Obama, Not McCain, Is Stuck In The Past

The newest Obama attack ad portrays John McCain as a man who is stuck in the past. I wrote about this earlier and indicated that though the ad claims that McCain can’t use the Internet, it does not make it clear that he uses it with help. You see, John McCain knows how it all works, he just can’t use it because the North Vietnamese broke his fingers a lot so McCain can’t type. He reads his email and his wife types his responses for him.

Regardless of Obama’s obvious ignorance of this issue (his ads seem to keep demonstrating his ignorance), the ad is disingenuous, misleading and hypocritical for another reason and that is, Barack Obama is actually the one stuck in the past.

Obama has been claiming to be an agent of change and he has stated that it will not be politics as usual in DC when The One arrives to take over the place. No one with any brains believes this (given his old style Chicago tactics) but it sounds good and it makes younger liberal women wet their panties and liberal men drool. The ad is designed to show us that John McCain is stuck in the past and will not bring change to Washington.

But is that the reality? Barack Obama has been saying he is the agent of change and when he had the opportunity to demonstrate that he blew it. Barack Obama chose a running mate who has been part of the Washington DC good ole boy network for 36 years. Instead of demonstrating his conviction to change Obama showed us that he is actually the person who is stuck in the past. His selection of Biden is old school, from a time long ago, a regression rather than a progression and it is counter to all Obama claims to be. Interestingly, there is a low roar that Biden will have some previously undisclosed “illness” that will force him to withdraw. Make no mistake, if Biden leaves it is because he was forced out. Any selection of Clinton from this point on will call Obama’s decision making ability into question.

Now, how about John McCain, the guy Obama paints as being in the past? John McCain selected a running mate who is young and has not been part of the DC political scene EVER. He chose a person who works for the people and not for the government and one who took on corruption in her own state. He selected a person who is the future and not the past. The selection of Sarah Palin demonstrates forward thinking rather than the thinking of someone who is stuck in the past.

Contrast Biden with Palin and then ask yourself which of the two demonstrates change in DC. Ask yourself which presidential candidate chose a running mate that is part of the future and not part of the past.

The ad Barack Obama aired has out of style glasses, a disco ball, a clunky huge mobile phone, and an old monochrome computer. These are all links to the past but Obama left out one very important link to the past in that ad. That link would be his running mate, Joe Biden. Biden is as much a relic as the items displayed but you won’t find him on that film.

No, that relic from the past is right next to Barack Obama, the man who claims to be about the future…

Big Dog

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One Response to “Obama, Not McCain, Is Stuck In The Past”

  1. Reason says:

    I like this one:

    [i]On This Week with George Stephanopoulos this morning, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., a surrogate for the campaign of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., raised the age and health of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., when discussing the qualifications, or lack thereof, of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

    McCaskill said she stood by her remarks that she’s “uncomfortable with anyone, regardless of gender, that is going to be vice president to one of the oldest presidents we’ve ever had that has never met a world leader.”[/i]

    So according to McCaskill if I had met say Tony Blair once and talked with him for 5 minutes I”m suddenly qualified to be VP? I’m sure Palin will have many an opportunity to have tea with Britain’s PM, crepes with France’s President, etc. once she’s VP. I doubt McCain is going to head off to the pearly gates in the first 120 days of 2009, but then again you never know…