Maryland Governor Prepares to Inflict Tax Pain

When Martin O’Malley was running against Robert Ehrlich for Governor of the state of Maryland I knew it was going to be tough for Ehrlich, the Republican, to win. Maryland is infested with Liberal Democrats who would vote for bin Laden if there was a D next to his name. I also warned that if O’Malley, the Teflon Leprechaun, were to be elected he would raise taxes through the roof. O.Malley won and during the first legislative session taxes were not addressed though some of the Democrats wanted to strike quickly now that there was no Republican to veto their thieving ways. O’Malley decided that he needed to look at things and see what could be cut first and after the legislative session ended he gave his token cuts and said he had done all he could and that there would be a need to raise taxes. Now, O’Malley has called for a special session that will start in the next few weeks and they will look at ways to fix the Democratically induced budget deficit. O’Malley went on a two week tour telling everyone what taxes would be raised. It was his tax a day tour and by the time it was over, it was apparent that we were going to get hurt. O’Malley also indicated that he needed a special session now because it would be irresponsible to wait until the next session (but it was not irresponsible to ignore it during the last session and let the problem grow).

Maryland has one of the highest per-capita income rates in the country and we have high taxes already but the Democrats, who have controlled the state since the beginning of time, have never been fiscally responsible and their answer to every budget problem is to raise taxes. O’Malley has this whiny condescending voice that sounds like a twit and he grates on my nerves especially sine his message is not one I want to hear.

Maryland, get ready because you are about to feel some real pain and despite what the Teflon Leprechaun has told you, the taxes will affect all residents, even the poor folks and the children, because it is all about the children. O’Malley has stated that he will change the income taxes and remove the fair system we have now, replacing it with a progressive tax structure that forces people who make more money to pay more of a percentage of income to the state. As it is right now every wage earner pays the same percentage of income and O’Malley has flat out stated that this is not fair and he wanted to make it fair by making people who make more pay a higher rate. Imagine how fair people would think it is if people who paid higher tax rates were allowed to go the the front of the MVA line and did not have to pay for parking because they pay more. People would scream about how unfair it is and yet they think it is fair for people who make more to pay a higher percentage. This is because the Democrats have given us class warfare and idiots believe that it is actually fair to screw people who make more money.

O’Malley claims that (83-95% depending on when he speaks) will pay lower income taxes. This might be true but it is a bait and switch because these folks will lose the savings in all the other taxes. Other taxes must be raised because there are not enough rich people to support all the people with their hands out. So, O’Malley will raise the state sales tax 20% (from 5 to 6 cents on the dollar) and will increase the services that these taxes apply to. The only service that was left out is lawyer’s fees. The fact that O’Malley and most of the legislators are lawyers had nothing to do with that, right…

This will really hurt the poor. Most of the taxes that the state takes in is on sales and poor folks spend a lot of money on things. One major purchase will wipe out anything they saved on income taxes. Then the state wants to impose a higher gasoline tax as if the nearly 20 cents a gallon they get is not enough. O’Malley claims that the infrastructure needs work but the state never dedicates money collected for transportation to transportation. It goes to the general fund where it can be spent on unnecessary things. Maryland is a really small state that has a lot of toll roads that rake in millions of dollars. Where do they go? The cost to register a vehicle is really high and yet we never seem to have the money we need to fix things. It is called mismanagement and in Maryland the way to handle mismanagement is to raise taxes. The gas tax will probably be a percentage of gas price rather than a fixed amount per gallon. This way, as gas prices rise so so taxes. Who do you suppose this will hurt?

There will be a number of other taxes implemented and each one will be another painful cut in the budget of the working class folks in this state. The way they tax us here it is no wonder that a family making 3 or 4 times the poverty rate needs S-CHIP. If you make 60,000 dollars you only get about 30,000 of it to keep once the state and federal government gets done with you.

There is a simple solution to fix the budget problem in this state and that is to control spending. If they held spending to 3.5% they could wipe out the deficit but if they held spending how would O’Malley pay off all those he owes favors? Democrats do not want to hear anything about holding the line on spending because they love to take our money and spend it irresponsibly. It is a simple fact and the sad thing is that this is well known but people still voted for them. The only pleasure I get is knowing that these tax increases will be killing all the poor folks who voted for this idiot. I hope the taxes hurt them so badly that the only thing they can have for Christmas dinner is cat food. I know it sounds cruel but the fact is in order for some people to learn there has to be pain. Those who voted for him should be in horrific pain for a long time and maybe they will learn. I hope this is the most painful thing they have ever had in their lives and I do not care how it makes me look, I want them to hurt.

Now, we need to address slots. That has been in the works for a long time and most Democrats, including O’Malley, were against them when Ehrlich wanted them. Now that O’Malley is in he has changed his mind and so have others. The slots issue will be bounced around for a while but the taxes will take effect quickly. I was in favor of slots in the past. Marylanders go to neighboring states to gamble so why not have slots here so we can keep the money in state. Hell, the state runs the lottery and there are about a million different games to play. Slots will not make anyone poor who has not already become poor due to the lottery. I am now against slots and will never play them if they come. I will go to Delaware and gamble. They deserve my money more and my wife and I have talked about moving there to escape the tax burden of Maryland.

As it is right now we live close enough to shop up there for a lot of things. We shop at the Commissary so there are no taxes on our groceries and major items come from Delaware where they have no sales tax. We have avoided buying a new vehicle but will get socked with a hefty tax bill when we do, unless we move before that.

Maryland is in for a rude awakening. They will raise our taxes and they will screw us to the wall and in three years the budget will still be a mess. They cannot keep from spending so they will need to raise taxes again and again. For those who can, look for ways to reduce your tax burden. Purchase US Savings bonds because they are not subject to state or local taxes. Check with a tax adviser to see how you can avoid being a victim of rape in the state of Maryland.

O’Malley is a terrible leader and this state is run by a bunch of irresponsible idiots. They are going to inflict pain on all of us and we will have little to show for it. I only hope it is painful enough that people either change their minds about who they vote for or that it renders them unable to vote.

As for me, I think we should change the system so that you start with one vote and get an additional vote for every $5000 you pay in taxes. I bet people would scream unfair but it is as fair as the progressive tax. Hell, those who pay the most should have the most say in how the country is run.

BOHICA** Maryland…

Big Dog

**Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

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One Response to “Maryland Governor Prepares to Inflict Tax Pain”

  1. Andi says:

    Senator EJ Pipkin has been fighting hard against all of these proposed taxes. He has established a website with an online petition that you and your readers should sign to voice your anger against ALL of these taxes.
    Go to: and help stop what has been called “the largest tax hike plan in Maryland’s history”!
