Obama Is Spreading The Wealth

Barack Obama has collected around 605 million dollars, some of it from legal donors who are not fictional characters. Obama understands how the world of Chicago politics works and he is very cleverly transferring 2 million dollars of that money to Mayor Daley and his crime machine.

Recently it was revealed that Obama was planning an election night party in Chicago (the one where he will charge reporters for access). The party will be a big, outside event because Obama’s ego does not allow anything else (acceptance speech).

Today it was reported that Mayor Daley has placed a 2 million dollar price tag on the event. Bingo, now you know how Obama will be able to transfer a couple of million dollars from his campaign war chest (money from all over the world) to the city of Chicago to help them with their budget woes. Barry could not write them a check but he can hold an extravagant event and pay them top dollar. Daley and Obama are experts at skirting the law in the tradition of Chicago politicians throughout history.

If he is this loose with your money as a candidate think how loose he will be with billions of dollars from all taxpayers.

Ever wonder how greedy Obama is? He has enough money that he will have to spend about 12 million a day before the election and he has sent out an email asking for another $10 from all his donors (I presume he even means the ones who have either maxed out or more than maxed out because he is really loose with the rules when it comes to taking in money). He could not possibly need that kind of money but he keeps asking for more.

Kind of sounds like how he will run government, should he be elected. Keep taking more and more so that he can spend more and more.

Now you know why they are called the tax and spend party. You also know that Barry has demonstrated that he really does believe in spreading the wealth around, especially to his crime boss friends.

Big Dog

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17 Responses to “Obama Is Spreading The Wealth”

  1. Adam says:

    Seems like a poor time to call Obama loose with is money. Didn’t Palin just get caught dropping $150,000 on clothes hair and makeup? Didn’t Palin just get caught charging the Alaskan taxpayers for her kids travel in an unofficial capacity?

    Sure, the Dems have been called the tax and spend party but for some reason nobody calls the GOP the cut taxes and still spend party. Yet somehow the GOP still tries to keep a straight face when they talk about fiscal responsibility. But then again what’s $859 billion for the wars, $700 billion for the bailout and over $400 billion in general for the budget deficit…all and all contributing to the $4 trillion addition to the national debt under Bush…

  2. Big Dog says:

    Seems to me that since the Republicans said the clothes will be donated to charity after the election, which is legal, then it is not violating the law.

    The trip reports were amended to indicate the children were on official travel (before she was even picked as I understand it). Don’t know if they were but if we are to believe Obama can amend reports about ACORN and are supposed to believe it was a mistake then the same courtesy should be extended to her. Funny how the media has not investigated the illegal campaign money he is taking in, as shown on a number of occasions but continues to dig for every little tid bit on Palin. Are they afraid?

    Obama is funneling money to Chicago, nothing more.

    You won’t get an argument from me about money being spent by Republicans but let us not forget that it takes both parties to spend it. Let us also not forget that it was the Democrats who brought us this mess as stated by your hero Bill Clinton.

  3. Adam says:

    Which mess?

  4. Adam says:

    Nevermind, as soon as I posted it I assume you mean the part about Clinton saying the Dems opposed changing Fannie and Freddie?

  5. Barbara says:

    With all the crookedness of the Democratic party, I see nothing wrong with a mere $150,000 wardrobe for Sarah Palin with the clothes going to charity after the campaign. Why are people defending the lies and absolute corruption of Obama and complaining about $150,000. Put in Obama and all your money will no longer be your own, but will belong to him to be spread around.

    My question is “How can we, as citizens, do our part to force Obama to own up to all his fraud”.

  6. Adam says:

    It’s just a bit ironic after folks did things like hammer Edwards for a $400 haircut to make him look detached from average America. When Palin and Cindy McCain order thousands of dollars of clothes y’all back peddle. But then again, what average woman in America doesn’t just go on a $150,000 shopping spree? It’s all going to charity…

  7. Big Dog says:

    Can you donate a 400 dollar haircut to charity?

    I am willing to bet that the total cost is for more than just clothes.

    This average woman did not go on a 150k shopping spree, the campaign went on one and provided her clothes that will be donated to charity.

    I suggest you concern yourself with the millions of dollars in illegal donations Obama has received and ask who is buying this election.

  8. Reason says:

    Adam have you checked the price of clothing lately? Yeah 150k is a lot of money but how much have the Dems spent on BO’s and Biden’s hair & make up. Supposedly BO bought his own clothes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a few “care packages” didn’t come from wealthy supporters. Also the Obama’s pulled in 4 million last year in income, the Palin’s are worth about 1.2 million in total assets.

    Also how many of BO’s suits were bought with taxpayer money during his term in the Senate? We’ll never know because the MSM won’t devote the same energy to investigating BO that they have to Sarah Palin or even Joe the Plumber.

  9. Adam says:

    I think it’s funny that in the last few cycles the Dems have out raised and out spent the GOP and all of the sudden Republicans are crying about somebody buying the election. If there’s anything in politics for sure on both sides it’s hypocritical role reversal.

