It Is Official, Obama Says No Wrongdoing

When the story about Governor Blagojevich trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat broke, The Sainted One said that he did not have any contact with the governor. He then said that none of his people had contact. For several days there were pictures of Obama and Blagojevich together. There were stories of the two meeting and David Axelrod said that he knew that the two had met. He said it a month before it mattered and then retracted it when Obama contradicted it with a lie.

In any event, Obama assured us that there were no contacts and then he said he was going to have an internal investigation which he knew would show there had been no contacts. After four days he completed the investigation and what do you know, Obama said there were no inappropriate contacts. He had to change from no contacts to no inappropriate contacts because it is now well known that his would be Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, was caught on tape discussing the issue.

Perhaps Obama can explain how it is that he had no contact with Blagojevich when he [Obama] sent Emanuel to discuss the candidates who would be acceptable to him. If Obama sent him then it is contact. It is not face to face contact but Emanuel contacted Blagojevich on behalf of Obama and with his full knowledge. Therefore, Obama had contact with Blagojevich specifically for the purpose of discussing the Senate seat, a topic Obama says was never discussed.

Obama’s desire to be the candidate of change, the guy who brings a new kind of politics to Washington is a pipe dream now. He lied to the public. He and his people might not have done anything wrong but he lied about the contact. His first instinct was to lie which makes him no different than 99.9% of all the other politicians.

It took him four days to investigate and that should say something because, as pointed out at NRO:

Truth Is Available Immediately, But Lies Take Time To Coordinate

They had to make sure they knew what Emanuel said and did and they had to make sure that they all had it straight that The Sainted One has no dirt under his nails.

One last thing that is very convenient. It has been alleged that Fitzgerald kept hush-hush about certain aspects of the investigation prior to the election so as not to hurt Obama’s chances. Now, according to Obama, Fitzgerald wants him to wait until the week of the 22nd to release the results of the internal investigation. Obama will be on vacation and people will be wrapped up in last minute Christmas shopping. This should pretty much bury whatever he found out.

Looks like Barry is getting his very own Fitzmas present…

Big Dog

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