Obama Will Finish What Osama Started

Osama bin Laden is not a stupid man and his plan to attack America was brilliant from a tactical standpoint. He could never hope to beat this country in a head to head fight so he used airliners to kill nearly 3000 of our countrymen. He became emboldened when Bill Clinton withdrew from Somalia after the Blackhawk Down incident. Osama believed that America was a paper tiger. He never expected the response that we gave him.

He attacked us on 9/11 but that was the opening salvo in a protracted war. Bin Laden’s real goal is to bankrupt America. His belief is that he engaged the Soviets in Afghanistan for 10 years and they went broke fighting. He believes that he can do the same thing to America. The big difference is that the major part of his plan will not play out on the battlefield. No, bin Laden banked on us spending a fortune to keep our country safe and he was right. We have not been attacked since 9/11 but we have spent a fortune keeping safe. Many times when we needed to spend money 9/11 played into the thinking and the amount of debt we incurred was great.

Bin Laden was banking on us spending and spending while he sat back and watched us go bankrupt. Despite tax cuts and increased revenues we continued to spend more than we took in. The deficit rose and, as Pastor Wright would say, our financial chickens came home to roost. Years of policies like the Community Reinvestment Act came back to bite us in our hind parts.

As a result we have been in a recession, not the worst of all time and not the worst since the Great Depression despite what the Sainted One has said. He and his minions have their talking points and part of their job is to scare people into submission. Terence P. Jeffrey at the Washington Times has a great piece describing this rhetoric. He lays out the numbers which refute the claims made by those hell bent on our economic collapse.

Claims Mr. Obama, “We have inherited an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression.”

But the historical figures for the gross domestic product (GDP), calculated by the U.S. Bureau Economic Analysis, say something else. After growing by 0.9 percent and 2.8 percent in the first two quarters of 2008, GDP declined by 0.5 percent and 3.5 percent in the third and fourth quarters of the year. Is that “an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression”?

Well, 1949 was far worse. GDP declined by 5.8 percent in the first quarter of that year and 1.2 percent in the second. It rebounded by 4.6 percent in the third, but then dropped 4 percent in the fourth. America did not start an irreversible decline that year. In 1950, the economy grew by an amazing 17.4 percent in the first quarter, 12.5 percent in the second, 16.6 percent in the third and 7.5 percent in the fourth.

In 1953-54, there was also a downturn worse than the one Mr. Obama “inherited.” GDP declined by 2.4 percent in the third quarter of 1953, by 6.2 percent in the fourth quarter and by 2 percent in the first quarter of 1954.

The rhetoric about catastrophe is nothing more than the politics of fear that Obama railed against during the campaign. He is ignoring history and sound policy in order to advance an agenda designed to funnel taxpayer money to his special interests. Many have claimed that Obama made a mistake by letting Pelosi and Reid write his plan but I believe his decision was calculated in order to give him plausible deniability. He stayed above the fray while the large number of Democrats in Congress were able to absorb the blow. They are already unpopular so why tarnish the Messiah?

We cannot spend our way out of the problem. Obama and his sock puppets keep saying that the stimulus plan is a spending bill because that is the point. If spending is stimulus then we should not have a problem because George Bush and Congress spent a lot of money. Using Obama’s logic we should have an unemployment rate of 0%. He blames George Bush for doubling the debt and causing the economic collapse (that did not cause it) but then says that the way to solve the problem is to spend more and go deeper into debt. If what Bush did caused it, how is doing more of what Bush did going to fix it?

Obama’s future generation bankruptcy plan will increase inflation and unemployment while doing little to stimulate the economy. During the times discussed by Jeffrey, the country was able to rebound fairly well after each of the past problems and none of them involved spending a TRILLION dollars. Passing a small, targeted stimulus or letting this play out is not in the cards because doing so would deny the Democrats the opportunity to take advantage of this crisis and get what they want. There is no doubt that this is what they did just as Rahm Emanuel said they would.

The unfortunate thing is that Obama and the Democrats are aiding and abetting the enemy. Osama bin Laden said he wanted to bankrupt us and he certainly got us to spend a lot of money.

Barack Obama is hell bent on finishing the job bin Laden started by saddling future generations with monumental debt.


If Obama takes control of health care he will probably force everyone to take one of these. He will need to in order to get reelected because this plan will bring nothing but bad memories.

Wall Street Journal (very good at debunking Obama)

Big Dog

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11 Responses to “Obama Will Finish What Osama Started”

  1. Adam says:

    Notice the not-so-subtle difference in how you speak about debt under Republicans and Democrats. Bush added trillions to our debt while protecting America. Obama will add trillions in debt while helping Osama bin Laden win. It’s sad how pathetic you are.

