NJ Wants to Tax Fast Food

An idea has been floating around New Jersey that would have people pay a sin tax on fast food. The suggestion came from a hospital association meeting as a way to help raise money for financially strapped hospitals (stop treating ILLEGALS). The interesting thing is that a spokesperson for the governor said there was no plan to tax fast food but that Governor Corzine was open to reasonable solutions to help solve financing problems.

To Democrats taxing something is a reasonable solution. They ignore the fact that people are getting soaked now because of taxes and high prices. The economy is in a slow cycle that started when Democrats took control of Congress and their answer is to tax, tax, tax.

Fast food is not a necessity so if they tax it then people should stop eating it. Take the money they save and buy food to make lunches. Skip fast food all together and pretty soon the government will get the message.

New Jersey is mismanaged and corrupt. I know people who have been victims of the corruption and who are being ruined by corrupt politicians, judges and police officers. They continue to have financial problems despite the fact they have a huge gaming industry that brings in a ton of money. The corrupt people there are unable to keep spending under control and be responsible with money.

I am absolutely certain that if they could figure out how to measure how much air we breathe they would tax that too. They would probably justify it by telling us to get in shape so we breathe less and use air more efficiently.

I can imagine the new jingle if they start taxing Big Macs:

You deserve a break today
so get up and get away
from New Jersey

Democrats: They never met a tax they didn’t hike.


Big Dog

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6 Responses to “NJ Wants to Tax Fast Food”

  1. Mr. Music says:

    You’d like to see the hospitals treating less people, I’d like to see them treating more people.

    Your idea that the economy has been going south since the Democrats took control of congress seems quite laughable to me. The economy has been going south for a lot longer than that. If you look at the numbers from January 2001 to today it’s remarkable how much our country has fallen back in the last 7 years. It’s time for some real leadership in Washington, that’s for sure. How about that Barack Obama fella? He seems pretty bright. Intelligence in the White House would be a welcome change.

    As far as the tax on fast food. Seems like a decent idea to me. Americans need to eat less fast food anyway, and really eating that garbage you should pay a sin tax as you are going to be clogging up the hospitals from all of the diseases you get from eating at McDonalds.

    Mr. Musics last blog post..Some Albums To Be Released In May

  2. Big Dog says:

    No, I think hospitals should treat fewer people. Since I happen to do this for a living and have a bit of experience in it I can tell you that 57% of ER visits are non emergent. People should be being treated more by DOCTORS in their offices. Leave hospitals for emergent cases and those requiring admission.

    Typical liberal twaddle, regulate what people eat. Is this a free country or not? People should be able to eat what they want. People die, it is just a matter of when. Making people pay more taxes is stupid. Should we tax bottled water because water can be poisonous?

    Should we tax Starbucks because caffeine is bad for you? That would tweak the liberal twits.

    It is not up to you ar government to decide how much fast food people need to eat. It is a legal substance and they can eat as much as they want.

    Government needs to stop taxing everything and get out of our lives.

  3. cav104 says:

    Sounds to me like you’re a few notes off maybe even a little pitchy Mr. Music. I for one am not ready to go on a Magical Mystery Tour with Barack the Magic Negro. I’d rather spend the time in LALA Land with Hillary Clinton. We at least know who she is. If we consider the reality of it, neither of these two is qualified nor have a shot at it. And in the end we will be left with MC Cain the pseudo Republican.

    Have a nice day.

    104th Cavalary. Probably have to save your musical ass some day.

  4. Big Dog says:


    You have to love the Cav!

  5. Schatzee says:

    I am a little offended by the term “sin” tax. After all, last time I checked a sloppy burger was not on the top ten list in my book. It may not be good for you but there are lots of things that aren’t good for you and we don’t go around citing a sin tax on it. This is ridiculous. I am tired of hearing about how we need to be monitored and penalized for misbehaving like wayward children. We are a free country and if someone wants to saturated fat themselves into oblivion, more power to it.

    Want an idea to make more money? How about we start making prisoners actually work and produce something (anything besides more criminals). Then the money generated could go to their living expenses (just like my paycheck goes to mine) and we could use the money they would be putting into prisons to help those overburdened hopsitals. First step, like the DOG says, stop treating illegals and allowing people to use the ER and hospital as a clinic.

    I’m not even touching the comments about O’bamaination. Not even worth the time commenting – he’s just another fool trying to take our money and spend it on others.

  6. Jim Loftus says:

    “I’m not even touching the comments about O’bamaination. Not even worth the time commenting – he’s just another fool trying to take our money and spend it on others.”

    You are correct he is not worth the time but I feel obligated to mention for those who are not aware that the term “Magic Negro” was coined by David Ehrenstein of the LA Times on March 19, 2007. More information on the “Magical Negro” can be found here.

    Have a Nice Day.
