New York Governor Linked to Prostitution Ring

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has been linked to a prostitution ring in the state. Spitzer, who is married with children, is scheduled to hold a press conference this afternoon though there are no specifics as to how detailed his discussion will be. There have been no details as to what his involvement was, exactly, so one can only speculate if he visited prostitutes or was involved in the operation of the ring.

I am wondering if Howard Dean and the rest of the Democrats will come unhinged over this. I want to know if they will be demanding the resignation of Spitzer and if they will paint all Democrats with the broad brush of perversion that was used to paint Republicans after the Foley and Craig incidents.

It will be particularly interesting to see how the liberals excuse this behavior, as they did with Bill Clinton, and if they tout Spitzer’s proclaimed toughness on crime and corruption as a mitigating factor in how he should be treated.

Come on Dems, where are all your calls for resignation? Where are all the snide remarks and accusations of widespread perversion? If this were a Republican Governor you guys would be barking at the moon. [For the record, I think they should all be removed from office, regardless of party]

There is only one thing about this that disappoints me and that is it wasn’t the Governor of Maryland who got caught. Then again, Governor O’Malley is probably not visiting a brothel.

He is too busy screwing the citizens of Maryland instead.

New York Times

Big Dog

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3 Responses to “New York Governor Linked to Prostitution Ring”

  1. Wayfarer says:

    I think we all know what the reaction will be. Al Sharpton was just on Fox saying things like ‘We should let him and his family be, it’s a trying time for them.’ In fairness, I don’t know what his reaction to the Foley and Craig dramas was, I can only speculate.

  2. stageleft says:

    There are, of course, those party dogmatics who will work at getting their guy off using the “it’s not the same thing” line of rhetoric – just as there were party dogmatics who said Larry Craig was a good and upstanding citizen who was abused by the system.

    The question about whether or not Spitzer is, or is not, worthy of whatever comes his way is whether or not he had hung his hat on the ever popular “family values” peg – if he has (and I don’t know if that’s the case or not) he’s fair game for ridicule and satire.

    The other question that I think needs to be asked is WTF are these guys thinking dragging their wives and families out onto public stages when they make their apologies for getting caught? I mean good god, have they no respect for their partners?

    stageleft’s last blog post..How Fast Would That Empty The Blogosphere?

  3. Steve Dennis says:

    Predictibly, the Democrats hold their own to much lower standards.

    Steve Dennis’s last blog post..Hillary Clinton Refuses to Comment on Spitzer’s Sex Scandal