  2. Big Dog says:

    Notice the not so subtle way that the money has been spent?

    A Trillion dollar bill is the largest spending bill in our history. Many of the items should have been brought up under the normal appropriation process.

    And, in case you missed it, I was critical of using 9/11 to get many things and going overboard.

    I never stated that which you claim. You are so defensive of your messiah that you look at it all as criticism. That is how pathetic you are.

    In case you did not pick it up, I indicated bin Laden was able to send us halfway tot he poor house. He did that under Bush.

  3. Adam says:

    You and the people on this site that agree with you all live in a world where you believe Democrats hate the fundamentals of America, hate the troops, and want our enemies to win. You seek to reinforce that pathetic world view all the time with posts such at this one. Then when I point it out you accuse me of defending my “messiah,” as if that view of Obama by his supporters exists anywhere but in the minds of you and your kind. Yes, that’s how pathetic you are.

  4. Victoria says:

    If you don’t hate the fundamentals of America, then why is the Democratic party underminding them at every turn? And you evidently haven’t seen some of Obamas supporters or heard them.

    You know part of this porkulus bill was amnesty for all illegal aliens regardless of anything apparently. Which we were all critical of Bush for too. But here are some interesting facts:
    What do Hoover, Truman & Eisenhower Have in Common?


    Here is something that should be of great interest:

    Back during The Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover
    ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens
    in order to make jobs available to American citizens
    that desperately needed work.

    Harry Truman deported over two million Illegal’s after WWII
    to create jobs for returning veterans.

    And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower
    deported 13 million Mexican nationals!
    The program was called ‘Operation Wetback’
    so that American WWII and Korean veterans
    had a better chance at jobs.
    It took 2 Years, but they deported them!

    Now, if they could deport the illegal’s back then,
    they can sure do it today!!

    lf you have doubts about the veracity of this information,
    go here and confirm it for yourself.

    Don’t forget to pay your taxes…
    12 million Illegal Aliens are depending on you

  5. Adam says:


    It’s a shame you justify your distaste for illegals by ignoring the fact that they contribute to our economy in services and revenue while they pay many forms of taxes for which they most often don’t get returns on. I know it helps you to not feel guilty for ignoring your Christian values while hating them when you think about all of them as drug smuggling gang members and welfare queens…

    • Victoria says:

      More than my “distaste for illegals” (however don’t even go there regarding “my Christian values”) is my “distaste for the companies and employers” who are luring the illegals here and using their illegal status to under pay them and use them as slaves as it were thereby capitalizing on their poverty and their lack of recourse due to their illegal status. If anyone deserves punishment, it is the companies and employers who are doing this. They deserve to be fined and even thrown in jail as far as I am concerned. Of course that is too logical for our lawmakers.

    • Andy says:

      If you take illegal aliens as a group, I would propose that they consume far more dollars in government benefits/aid than what they contribute. When you say “they pay many forms of taxes” I can only assume that you are referring to consumption taxes like sales tax, tobacco tax, gas tax and the like. It sure isn’t income tax.

  6. Big Dog says:

    Illegals consume more than they pay in. They are an extreme burden to our health care system and our social services.

    If they want to be here they should be here legally.

    Even if they provided more than they take, which they don’t, that would be like saying that murderers are good because they decrease the population.

  7. Adam says:

    Studies as recently as 2007 have shown the burden on health care is an unsubstantiated claim. I don’t make that claim too lightly though since you work in the healthcare industry. Perhaps you can provide some evidence to suggest otherwise.

    Justification of amnesty for illegal immigrants to justification of murder is hardly a fair comparison if you ask me.

      • Adam says:

        So I get that there is a burden in some form, certainly more so in places like Texas of course, but extreme?

        I’m not seeing a unified set of data from your links that point to such a burden and in fact studies from RAND for instance and the study mentioned in this article concluded that illegals use tax payer funded services far less than opponents of illegal immigration contend.

        I won’t go crazy on you and say they pose no burden but I will argue that the burden is not as big as you let on. Many of the articles you cite point out how hard it is to put your finger on actual cost numbers and studies put the numbers nationwide at way lower than many of folks like in Texas estimate they spend at the state level. The RAND study again for instance found evidence to suggest maybe only $1.1 billion nationwide is spent by taxpayers for illegals. I don’t know the exact number but that is surely far less than what Americans spend.

        We could argue that their chronic uninsuredness (is that even a word?) is a burden but then we’d have to get into a debate in general about the massive group of uninsured Americans being a burden on the health care system at large.