Pelosi and Hoyer No Match for Thinking People

A group of protesters chanting “Drill Here, Drill Now” in front of Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer were confronted by the House leaders when Pelosi asked if it was OK to drill their brains. Nancy, it is only OK to drill a person’s brains when that person wants to become a liberal Democrat. Then and only then may you remove brains.

Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland, stated:

“sophomoric chanting” won’t solve the energy crisis and that “all thinking Americans know” — stressing the word “thinking” and looking at the crowd — that America doesn’t have a quarter of the word’s fossil fuels yet uses a quarter of the world’s energy. Politico

Hoyer couldn’t find his ass if his hands were in his back pockets and he is talking about people who think. Here are a few thoughts for him:

  • Was it not Obama who said he was open to drilling for oil and did not Nancy Pelosi then follow suit? According to Hoyer, are they unthinking?
  • Have not the Democrats been using sophomoric chants throughout the convention? Pelosi had them chanting that Obama was right and John McCain was wrong.
  • Hoyer keeps talking about solving the energy crisis but Democrats have been touting alternative energies for years. Nothing has panned out yet and we can’t get rid of oil until we have something else that works as well.
  • If they are now acting as if drilling won’t matter is it safe to assume the remarks about being ready to drill were a ruse to fool people into voting for them? (as I predicted earlier).
  • Is Pelosi aware that we could have oil flowing in 1-3 years (not 10) and that an increase in supply will reduce the prices far more than a few cents?
  • If the protesters are “2 cents in 10 years” as Pelosi called them, does that make her no sense ever?

These people do not care about the country. They only care about being reelected and they will say anything to accomplish that. They have had an abysmal record since they took control despite all the lies Pelosi told to embellish their record. They are do nothing losers and they should all be voted out of office.

Hoyer is a mental midget who suffers from such a chronic case of cranial rectitis that he needs a silica umbilicus to see where he is going.

Big Dog

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7 Responses to “Pelosi and Hoyer No Match for Thinking People”

  1. Bunny Colvin says:

    “These people do not care about the country. They only care about being reelected and they will say anything to accomplish that.”

    Ah actually the majority of Americans support expanding domestic drilling, courtesy of the (r)epukes disingenuous arguments. How are Pelosi and Hoyer “only caring about being reelected” by opposing a majority? Barack is the one who “flip flopped” on the issue. Oh no, he’s not the “one” (my bad), McBush FLIP FLOPPED on this issue too.


  2. Big Dog says:

    Pelosi said she would be open to drilling after Obambi did. Now she is saying something different. She wants wind because she has an interest in T Bone Pickens’ company…

    Hoyer is an idiot..

  3. Kathy Washburn says:

    Sorry to say it, but I’ve never paid any attention to Hoyer whatsoever, but it’s harder to ignore old Nancy. Those embiciles who are now in charge of Congress aren’t capable of doing anything worthwhile. Their integrity and honesty are non-existent. I have a hard time believing they actually won elections the honest way. Frankly, I believe Democrats have cheated at the polls for so long that it is now perfectly normal for them and most of them are there illegally. And their voters help them cheat their way into power. It certainly was not their honesty, intelligence, or integrity that got them into the U.S. Congress!

  4. Reason says:

    Read that and you’ll see an amazing resemblance to our little Bunny Wabbit. I’m thinking he’s had some of the training mentioned in that piece.

  5. Bunny Colvin says:

    WashedUp- “It certainly was not their honesty, intelligence, or integrity that got them into the U.S. Congress!”

    No, it certainly was not. George W. Bush got them into the U.S. Congress. The Dems could have run just about anyone for Congress and he/she would have won. Open your eyes, sweetie.

    REASONless- My opinions are my own. I’ve never been “trained” by anyone. Who trained you, Ted Haggard? Did he teach you to squeal like a pig?


  6. […] The brain-damaged mutt just can’t stop lying: […]

  7. Big Dog says:

    Meathead from stinking meat has written a post calling me a liar because I said that we could get oil in 1-3 years. We had this debate before but in his post he says there is no credible source saying we can do it. Opec says it can be done and they should know. I would think they are credible. Also,

    A Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. analyst said in a report there is a lot of offshore crude that can be produced relatively quickly. The problem: It is located off California, where politicians have built careers opposing new drilling.

    The Minerals Management Service said that of the estimated 18 billion barrels of oil in off-limits coastal areas, almost 10 billion are off the coast of California.

    “California could actually start producing new oil within a year if the moratorium were lifted,” the Sanford C. Bernstein report said, because the oil is under shallow water, has been explored and drilling platforms have been there since before the moratoria.

    I think this is also a credible source. The thing that takes the longest is the permitting and other paperwork. We have rigs up and nearly ready to produce we just need to use them.

    But this is from Meathead who called Raven all kinds of names for misinterpreting what Joe Biden wrote. The he misread what someone wrote and played it off.

    I don’t comment at his site because he is not worth communicating with. But watch, he will cut and paste from here. The reason he does this is because he is not capable of writing anything but fiction and he is not good at that.

    If you want the link to the quote search for the last time we discussed it.