Obama On Wrong Side Of History

When Barack Obama was running for the presidency he made a lot of promises. This is nothing new as all politicians try to be everything to everyone and they all make tons of promises. Most people know that they cannot keep the promises and, more importantly, the voters know it.

That is, of course, except for Obama supporters. Peggy the Moocher actually believes that Obama will buy her gas and pay for her house and countless others, including the doting media, believe that Obama will change the world.

Barack Obama has tried to lower expectations since he was elected and even stated, in an interview, that it was campaign rhetoric. In other words, you didn’t actually believe that, did y’all?

During Obama’s less than stellar inauguration speech he said:

“To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history ….” [emphasis mine]

The sainted one is trying to get this economic stimulus boondoggle passed and he has been courting Republicans, not because he needs them to get it passed but because he needs them to share the blame if it fails to stimulate the economy (and it will be a failure). But along the way this disciple of Saul Alinsky used rule #13 in Rules for Radicals in an attempt to silence dissent (this is listed as rule 12 in some references).

[note]Rule 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)[/note]

Barack Obama picked a fight with Rush Limbaugh by saying that Republicans could not listen to Limbaugh and get anything done. Why would the president of the United States single out a private citizen for scorn? Why would the president go after anyone unless he felt that person was a threat? Interestingly, Limbaugh came out with his own economic plan in the spirit of bipartisanship and this seems to have stifled the sainted one.

Rush Limbaugh is a voice of dissent. Dissent use to be a good thing when it was Democrats dissenting. They told us constantly that dissent was a patriotic thing and their messiah even reiterated that point. The days of clinging to power by silencing dissent are over.

But then, as he has done since he swore in, Obama did the opposite of what he said. He said no lobbyists and he made an exception. He said no silencing of dissent and he wants to silence Limbaugh and any other voice that does not sing in harmony with his tune. Stop listening to Limbaugh or we can’t get anything done is the same thing as saying that the dissenting voice is getting in the way so we need to quiet it.

I know Obama’s ascent to the top was historic on a number of levels but it would seem that in practice Obama is on the wrong side of history.

And that is according to his own words.

Big Dog

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14 Responses to “Obama On Wrong Side Of History”

  1. Angi says:

    I am so glad SOMEONE is pointing out the Alinsky connection. Obama’s whole campaign and tactics have practically been straight out of that book.

  2. Barbara says:

    Obama has been lying from the very beginning. I truly believe that all he is after is power and to undermine this country so his enemies can walk in.

  3. Barbara says:

    oops, that should have read “our” enemies.

  4. Victoria says:

    #13 exactly what they did to George Bush.

  5. Randy says:

    Rule #13 sounds exactly like what Rush Limbaugh does.

  6. Adam says:

    Alinsky, huh? I just figured out why the Republicans went from hero to zero in 2 elections. They’ve been reading from this book.

  7. Big Dog says:

    It would sound that way to you.

    Adam, we read this book. You should try it sometime.

    As for the book you link, most of us knew about the government before you were born and we learned it in schools that taught actual history and actual social studies not that rewritten liberal crap you suckled from the teat of the school system.

    And really Adam, in order to be a COMPLETE idiot you have to be a liberal.

  8. Adam says:

    Personally I prefer the NIV but maybe that’s just the teat suckling liberal in me.

    Let’s face it though. There’s not enough witty comebacks in your repository to make up for the epic failure that is the modern Republican party. The joke is on you, my friend, and will remain that way for the next few years.

  9. Big Dog says:

    The party has had some setbacks but no more than Democrats have had in the past. Epic failure is a stretch.

    The joke is on America as we have Obama slowly degrading our country.

    Something big is going to happen on this guy’s watch. The stimulus that belongs completely to the Democrats will fail and we will be attacked again. Both of these will put an end to Obama and the Democrats. He is responsible for American deaths (more later in a post).

    I think you prefer the NLV (New Liberal Version) that removes all the things you support that the Book does not…

  10. David Stewart says:

    I dont know why Obama would waste his time with Limbaugh as he is a known weak substance abuser.

  11. Big Dog says:

    Well David,
    Since Obama is a known weak substance abuser, maybe he thinks they have something in common.

    Limbaugh got hooked on legally prescribed pain medication. Obama took illegal drugs. Why do you have trouble with Limbaugh and not Obama?

  12. David Stewart says:

    because Cannabis is a herb given to us by God

    i personally partake every evening and I am a successful media producer working a high stress position

    paranoid ignorant white men afraid of their slaves smoking refer and becoming attracted to their white women and so here we are still a persecuted minority to this day

    white evolved David
    another fan of a real man who has worked and lived with the people on the street and understands them

    so sad he must now live like the elite hermetically sealed behind their windshields

  13. Big Dog says:

    Considering there is no punctuation or capital letters and that the comment rambled, I would say David wrote it after he smoked his dope.

    There is no denying that it causes harm to the body, especially the brain.

    Just read some of the comments…

  14. David Stewart says:

    there is no punctuation or spelling on the internet and anyone that cares about form vs content is a dinosaur

    from where I am sitting in China it looks your america is gone

    the people here own your big carbon assprint and when you pay your taxes this year know where your payment on the debt is going

    change is the only constant and instead of working towards positive change people like yourself waste their energy by complaining until the once familiar falls out from under your feet

    goodluck with the bitch campaign I am due back on planet earth