was in it.

I know that this flies in the face of your education which tells us that bills are introduced and they are read and debated and that the public has a right to know what is going on. Yes, Pelosi was anything but transparent and she used deception to pass this freedom killing legislation.

Now we have Nancy Pelosi discussing the recently passed tax cuts that President Trump signed into law. People are already feeling the effects of lower taxes and higher paychecks and businesses are handing out bonuses, pay raises and hiring more people. These things are what Pelosi describes as crumbs.

Yes, Pelosi thinks that the money you get to keep is crumbs. The money in question is usually reported as in the thousand dollar range and while this might be crumbs to an extremely rich person like Pelosi, it is substantial money to the rest of us. ANY of YOUR money that you get to keep and government does not take is substantial. But you see, Pelosi is upset that you are getting more of YOUR money because she thinks it should be kept by government and used on social programs. She thinks this will help others. The reality is she would rather give crumbs to people on welfare in order to enslave them to the Democrat party (thus ensuring votes) than to let you keep YOUR money and spend it as you see fit.

Pelosi is also complaining that the tax law was written in the dark of night, not transparent and passed solely along party lines. She does not like that at all. You see, she only likes that when she and her party does it (see Obamacare for example).

Nancy wants you to know it is unpatriotic of Republicans to pass a law allowing you to keep more of your money or as I say, allowing the government to confiscate less of it. She is not the only liberal moron to use the words unpatriotic. When Bath House Barry Obama was running he criticized George Bush for the national debt that had increased by four or five trillion dollars and said this debt was being pushed on our children and grandchildren and that raising our debt was UNPATRIOTIC. The guy who was unable to place his hand over his heart or wear a Flag pin was telling us what unpatriotic is.

As an aside, Barack Obama was extremely unpatriotic BY HIS OWN DEFINITION. He doubled the debt from ten to twenty trillion and accumulated more debt in eight years than all the previous presidents COMBINED. He is not a patriot.

Neither is Nancy Pelosi. It is contrary to American values to take property from one person and give it to another. In times past people were shot or hanged for taking things that did not belong to them. Our money belongs to us and the government should not stealing it from us to spend on social programs. Far too many tax dollars pay for things that are not allowed by the Constitution and that are designed to redistribute wealth from those who earn it to those who do not. Pelosi thinks that allowing you to have your money rather than allowing government to confiscate it and give it to others is unpatriotic.

Keep in mind that this applies to YOU. Pelosi went out of her way to ensure that her property taxes on her THREE LUXURY homes were paid prior to the end of the year so she could get the benefit of the entire deduction. As you might know, the write off for such taxes has been limited under the new law. If it is unpatriotic for people to keep more of their money is it not unpatriotic for Pelosi to run out and do something that allowed her to pay less in taxes? She is a big time liberal so she should be more than happy to see an increase in her tax bill, you know so government has more to redistribute.

Sad thing is she is like most liberals (hell most politicians) in that she wants rules for us but different ones for her and her ilk. John Kerry was the same way. He registered his yacht in a state other than his home state to avoid taxes. Many politicians have schemes that they follow so they can pay less than we do. They like to blame the rich and call them greedy but politicians are a worse lot (and Pelosi is worth over 100 million dollars so she is fabulously wealthy) and do things that are contrary to what they require of us.

Pelosi is not a patriot. In days past she would have been taken out back and handled accordingly. The best we can hope for now is for her to retire as soon as possible or for the Grim Reaper to make a House call…


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Big Dog


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