    I wasn’t aware that there was anything to the so called “millions of dollars in illegal donations” other than accusations and complaints that haven’t gone anywhere. Why should I be concerned?

    But go ahead, keep on with the straight faced suggestion that it is the GOP that is the party of fiscal responsibility. For McCain and Palin it must be a lot easier to keep a straight face while wearing thousands of dollars worth of clothes hair and makeup. Just not so easy to appear to be in touch with the common American…

  10. Barry says:

    I am a south african,conservative,and have followed the pre-election battles closely.
    I would appreciate if somebody could give me some answers:
    The republican candidates all seemed to be pro-american and proud of it,
    The demos seemed to be anti american and without any sign of patriotic pride.
    Am I wrong?
    Obama is endorsed by just about all muslim states and just about the whole of Africa and some bleeding heart liberals in the USA.WHY?
    Will they get certain conssessions from Obama,or will they also benefit from”spreading the wealth” of the American taxpayers?
    Why does the black population in the USA support him so solidly?is colour the criteria?

  11. Barry says:

    To ADAM

  12. Patsy says:

    Barry, the candidacy of Barack Obama is a front for the leftist movement across the globe which has been ongoing for decades. I believe his backers are foreigners and their willing accomplices in the mainstream media and the US Democratic Party which they’ve bought and own. You are absolutely right that the Democrats and Barack Obama have no patriotic pride in America. The candidacy of Obama is not Affirmative Action, per se, but it did have a hand in allowing Barack Obama the opportunity to become who he is. As for why the Democratic Party chose Obama, I think he’s a puppet for George Soros and his ilk. Democrats are supporting him because they don’t believe in freedom or capitalism. They’d rather confiscate the wealth of hard-working Americans than get off their lazy butts and earn the money themselves. They have no pride, no self-respect — just a big sense of entitlement. They disgust me.

    Keep one thing in mind, Barry; there are a helluva lot more tax-paying contributing members of American society than there are non-achievers. Welfare recipients, who are too lazy to get jobs are also too lazy to go to the polls and cast their votes. There’s a fair amount of voter registration fraud that’s gone on in this election. We’ll see if they’re able to get all of these losers to actually go to the polls and vote. The average, middle class Americans aren’t about to hand over control of this country to the most radical leftist to ever run for office without one hell of a fight.

    If Obama does win, it will be close and the results will be suspect. The reason ACORN has registered so many ineligible voters is because they know they can’t win this election fair and square. They’re going to have to cheat to make that happen. It will fail if enough of the registered voters go to the polls and cast their votes.

    Interesting that your name is Barry. That’s the nickname Barack Obama’s grandparents referred to him by. Or is your selection of that screen name purposeful?

  13. I’ve been reading about some credit-card fraud too.

  14. Barry says:

    My real name is Smuts-after Gen.Jan Smuts-but my gran started calling me Barry at the age of 3.
    Thank you for filling me in.
    Thus far I have seen Gates,Buffett and now the NY Times endorse Obama,and I wondered why?
    To me also,Obama has made no specific mentioning of how he will solve certain problems,just a lot of hanging in the air statements,thus the above mentioned individuals and papers and tv stations ,like CNN,Bloomberg,etc actually endorse no specific policy…would this be a correct assumption?
    To me a stable and well governed USA is also beneficial to us here in South Africa.
    Thus I would ,if I could vote,NOT vote Democrat.
    What worries me about what I have seen at Obama rallies ,is the fact that so many young people seem to be intoccicated with Obama.
    Could that be the media which have an adverse effect on the minds of the youth?
    If Obama should ,by hook or by crook,win,then i can only feel sorry for the THINKING Americans,like you.
    Then I can only say”Welcome to Africa”,and believe me ,none of you would like that…ask me… I know.
    If I could give a message to the THINKING Americans,it would certainly be-“In 2008 YOUR vote could MAKE or BREAK the USA-The Land of the Brave and the FREE–would YOU vote to BREAK a Proud history????????????????”

  15. Patsy says:

    Thanks. Barry. Many traditional (older) Americans lament the “dumbing-down” of our youth. Schools, actually all of academia, are overrun by leftists who’ve changed education from reading, writing, math and science to political indoctrination factories which teach hatred of freedom, capitalism and a strong military. And I suppose we let this happen by electing these idiots and keeping them in office. Our news media is also completely controlled by the left. In fact our mainstream media haven’t really practiced journalism for decades. What they have become are campaigners for the Democratic Party. How Americans who were born and raised in this country would want to fundamentally change everything that’s so successful is beyond. I guess there’s an epidemic of stupidity in this country.

  16. barry says:

    Pasy,what i cant u nderstand,is how so many good americans can be brainwashed by Soros,Buffett,Clinton..Bill and Obama
    So far I have reached the conclusion that the Bill Clinton administration is greatly responsible for the freddie and others(banks) failures,because they were instructed …by him…to give housing loans to those who cant afford it…..socialism.

  17. barry says:

    contac me at barryvv1@hotmail.com ,please